The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 413 - Preparing Angela To Breakthrough

The date has been set for the raid on the lab. Just a week before the tournament started. Though the tournament will start around next year. It has been delayed quite a lot.

Although I haven\'t went to the location of the lab yet, the kings have sent scouts to find the general location of the lab from the compass. And it was located in the east side of Arturo.

Because of the distance from Arturo to Consenza, which is where the tournament will be held, it will take more than a month for anyone to travel from there to Consenza normally. Which is why I will be sent to the lab a week before the tournament. So, when something happened in the lab, no one who is going to the tournament will realize that the cult\'s lab has been attacked.

And since I can use portal, I can travel to any country I want without wasting too much time.

Also, Albert, Lynn, and old man Henry will only inform the fake king of Arturo about the tournament, six months before the tournament begins. Will it be fine, I wonder?

And about our progress, it seems to be going well. Angela and Celestine found a good place to cultivate, and told Kayla about it. And Kayla has reached expert level because of it. So fast.

Candy also has reached expert level in her lightning element. Though she hasn\'t found a good place to cultivate, she is still older than Kayla and the others, so it\'s natural that she became expert level. Right now, she\'s accompanying Jewel and Lina\'s two monsters and helping them exploring a dungeon. She said that she\'s trying to go for expert level in fire element as well before the day of the raid.

Wendy and Shirley both also have reached expert level after cultivating the whole time on Andro\'s back ever since the first time they were there. I never seen them stopped cultivating other than to rest and eat.

And the last one to reach expert level mage was… Fabio. And his element that reached expert level mage is fire element. I brought him to the volcano after telling him about the place which should be good for cultivating. And the doting mother Carmen, decided to wait for Fabio until he finished breaking through before she trains again.

Everyone is amazing. They can reach expert level so fast. Though the one that surprises me the most is the fact that Angela hasn\'t reached expert level yet.

She\'s going the hard way. She\'s trying to fuse all her elements and breakthrough all of them at once. Which means, unlike the others who has to breakthrough their elements one by one. She\'s improving them together. This is something that no one has ever succeeded before. But if it\'s her, I believe that she can do it.

As for me? Well… right now, I\'m watching a group of monkeys trying to kill each other. I have completed all the gas types from the mysterious forest. And this murdering gas is so amazing. I can use this against the cult. They will kill each other then.

I can use the infuriating gas, but making them angry and fight doesn\'t necessarily mean they will kill each other. It seems like they are just trying to hurt each other. So, the gas that will make them kill each other is much better.

The other two I learned, the fear gas and the lust gas, were effective as well. though I don\'t want to use the lust gas as much as possible.

…unless it\'s my private time with my lovers.

When I use the fear gas, the monkeys were running about. No one cares about other things but themselves. Even some monkeys who were carrying their babies, would leave their babies behind. Unfortunately, whatever they are afraid of doesn\'t seem to be the same. If only I can make it so that they would only run toward one way, it would be better.

But at least I finally managed to use all type of gas from mysterious forest. Now… let\'s fight some monsters to improve my fighting skill and my Aura as well.

"Roy, Angela is calling," Victoria said all of a sudden.

When she said that, it means that Angela has destroyed a Blobby that she carries with her. And that\'s the signal that mean I have to go her way as soon as possible.

"Let\'s defeat other monsters another time. Angela is far more important than monsters," I said.

I quickly opened a portal to where Angela is, and see that she\'s no longer cultivating inside the dungeon for her earth element. She\'s outside, along with Celestine and Kayla.

Although Kayla has reached expert level in her earth element, it seems that the dungeon is good for her light element as well. That\'s why she\'s staying to improve her light element.

She also asked for the angels\' guidance for her light and healing elements. With her brain, she will be much stronger than the angels even though they have the same two elements. At least she is already far smarter than them.

Though the angels lately haven\'t been disappointing. They have improved albeit just a little. It\'s a good idea for them to live alongside the competitive werewolves.

"What is it, Angela?" I asked Angela who called me.

"It\'s time. I will breakthrough all four elements today," Angela said.

"I see… I\'ll get everyone to protect you. This is something unprecedented so it\'s best to get everyone\'s help. And don\'t do it today. You should relax first, and fill your belly with delicious food. You\'ll try doing it once you are totally ready," I said.

"Okay. Then, let\'s get back to Cassau. I missed Lina\'s cooking," Angela said excitedly.

After taking Angela, Celestine, and Kayla to Cassau, I used portals to travel to where the others are, and informed them about Angela before bringing them all to Cassau. Even Kron who loves to go exploring in Monsters World alone decides to come along.

I also told Albert and the other kings about it.

"Is it dangerous?" Albert asked.

"I don\'t know. But I believe in Angela," I said.

"…I wish her the best. Marie, would you like to witness Angela breaking through?" Albert asked his wife.

"No. I think it will be too difficult for me just to witness her breaking through. I don\'t know what kind of effect it will have to the surrounding," Marie said.

Hmm… she\'s right. This might be the most dangerous situation to breakthrough. I mean four elements breaking through at once? Fire, ice, earth, and wind elements?

Not just it will be dangerous for Angela, but the people trying to protect her as well. I\'ll look for a good place for her to breakthrough in Monsters World, and ask the monsters to protect her as well. Who knows what kind of monsters we will encounter?

I found a good place near the monsters\' village and asked the werewolves and the angels for help as well. Well, I mean forcing the angels to help. Though thanks to Kayla\'s persuasion, it was easy. She is getting along with the angels really well. And no, she didn\'t ask her while wearing sexy outfit. She asked them nicely and they agree to help.

Of course I didn\'t ask for everyone to come. I only asked some so there will still be enough monsters to protect the village.

We had a blast partying back in Cassau, together with the children as well. It\'s like a celebration even though Angela hasn\'t break through yet.

After one good night sleep, everyone is ready to go.

I used portals and let them enter first before me. Like before, Lina and Sophie choose to stay. They wish Angela good luck together with Penny and the children.

Also, it seems like time has gone pass so quickly. And Hannah will turn fifteen next year and will attend introductory school right before the tournament. Well, I have taught her everything I can teach for now. But once she awakens her magic, she will have a lot of powerful teachers to guide her.

As I enter the portal last, everyone is ready in their position. Celestine and Kayla build a dome with one door open for Angela to breakthrough in. Everyone told her good luck before leaving the dorm, until it\'s just me and her alone.

"Isn\'t it great? The first time you broke through, everyone is protecting you. And now, the number of friends we have has increased. Though that time, the enemies were humans. But now, the enemies will be monsters. And because of your strength, the monsters appearing might be much stronger than those we have fought before," I said.

"Not just the number increased. They are also much stronger than back then. Though I\'m still worried if I can do this or not," Angela said.

"Then we\'ll stop here. I won\'t let you continue if you are not confident," I said.

"…you have that much trust in me, huh? Is that because I was the Elemental Master in your previous life?" Angela asked.

"When I met you first, that was indeed the reason I approached you. It has been so long since then, and I know that the one I can trust the most is you. My past life is what made me approach you, but the reason I\'m staying with you is because I trust you. It\'s that simple," I said.

"You always love simple things. Fine, I\'ll do it. If you trust me that much, I feel like I can do everything," Angela said.

"Angela! Do your best!" The voice is coming out of my shoulder. It\'s Victoria.

"I will," Angela said. This time, full of confidence.

As I leave the dome, Kayla closed the door.

"Well, let\'s see what kind of monsters we\'ll be facing."

With Reizpear in my hand, I am ready to fight anything.

…as long as it\'s not as strong or even stronger than Andro.

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