The Geared Immortal

Chapter 265 - The Demon’s Invasion 43

Demon\'s infiltration part 2


Standing at the edge of the warship is a tall demon with two black horns on its head. Its body is already riddled with wounds and burn marks from the explosion. But it is clear that its vitality was not affected that much.

Its armor and even inner clothing have already been disintegrated into dust and what remains is its bare half-burned red skin.

From the looks of it, Shin Jiao can infer that the demon is a male, a very vigorous male. Although he didn\'t want to notice it, however, Shin Jiao could not help but compare his size to the demon\'s long thing which looks like a tail hanging on its front.

Shin Jiao admits that his thing is long, but compared to the demon\'s his is only half of its size. He then wonders how those young women below would suffer if they would have been raped by these monstrous creatures.

But right now, the situation is really to his disadvantage, because from the aura of the demon, it is comparable to a mid-stage infant soul realm cultivator. That might also be one of the reasons why it has survived the explosion.

Shin Jiao is not afraid though because it is weaponless and even its armor is now gone. But what he fears is the destruction their fight would cause the warship.

So he didn\'t hesitate and immediately took out a normal rifle.

Since the demon is still unfocused, he carefully aimed at it.

However, when he pulled the trigger, the demon detected a slight killing intent from their location and turned its head towards them.

The two silver flashes streak across the warship\'s deck and directly flew towards the demon.

Suddenly it lifted its palm in an act of catching the bullet. When Shin Jiao saw this, he can\'t help but smirk.


Dark purple blood bloomed everywhere as the entire arms of the demon was blasted by that shot. However, the second bullet didn\'t hit its target as the demon\'s body was thrown out of the warship by the impact.


It shouted in pain as it fell down to the forest below.

The three immediately ran towards the edge of the ship, as they look down and tried to find where the demon fell. Shin Jiao using his goggles marked the location and didn\'t bother with it for now.

"Let\'s go down below, there are survivors." Shin Jiao said as he guided the two towards the large cargo hold of the warship where the women are kept in a large cage.

Shin Jiao saw that the women are already conscious, but their spiritless eyes are evident.

However, when they saw that the three are human, hope immediately beamed in their eyes.

"Help us!" the women simultaneously shouted.

BeiBei Ji muttered something as she observes the people in the cage.

"This… they are almost the total number of women in both warships. But some are missing."

"I think the demons are collecting them as sacrifices because they are all virgins." Ziyun Lee suddenly said.

"Huh? Are you sure? I saw three demons taking five of them and was about to rape them." Shin Jiao interrupted.

"What?... that\'s…"

"You mean, they would use the women to breed?" Ziyun Lee asked in confusion.

"But I heard that they needed women to sacrifice to their demon queen." Ziyun Lee added.

"Oh, you\'ve been in the Nian clan, right?" Shin Jiao suddenly asked.

"Do you know where the portal is?"

When Ziyun Lee and BeiBei Ji heard him they both frown.

Although Ziyun Lee was a prisoner and would always be dragged by the first elder, yet she didn\'t see anything like a portal in the clan. BeiBei Ji is the same as she is just an elite member.

With the expression of the two, Shin Jiao immediately knew that the two knows nothing.

As the three reached the cage, BeiBei Ji immediately ran towards the women.

But before she can go further, her hand was grabbed by Shin Jiao and was dragged back.

"Wait a minute." Shin Jiao said with a smile.

"You are too impulsive." Shin Jiao stood in front of BeiBei Ji and suddenly threw out a formation plate that sticks to the caged door.

Then suddenly the cage door disappears.

"Alright ladies, you can come out now." Shin Jiao gestured.

Although a little cautious the woman slowly walks out of the cage and calmly walks towards BeiBei Ji. As the group followed her they suddenly heard a loud cry.



The sound of a woman squirming in pain as she rolled on the ground while smoke rises out of her body. The scene immediately frightened the rest of the women as they quickly ran towards BeiBei Ji. Those who are inside the cage also quickly ran out of it and what\'s left inside are just two young women.

Their eyes are looking at the figure rolling on the ground in horror.

Suddenly the sound of gasping can be heard.

"Look! What is that thing?" someone shouted.

They can see the woman\'s appearance on the ground started to change. As her body began to turn black her appearance also changes into something hideous.

She changes into a demon with a single horn on her forehead. And her body slowly turned into crisp under the aftereffect of the array on the door.

The two remaining women didn\'t dare to go out.

"Haha… I guess the two of you are already demonized, right?" Shin Jiao said with a chuckle.

The formation plate that Shin Jiao threw on the cage bar is like the one on the gate of the Great Wu Academy. It is like a poison array filled with holy Qi, which is like a very strong poison to those cultivators who converted into demons.

"You… you will not escape the wrath of the demons! We will conquer this land. Hihi…" the two suddenly shouted as their appearance suddenly changed into that of a demon.

Their forehead suddenly grew a single black horn, and their fingers grew claws on both hands. Then from their backs, a long tail slowly crawls out of their long skirts. Then their legs suddenly morphed as it turned into a reverse jointed legs growing longer, and claws extended from their toes.

The transformation seems to be very painful because the two screamed and wriggled inside the cage.

The people looking at them were dumbfounded after seeing the scene.

Shin Jiao steps forward.

"Alright, all of you please step back. And go as far as you can from her." Shin Jiao said as he waved his hand and his katana appears on his hand.

While all the women ran upwards to the deck, two stayed behind, BeiBei Ji and Ziyun Lee.

"Why are you still here? Go now!" Shin Jiao said.

"No, we will stay here… You\'re… your name is Gu Bu, right? I thank you for saving me, but I won\'t back down from this fight." BeiBei Ji replied.

Suddenly, Shin Jiao heard many footsteps rushing towards them.

When he turns his head, he can see the young women already back and on their hands are make-shift weapons and spirit stones.

This made Shin Jiao dumbfounded. He didn\'t expect those girls just ran so that they can unblock their meridian and then wait to regain their strength and come back down. He also remembers that he didn\'t check the rooms of the warship. In the warship, there are those things that use spirit stones to produce lights. Hence these women may have found a way to use it to regain their strength.

They are elite cultivators of the Nian clan after all.

"Sigh… Alright, if you really want to fight those two then here take this." Shin Jiao didn\'t bother and wave his hand.

Then multiple weapons appear in the air along with some spirit stones.

Those who didn\'t get any spirit stones from the ship grabbed one immediately absorbed them.

Now with weapons in hand, they waited for the two demons to complete their transformation.

Shin Jiao didn\'t bother to fight, as he stood on the side and would just assist them if they came into trouble.

Then the two demons slowly stood up from inside the cage. With a slash of their sharp claws, the metal bars of the cage were immediately diced without resistance.

"Damn, those are sharp weapons." Shin Jiao muttered.

"Brother Gu Bu, are you not joining us in this fight?" Suddenly one of the women asked him.

"Nah… I know you can handle those two. Just don\'t kill one; I need to interrogate at least one of them and find where the portal is."

With a nod, the women didn\'t bother with Shin Jiao anymore. They thought that Shin Jiao would not lay his hands on women if necessary, that\'s why he would not fight against the two female demons since they are here already.

When the two demons stepped out of the cage, they didn\'t bother with anything and just rushed towards the cultivators.

Not long later the clashing of metal against metal and loud battle cries can be heard. Although still weak, their numbers make up for their strength. Hence the women were able to overcome the two female demons.

Although almost everyone received wounds still none of the cultivators died or was in any danger, hence Shin Jiao didn\'t take any action.

After subduing the two demons, Shin Jiao took out a formation plate from his spatial tool. Then he immediately carves some runes in it and after a few minutes of work, he threw it high up towards the heads of the two defeated female demons.

The formation plate hovers above and suddenly light energy crawls downwards and began wrapping the arms and legs of the demons.

The tentacles-like light energy while wrapping and binding the demons emits holy Qi, so the two female demonized cultivators howled in pain while struggling against it.

After a long struggle, they have gained the information they wanted from the two.

And what they have learned shocked them.

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