Records of Rebirth

Chapter 310 - Missing II

Her silhouette was all shadow, but Ophelia could make out a serpentine figure approaching them, as well as many bright eyes peering at them from within the darkness that surrounded her. 

Against the backdrop of onyx eyes that studded her forehead like precious jewels, her main eyes burned vividly, like a scorching red comet set against a glimmering night sky, the red pupils bright like fresh blood were too bewitching to look at. 

And yet, Ophelia could not make herself look away because they were far too beautiful. She could only lower her head and resist the urge to keep staring to avoid being rude.

Her wickedly curved horns, those beautiful red eyes and those mesmerising scales. They were all so dazzling to look at, that her delicate feathers quivered in excitement. How could \'she\' be so pretty? 

However, just as her shiny pair of obsidian horns pierced the veil of darkness to emerge, they immediately retreated into the shadows, like their owner had changed their mind. 

Ophelia let out a sigh, a twitching smile playing on her face. 

It seemed she had forgotten something.

The few seconds of silence that followed made her wonder if Aurelia was going to come back anytime soon.

But she finally appeared at the gateway again, those jewel-like horns piercing their way out of the darkness once more. With Aurelia there in the flesh, all of Ophelia\'s worries about Morgana were soothed, like an instant balm. 

But it was more than she could say for the others. 

Artemis was currently straightening himself after his fall, and the Veladrys still had their defences up. Their powers were weaker in the cave, but they pushed through, their wary roots sprouting thicker defences around the doorway, but they did not stray close enough to touch it out of fear. 

However, as soon as they saw Ophelia and Artemis with their heads lowered, they too fell to the ground, realising their mistake.

Unfortunately, not everyone had the same good sense. Once the dark fae saw who it was, she rushed out from behind Ophelia back, her tiny fists raised in anger before the relaxed serpent.

[What was that?] She shrieked, her tiny body shaking in a fit of anger. [Do you want to scare me to death?!] 

|[Oh. Sorry about that.]| Aurelia yawned, before slithering past the tiny fae with a smirk. |[I didn\'t…see…you there, Bubbles.]| 

[Bubbles?! Don\'t call me by that name!] The dark fae complained. [I don\'t like it! Change it! Change it now!] She buzzed around her brilliant curved horns, making faces at the many eyes that tracked her movements.

|[What\'s wrong with it?]| Aurelia sighed, genuinely curious. |[You\'re small and cute, it\'s perfect for you.]|

The dark fae paused her fit as the words sunk in, seeming to think before arrogantly announcing. 

[Yes. I am cute. And? I still don\'t like it.] She crossed her arms in a huff, whirling around to point at Ophelia. [I want something else. A name like hers!] 

Ophelia was surprised, but she looked to see Aurelia\'s reaction. 

|[No way!]| Aurelia glowered at the tiny brat. |[Bubbles suits you more. It\'s cute.]|

[I don\'t like it! I don\'t like it!!] The dark fae complained.

|[Too annoying.]| Aurelia rolled her eyes.

[How ungrateful.] Artemis hissed out of earshot. 

The Veladrys with him seemed to be wilting at the dark fae\'s unruly behaviour, their beautiful faces riddled with anxiety, but the dark fae would not stop no matter how many times they warned her.

Ophelia smiled, pleased to see that her name was so envied and that Aurelia\'s sense of humour was still intact to not take her so seriously. However, her patience was also waning with the continued tantrum, as she glanced at the dark fae with irritation.

She should be happy to have a name, instead of complaining about the one she was given!

And yet, Aurelia only laughed at her behaviour. |[Would you like some sweets as compensation?]| 

[Okay, I want a lot!] The dark fae responded cheerily, easily distracted for a moment, until she realised it. [Wait, Don\'t change the subject!]

Ophelia sighed. Aurelia was far too fond of the tiny creature and never scolded her for anything. But she did not complain. She also had to admit the name \'Bubbles\' was quite comical. 

A small joke on Aurelia\'s part, she assumed.

[Welcome back.] Ophelia approached, her eyes carefully studying the dark gateway. [This is new. Is it something you created?]

Aurelia nodded. |[I\'m getting better at stabilising it. What do you think?]| 

Ophelia looked on, impressed. It looked quite stable already to be a work in progress, there was hardly a ripple on the gateway\'s surface and she could make out nothing beyond it, which made her wonder what would happen if she slipped through. 

[Your training must be coming along nicely.] she said.

|[You could say that...]| Aurelia muttered. But there was a troubled hint to her words that led Ophelia to think she might be having problems. 

Was it that journal she had been reading?

Or that uncontrollable power she was trying to master? 

But just as she was about to ask, the dark fae shrieked and a crack appeared across the gateway that had once been calm. Ophelia was startled as were the Veladrys who leapt back in fright.

Its rectangular surface then slammed shut from both ends like a guillotine, as the gateway blinked out of existence. 

|[Ah…sorry.]| Aurelia muttered. |[I forgot to close it properly.]| 

How dangerous! Ophelia was awestruck.

It seemed like she had lost her concentration just then because of the dark fae\'s distraction. It was really a good thing that no one was near.

[Are you alright?] Ophelia swept past the shivering Veladrys, determined to comfort Aurelia. If only she could pry the pesky dark fae away from her horns without physically harming her, she would have already thrown her far away.

But, it was Aurelia who broached the subject first. |[How have you been? Typhon told me you\'ve been asleep for a long time. Is everything alright.]|

Those brilliant red eyes were staring at her with concern and Ophelia was speechless.

[Typhon…did?] she muttered, her face burning up in shame.

How could he tell her something like that? It was not as if she\'d been asleep all the time.

Wouldn\'t she think she was slacking off?

Damn Typhon for being so bold! Did he not care about embarrassing her like this? 

Aurelia peered closer, so close she could see the irritating smirk on the dark fae\'s face.

|[Are you sure?]|

[Er…ye-yes! I\'m fine.] Ophelia nervously replied.

|[If you don\'t feel well, you can tell me.]|

[Yes! I\'m sure. I was just a little tired, that\'s all.] 

Aurelia looked thoughtful, but thankfully she didn\'t say anymore. 

Instead, it was Ophelia who felt saddened because she wanted to be the one one to ask how \'she\' was doing, not the other way around.

She knew Typhon had been worried about something when he asked her about her new sleeping pattern or her headaches, or why her eye had turned crimson. She knew it was important to him to make sure she was okay, but she didn\'t want Aurelia to regard her in that same careful manner. 

She wanted to be able to talk freely like normal, without her nervously worrying that she was in danger. In truth, she hoped they would both forget there was ever an accident at all. 

|[Did anything happen while I was gone?]| Aurelia suddenly asked. |[My [Notoriety] has gone up again for some reason.]| 


Artemis gave her a warning look and Ophelia hesitated. 

So this was why she returned so quickly.

Aurelia had told them her [Notoriety] was a score directly linked to her activities as well as those of the Pit and she had become very concerned with getting updated with everything they did in record time. 

Ophelia wasn\'t entirely sure how this worked, but like the many mysterious skills Aurelia possessed, the fewer questions she asked, the less suspicious she would be of them. The important thing was that Aurelia had trusted her and Typhon enough to share this knowledge and it was important to her that they be honest.

Ophelia sighed. Normally this would not be a problem, but with Arsinoe and Morgana missing, who knew what sort of havoc they were wreaking elsewhere. 

[There\'s something you should know.] Ophelia announced.

She was nervous. Aurelia had not displayed a fondness for either of them, especially Morgana who was already on shaky ground. She would not be pleased to learn they disobeyed her orders. 

Still, Ophelia couldn\'t keep it a secret, so she told Aurelia about their statuses immediately. 

|[They are missing?]| Aurelia asked in a serious tone.

[Yes.] Ophelia apologetically replied. [I didn\'t realise it until a while ago. It was my fault. I was just about to go after them when you returned.]

Artemis was by her side, his head lowered as they waited for Aurelia\'s response, but his body was wound too tightly, his silvery scales taut with tension. 

He did not want to tell her at all, not until they had one or both of them back, and confined to the deepest darkest cell they had, to soften the blow. 

However, Aurelia did not look or sound upset. She simply sighed, her aura completely calm, making it even harder to gauge her thoughts.

|[You know where they are?]| She asked.

Ophelia furrowed her face in thought. Was this a test?

Knowing Morgana, she could already guess. 

[I do.] She replied.

Artemis glanced at her in disbelief, his tense stare like a laser beam.

Ophelia wished she could tell him off! He was about as subtle as a slap in the face. 

|[You don\'t believe her?]| Aurelia turned to him to ask. 

[No. I just don\'t trust Morgana.] Artemis confessed immediately. [And I\'d prefer it if Ophelia didn\'t make excuses for her behaviour.] 

Now it was Ophelia\'s turn to glare at him.

This little shit!

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