Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 14 A new dawn

The aftermath of the incident that Alexander had caused was for Leif to handle. Moreover the remaining members of the phoenix clan and the temple who were unrelated to the incident were banished from Avalon into the northern Wastelands to live amongst the nomadic tribes.

The surest way to handle the threat of them never being able to rise in rebellion was to kill everyone , however Alexander was not a cold blooded murderer and did not want to punish those who were unrelated to the assassination attempt.

The seven seas organization had lost 3 of its extremely valuable members. Naturally their leader was not pleased with the situation . However Leif handled it diplomatically and renumerated the organization in gold and other precious goods for their loss.

The Kingdom of Avalon did not need to do this. Alexander did not fear the seven seas organization however Leif was a firm believer of diplomacy and would avoid bloodshed wherever possible.

However the biggest change after the incident was in the four male members of the Draco household as everyone had their own takeaway from the incident.

Augustus started to raise an independent contingent to be raised solely for the protection of his bloodline called the ‘Rakt-Yodha\'(Blood warriors ) , chosen from the royal guards that were under 25 years of age , these were people who would go intense training for the next 3 years and become a division dedicated to the security of the royal prince’s..

Percy realized his position in the family and the need for more strength as he realized that at the end he was going to die without ensuring the safety of his brother. This lit a fire under him as a hunger to improove was imprinted inside him. However , being a child he had little control over his emotions as his black eyes often turned crimson.

This phenomenon worried Sierra and Grandmother Luna who complained about it continuously to the males of the family. However Augustus and Alexander were more proud than worried. The eyes were a symbol that he was a Draco!

Alexander realized that he was too soft on the kids. The talent these brats possessed made them assassination targets for every enemy of the state , and increasing the security around them was not always enough. One needed to be made self sufficient.

Against all complaints of

‘ They are but children ‘

‘ This is not the age to play ‘

‘ He is 3 for Gods sake! ‘

Alexander decided to put the children in the most brutal of trainings there was .

However the biggest change was inside Ronan. The kid only smiled infront of his family anymore while being extremely cautious of every outsider , as he no longer slouched in training.

He realized his lack of strength and knew that he needed to improove. Improove enough that he would never have to see brother Percy risk his life to save him.

As the 9 star talent started to take things seriously for the first time in his life.

In the months that followed , it is safe to say that the kids had no childhood , as all they did was train train and train.

Rare elixirs that even level 100 warriors would long for were used on these 3 and 5 year olds as their body was tempered from a very young age . While being instructed about form and technique by the best instructors in the kingdom.

Was being born in the Royal family an advantage? Yes absolutely , as the kids enjoyed what nobody else their age in the entire kingdom could. From rare elixirs to best techniques and skills to build foundation.

Should they have been born in a farmer’s humble home , would the kids be where they were for their age?

The answer would be no! however that also meant that Ronan and Percy trained when everyone else were still enjoying sucking on their mothers bosom.

Naturally they were bound to become unrivalled in the same age , as not only they had the superior talents , extreme work ethic , but also the best guidance and resources.

There was a controversy recently in the world of Everlon , when in a far away kingdom a scholar asked about why should the kings son be made king? when the prime minister’s son was not made prime minister if he did not have the right talents?

This question sparked a lot of debate , however when it fell into the ears of a prince from another kingdom , he gave a beautiful answer to the question in the form of ” Because i was born for it “.

You cannot teach anyone to be king , however someone from the royal background who has seen politics all his life , observed the grandeur of the king as well as the humility. Is much better suited for the throne than someone working in the farms. As habits and instinct can be passed down but not cultivated.

The royal prince’s were not only undergoing military training . They were also being taught on etiquette , economics and welfare of citizens from a very young age . From age 3 they were being groomed to someday sit on the throne of Avalon and usher the citizens into an era of even more stability and prosperity . Which is why when they eventually would take the throne , they would be the ones who deserve to be there.

/// Guys the bonus chapter system on this book will be different from Rebirth of the strongest guild master.

For now we only have a weekly powerstone goal in place , if we at the end of the week have 100 powerstones then on the following Monday i will release a bonus chapter . Soo do vote .

Please drop a comment at the end of every chapter and let me know if you enjoyed it . As It gives me confidence in the early stages of the work ///

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