The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 216 - Partial Transformation

The second battle has started, and the two fighters instantly rushed at each other. Shelia using her own speed, while Angela used the help of wind magic to improve her speed.

Angela is still unable to fly with using her intermediate level wind magic, but she can use wind magic to support her and improve her speed. Now her speed is about as fast as Shelia\'s. But Shelia is still not using her full speed, so Shelia won in term of speed.

But the most important thing here is that Angela is rushing toward Shelia right away. She didn\'t use her magic or use that speed to keep her distance from Shelia, but she\'s rushing toward her! That\'s a bad decision to take for any mage. Well, any average mage.

There\'s one thing I haven\'t told Angela before. I already told her that she\'s a genius in magic in my previous life, and she has proven it in this life as well. She is already much stronger than any intermediate level mage, and she is still improving.

What I haven\'t told her is something I realize in this life, but not in my previous life. It\'s that she\'s a genius in battle as well. Her instinct on using what type of magic, where to move, and how to attack, are top-notch. She grows in every battle. I believe if she were to fight a powerful advanced level mage, she can handle it herself.

She rarely asked for a spar with me, but before I return to this Monsters World for the match, I asked her for a spar. That\'s how I noticed that she\'s talented in battle as well. No wonder she can gain fame in my previous life.

During our sparring session, I asked her why she did a certain move. Her answer was she didn\'t know either, and just thought that it was a good decision. That\'s why she did it. And that\'s an answer talented people will give when they are asked. I\'m so jealous of her talent.

Our ways of fighting are different. Not that I\'m fighting close quarter combat and she\'s using magic. That\'s obvious. What I meant was our ways of thinking during battle. She did everything instinctually, while I\'m strategizing in my head before I made my move.

Thanks to that, during our sparring session, we both gained a lot. Though I don\'t know if she realizes it or not. Even if she doesn\'t realize it, I won\'t tell her about it. She doesn\'t need to think about it. I\'m afraid that her way of thinking will change if I told her. She\'s already good enough this way. I\'ll just give her advices from time to time.

Now, Angela is facing Shelia in the Arena. They are rushing to each other in a straight line.

Seeing that, Shelia happily accept the challenge. She pulled her right hand back. Then, that arm transformed and turned hairy as her claws growing longer and sharper as she swung it toward Angela horizontally.

But Angela used her wind magic to boost her jumping power and jumped above Shelia. She dodged Shelia\'s attack easily. Then right when she\'s above Shelia, she\'s throwing a Fireball at her. It hits her directly.

Everyone I brought thought that it will end soon, but I don\'t think so. I can see clearly that Shelia is unharmed. She\'s blocking the Fireball using her transformed right arm. There\'s only slight burn in that arm.

"Oh! Both of them are amazing!" It was Sonia who appears suddenly like usual who said it.

"You\'re here? Are the kids asleep?" I asked.

"Yes. Angela\'s fighting now, so the first match is over? Who won?"

"Kayla did."

"That\'s great!"

Although I can bring Sonia with me using portal for faster travel, she chose to stay with the kids since everyone is leaving. She waited until the kids are sleeping and teleported here.

"Is she your friend?" Grandpa Werewolf asked after being surprised that there\'s a ghost appeared suddenly close to him.

"Yes. She\'s… our watch ghost. She\'s over a thousand years old just like Victoria, but they both are still younger than you."

"I see… she seems weaker than the ghosts in the Haunted Forest." Grandpa said.

"Are the ghosts over there can fight?" Sonia asked curiously.

"They use some kind of magic that attack people mentally usually." Grandpa replied.

"That\'s great! Roy! Next time, you should take me to that forest! I\'ll learn how to fight as a ghost!" Sonia said.

Using magic to attack people mentally… that\'s just like her charm magic. Well, as long as she\'s getting stronger, I will support her.

"Sure. By the way, Grandpa, what\'s with Shelia\'s transformation?" I asked about the battle instead of the direction to the Haunted Forest. I can just ask other Werewolves about it.

"That\'s her partial transformation skill. She\'s the only one among our tribe that can use it. She\'s well-versed in doing it and use it as advantages in battle. That\'s how she ends up becoming our second strongest after me." Grandpa replied.

Partial transformation, huh? That seems useful. Now I\'m thinking of making a contract with her again. Well, I can think of the contract later. My head is already full with this match and the next one.

Let\'s see… Shelia fights by using her partial transformation as her advantage. The battle continues and they both are dodging each other\'s attack really well. Angela has a lot of mana. And she\'s only using small amount of mana for each magic she used to attack and dodge Shelia. As for Shelia, she quickly transformed her legs, and always change her pace making Angela confused.

Shelia usually used her normal legs, but she transforms them so she can be faster. But when Angela attacked, Shelia would transform her legs back to normal and reduce her speed on purpose. Angela\'s attack would miss the target thanks to that. But her transformation isn\'t totally visible. As soon as she transformed any part of her body, she would return the, back to normal again. Not many people noticed that.

The audience got excited watching the battle since this is not as one-sided as the previous battle. And this time, they are watching other magic than earth magic.

Angela would use her earth magic from time to time, but only for blocking Shelia\'s attack she can\'t dodge. She would use her Fireball mainly to attack, and wind magic to moves. She hadn\'t used ice magic yet.

I\'m curious about their reaction when they see ice for the first time. I guess Angela keeps her ice magic as a trump card since I told her about it.

Shelia got close to Angela again this time, and attacked Angela with her left hand still not transformed yet. This has been her strategy in the fight. She would use a dual combination of left and right. But the most unexpected thing is her partial transformation.

Since partial transformation didn\'t take as much time for transforming as normal transformation, there are no delay when she transforms part of her body. She used that to attack Angela.

She would sometime attack with her left or right normally. When she about to hit Angela, she would transform her hand to make the attack stronger and faster. But that\'s where the danger is.

Angela would be unable to predict if it\'s the first attack or the second attack when Shelia would transform her hand.

Sometimes, Shelia\'s first attack is already with her transformed hand. Other times, the first attack is just a decoy for her second attack. Angela would be confused to dodge or block the attack.

If Angela blocked or dodged the first weak attack, she will have trouble dodging the second strong one. But it\'s a good thing her casting speed is very quick. She managed to block the strong attack in time.

If Angela blocked or dodged the first strong attack, Shelia would retreat back and prepare for another chance to attack.

It\'s just shows how experienced Shelia is in battle. The title as the second strongest is not just for show. If she fought another enemy, she would have won the fight easily. But it\'s Angela she\'s fighting right now.

While Shelia used her experience, Angela keeps growing as she fights. She started to notice when Shelia will use her strong attack, and when Shelia will use her weak attack.

But still, if it\'s goes on like this, Angela would lose if she exhausts her mana first. Although she has a lot of mana, Shelia\'s stamina might be better. But I don\'t think neither side will prolong the fight on purpose.

Both sides have great instincts in battle, which makes the match even more interesting. Even Grandpa Werewolf would sometime give praises to Angela and Shelia. But that makes him even more excited for our battle next. I shouldn\'t have sent Angela if I know this…

And then, Angela casted Ground Spike with her magic. A number of spikes protruding from the ground in a large scale. That must have consumed a lot of her mana.

Shelia jumped to dodge it since she can\'t move on the ground. That\'s when Angela casts several Wind Slashes at her. She must have thought that since she\'s mid-air, she\'s unable to dodge them.

But that\'s wrong!

Shelia run on air just like how I used Air Steps!

"WHAT THE HELL!? TH-THAT! WHAT IS THAT!?" I know what I see, but I was shocked when I see it. Werewolves able to run on air!

"Hmm? That\'s just a skill only powerful Werewolves can do. In this tribe, she\'s the only one who can do that other than me. That\'s why I\'m so disappointed with most Werewolves in this generation. They are too weak." Grandpa Werewolf answered me.

He can do it too? That\'s just make my chance to win even lower! How can I win against him if he can run on air, while I can only take several steps?

Shit… I\'m gonna die.

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