Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 121 Irritating Goblins

After Kevin allowed everyone to enter the dungeon. Ben quickly entered the dungeon with his team. 

He didn\'t wait for notifications for the mission or something. After going to where many passageways were being separated he stopped there. 

"Boss, why did we stop?" One of the team members of Ben asked.

Ben\'s team looked at him with confusion as he stood at the crossroads of the dungeon\'s passageways.

Ben took a deep breath before answering his teammate\'s question.

"We need to be strategic about this. We can\'t just blindly charge into the dungeon without a plan." Ben said and continued,

"We need to figure out which way to go, based on what we know about the mission and the dungeon\'s layout." As Ben explained this, all of his team members looked at him in disbelief. 

"Who are you?" One of the members pointed his sword toward Ben. 

"Gram, Don\'t ask questions. He can\'t be our boss. Our Boss would never say those wise words," Another member, started chanting a spell for binding. 

"Yes, Gram. Andy is saying something logical for the first time. Our boss is someone who would face problems head-on, and never plan beforehand. After failing he would curse at everyone." The guy with a big stomach said. 

"Galanar, don\'t bullshit about the boss. Otherwise, I will pierce your stomach with arrows and make countless holes." The guy with a crossbow in hand said. 

After this, all of Ben\'s team members started fighting among themselves.

Ben couldn\'t help but chuckle at his team\'s disbelief and confusion.

He knew he had a reputation for being impulsive and brash, but he also knew the importance of being strategic in certain situations.

"Guys, guys, calm down," Ben said, holding up his hands. "I know this might be a shock to you, but I\'ve been trying to improve myself. I\'ve been reading books on strategy and tactics, trying to be a better leader for all of you."

His team members looked at each other skeptically, but Ben continued.

"I know we\'ve had some rough missions in the past, but maybe if we take a more thoughtful approach this time, we can avoid some of those mistakes." Ben was saying these words wisely.

"We can come up with a plan, work together, and hopefully come out of this dungeon alive and victorious." 

There was a moment of silence as Ben\'s team members looked at him, considering his words.

Finally, the guy with a big stomach spoke up. "Well, I guess it couldn\'t hurt to try something different for once. What do you have in mind, boss?"

Ben smiled. "First, let\'s take a look at the map and see which direction would be the safest to take. Then, let\'s discuss our strengths and weaknesses and figure out a plan of attack."

"How did you get the map?" Gram looked at Ben with doubtful eyes.

"A friend gave it to me." Ben just said casually. All of the team members looked at him with skeptical eyes. 

They couldn\'t believe that Ben could get a map of an unexplored dungeon. All of them looked at each other. With eye contact, they decide to go along with this imposter, so they could find their Boss\' whereabouts.

As Ben\'s team members gathered around the map to plan their next move, they still couldn\'t believe that their impulsive and brash boss was capable of strategic thinking.

"Are you feeling okay, boss? Do you need us to get you some water or something?" Gram asked, still not fully convinced.

"I\'m fine, Gram," Ben replied, trying not to show his frustration. "I just think it\'s important to have a plan, that\'s all."

The guy with the crossbow chimed in, "I don\'t know, boss. I always thought our strategy was to charge in blindly and hope for the best. It\'s worked for us so far."

"Yeah, and when it doesn\'t work, we just blame the guy with the lowest damage," Galanar added, earning a chuckle from the group.

Ben rolled his eyes. "Look, I\'m not saying we can\'t still charge in, but lets at least have a plan of attack. We can work together and use our strengths to our advantage."

The guy with the big stomach scratched his head. "I don\'t know, boss. My main strength is eating, and I don\'t think that\'s going to be very useful in a dungeon."

The group laughed, but Ben remained focused. "We all have skills and abilities that can be useful. We just need to use them strategically. Now, let\'s come up with a plan and show this dungeon who\'s boss!"

As they continued to plan, Ben\'s team members still couldn\'t believe the change in their boss. But hey, if it meant a successful mission and a chance to avoid being blamed for failure, they were willing to go along with it.

At that moment, his smartwatch rang. 

He projected a hologram from his smartwatch into the air as soon as the notification came. 

[Goblin King - D rank] 

All of them watched their target for the mission. 

"According to the map, the goblin\'s nest is in South West part of the dungeon. Let\'s go there and complete our mission successfully." Ben said with a smile. 

However, no one among the team member responded to him. 

"Are you sure - that map is genuine?" Patrick asked. Although he was the only one among the group who had somewhat trust in the "alleged" imposter of Ben. However, even he wasn\'t sure about the credibility of that map. 

"Guys, I know I\'m not exactly what you expected as your boss, but I can assure you that I\'m here to lead us through this dungeon and complete our mission successfully," Ben said calmly. 

The team members looked at each other and then back at Ben, still not convinced.

"But you\'re not acting like our usual boss," Gram pointed out, lowering his sword.

"That\'s because I\'m trying to take a more strategic approach to this mission. We can\'t just blindly charge into the dungeon without a plan. We need to work together, assess the situation and move forward," Ben explained.

"But our boss never plans. He just jumps in, and curses at everyone after failing," the guy with a big stomach, Galanar added.

"I understand your concerns, but I believe that together, we can do this," Ben said, trying to convince his team.

Andy finally spoke, "We need to know that we can rely on you, Boss."

"You can, and you will," Ben replied confidently.

The team members looked at each other and then nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let\'s do this," Patrick said, nocking an arrow in his crossbow.

His team nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of careful planning.

Together, they discussed their mission objectives and the information they had gathered about the dungeon\'s layout.


[After half an hour] 

Ben and his group arrived at the goblin\'s nest. Their progress was too fast compared to other groups. 

On the way toward the goblin nest, they met many low-level goblins. However, with Ben\'s instructions and strength, they easily cleared every one of them. 

The team members couldn\'t believe it. 

"Hey, should I throw a binding spell at him from behind?" Galanar suggested to everyone in low voice. 

"Are you sure that your spell would even hit him?" Gram said mockingly. 

"Let Andy do it." He turned to Andy. 

"Yeah, although my accuracy rate is somewhat low, I am sure I would be able to hit him," Andy said in a smug voice.

Just when he was starting to chant the spell, an arrow passed by his hand. 

Andy let out a shriek. 

"Ahh," He fell back on his butt. 

"Don\'t you dare to do anything weird." Patrick gave them a cold stare. 

All of them gulped their saliva. 

The second-year senior student who was the guardian of the group couldn\'t stop laughing. 

\'These guys are so stupid. The Club president was worried about them?" Apparently, he was a member of the Blood Supremacy club and was sent here to monitor Ben and his team. 

As they approached the entrance of the goblin nest, Ben turned to his team and said, "Alright guys, this is it. Remember, stay alert and keep your wits about you."

Galanar groaned, his belly rumbling loudly. "Easy for you to say, Boss. My wits are being overshadowed by my hunger."

Andy smirked. "At least you won\'t have to worry about being eaten by the goblins. They\'ll take one look at you and think you\'re already stuffed."

Galanar scowled and patted his belly. "You know what, Andy? You\'re lucky I\'m not casting any spells on you right now."

As they entered the goblin nest, Gram unsheathed his sword and muttered, "This place reeks worse than a troll\'s armpit."

Patrick readied his bow and arrow. "I\'m just glad I don\'t have a sense of smell as good as you."

Ben led the way, his sword at the ready. They soon came across a group of goblins, who were caught off guard by the team\'s sudden appearance.

Gram charged forward, his sword slicing through the air with ease. "You want a piece of me, you ugly green freaks? Come and get it!"

Galanar muttered a spell and a burst of fire erupted from his hands, engulfing a group of goblins. "Looks like you\'re not the only one with some fight in them, Ben."

Andy cast a spell of his own, causing a gust of wind to knock back the approaching goblins. "Don\'t forget about me, Galanar. I\'m not just a pretty face."

Ben chuckled as he dispatched a goblin with his sword. "Looks like we make quite the team, eh boys?"

Patrick aimed and fired his arrow, hitting a goblin in the eye. "I couldn\'t have said it better myself, Boss. Let\'s show these goblins our power." 

After half hour, the group was still fighting the Goblins. 

As the team continued to battle their way through the goblin nest, more and more goblins seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Are you kidding me?" Gram exclaimed as he sliced through another goblin. "How many of these guys are there?"

Galanar let out a frustrated sigh. "I swear, it\'s like they\'re multiplying. It\'s like they are fucking each other producing new ones while we are fighting here."

Andy cast another spell, this time summoning a swarm of bees to distract the goblins. "This should buy us some time, but we can\'t keep this up forever."

Gram nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I\'m getting real tired of the smell in here. My eyes are starting to water."

Patrick fired off another arrow, narrowly missing a goblin\'s ear. "And my arms are getting tired from all this shooting. Can\'t we just find the treasure and get out of here?"

Ben was silently killing the Goblins. However, he was getting irritated now. He let out a battle cry as he charged forward, taking down two goblins at once. 


He started killing goblins like no end, using the [Berserk Waves Sword Art] 

As he killed the goblins he laughed like a maniac. 

"Hahahahaha!! COME TO ME YOU MFKRS!! I WILL KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU!!" He looked like a Berserk monster. Now even goblins were getting scared of him. He was chasing them like a madman. 

"This is our boss. A wild bull, who faces everyone head-on." Galanar felt happy, his all doubts were cleared. 

Other team members also nodded. They also started their killing spree.

Ten minutes had passed, and every goblin within the goblin nest had been killed, including the Goblin King. The scene was one of destruction and chaos, with goblin bodies littering the area and weapons strewn about.

Ben\'s team members were all covered in goblin blood, their faces and clothes stained with the dark red liquid. They were tired and panting heavily, their weapons still held tightly in their hands.

Despite the exhaustion and the gruesome scene around them, a sense of victory and relief filled the air as they looked at each other with nods of satisfaction. The mission was accomplished, and they could finally leave the irritating goblin nest behind.

The guardian of the group, Hans looked at them in disbelief. 

"What kind of crazy group is this?" He mumbled.

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