The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years

Chapter 89: Conversation (6)

Jamie didn’t know much about her, but now that he saw her, she was a Goddess of mood swings.

“There is a lot that you have to do.”

And for some reason she trusted Jamie.

Jamie even wondered how she was able to trust an enemy of the past, but then he thought that it must be due to what happened.

“Now that I’ve heard your reason, can I ask a question?”

“More questions?”

“Something like that.”

“Go on.”

As Pyro allowed with a generous smile, Jamie felt like she definitely was a Goddess who was weird.

Jamie sighed and then asked the woman.

“Lost history. That is what I want to know.”

“You are referring to the world before the beginning of a new civilization.”


The secret of the world that Canon and Armion and the ‘Frontier’ are trying to uncover.

Diablo Volfir was born after being sealed off for eons, but the history seemed to have vanished for a certain time.

And Jamie was curious about it.

“Can you tell me about the history you tried to hide?”


Pyro crossed her arms and then tapped her forearms with her finger. She seemed to be pondering for a long time.

What secrets did they have to make them so concerned about it?

As soon as he was thinking, Pyro raised her head.

“It is still tough.”

“Still… then will you be able to tell me at some point?”

“Keyword is set.”

At the word ‘keyword’, Jamie titled his head.

Pyro explained it in an easy way.

“Simply put, the moment it is mentioned, each god has their own real time view of the situation.”

“Then why not avoid the keyword and tell me the other stuff…”

“We are divided now but we are still 12 Gods who govern the world. Do you think we would make a single keyword with loopholes.”


What the hell happened?

Even Gods are afraid of being restrained by other Gods, so they can’t speak.

“In the past, there were quite a few people who tried to figure it out.”

Judging by the use of the word ‘few’, I knew that Canon and Frontier like people existed.

“But they all died. When they reached the secret, we knew it in real-time and then squads were sent to kill them.”

“Like the Dragon God Brahman?”

“… how did you know that?”

Brahman, the dragon God, an ally of Zenith.

He, who is said to be the parent of the dragons, ordered his kids to kill Canon.

Canon struggled, but was eventually killed.

“As I surrendered to the flow of my body, I knew it even if I didn’t want to.”

“… I think I know who it is. Canon, right?”

Jamie didn’t think Canon would be mentioned from Pyro’s mouth.

Jamie listened to her words.

“A dark magician. I wasn’t really interested, but I was a little surprised to hear that he killed a lot of dragons. That too against the clan.”

Although it was 700 years back, for God it was like Now.

“Thanks to that, Brahman was quite angry. I feel bad for the one, Canon.”

Pyro coughed as she looked at Jamie staring blankly at her.

“It has been a long time. And I can’t say anything about it. Sorry.”

Jamie’s eyes widened at Pyro’s apology.

Because he didn’t think that she would apologize.

For Jamie, the Gods were ‘Garbage who live off people’.

Garbage who always raised their noses and didn’t bend down for anyone.

“What is it?”

Conversely, Pyro didn’t understand Jamie’s reaction.

Jamie shook his head and said.

“Nothing. I was a little surprised.”

“For what?”

“Doesn’t matter, you don’t need to worry.”


“Can I ask one last thing?”

“We have little time left, so I’ll answer in short.”

“After getting rid of Zenith, what will you do next?”

Perhaps she thought it was an unexpected question, so Pyro couldn’t answer right away.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going to simply devour the Zenith’s holy orb of influence?”

Pyro never thought deeply about what she wanted to do.

Zenith was trying to get rid of her, so she was trying to equally execute the concept of revenge.

So what next?

‘Whoever it is, one of us will be gone.’

12 Gods turned to 11 Gods.

And with the collapsed interests, they can no longer be called as one.

If that’s the case, what should she do?

“That is a difficult question.”

Jamie knew that Pyro couldn’t answer.

This simple goddess wouldn’t have thought that far.

“I am on your boat now.”


“Then a goal needs to be set. For the boat to not be capsized…”

Not all gods were clever.

And looking at Pyro, it was evident.

On the other hand, there were smart Gods.

Like Zenith, the God of War and Peace, and Arbela, the God of Wisdom and Stupidity and Jillian, the God of mischief and fine tricks.

There are more, but the above there were whom Jamie acknowledged.

Among them, Zenith was specialized in armies.

“Keep this in mind, dark magician.”

Pyro looked at him.

The time seemed to have run out.

Her body began to turn blurred.

“I don’t know when we will meet next, but try to survive till then.”

“Don’t worry.”

“I believe you.”

And with a flash, the Goddess vanished.

“… uh.”

Ricky, who was the medium for it, sighed and then fell to his knees.

And spoke to Jamie with tired eyes.

“Done talking?”

“You did good.”

Jamie walked to the entrance, as he patted his friend who was struggling to walk and gave him a hand.

“What did you talk about?”

Ricky, asked.

Jamie put his hands in his pocket and stared at the dark ceiling.

When he didn’t answer, Ricky waved his palm in front of Jamie’s face.

“What did you talk about?”

Jamie held out his palm.

Ricky stopped and then rubbed his eyes at what he saw.

A scale to weigh sins, a symbol engraved on the palm.

Although he was an Apostle, Ricky wasn’t fully awakened, so he didn’t have the symbol of the goddess.

Jamie raised his hand and then went up the stairs without a word.

Left alone, Ricky looked blankly at Jamie, and then followed him.

“Let’s go together!”

By the time Jamie went up, the memorial service was done.

But people stayed till the end, they waited for each member of the church who was killed to be sent away.

Once this was done, the coffin would be removed. And the service for today will be wrapped up and tomorrow they will head to the main church of Pyro to hold a grand funeral.

“Where were you?”

The voice of Marquis Bell.

He looked to the side and looked at Sears with Sarah approaching them.

“I had something to do.”

“What did you…”

The Marquis titled his head and when he saw Ricky next to him, he bowed.

“I am glad you are feeling much better.”

“It was thanks to the Marquis. Thank you.”

“I don’t even know what to call you.”

Sears rubbed her eyes, and Ricky shook his head and said.

“Please treat me like you used to. I am Jamie’s friend.”

“I will do that then. Sarah, greet Ricky.”


Sarah stared at Ricky while staying behind her mom.

It felt strange, Jamie didn’t understand why Sarah didn’t show any affection for Ricky. Rather, it was as if she hated him.

From Ricky’s point of view, it was embarrassing.

Sarah hesitated and then opened her mouth.

Was she finally going to say it?

“Where is sister Anna?”


Ricky threw away his hopes and then bowed his head, as if he was going to cry, but then he answered.

“Anna is probably with sister Fiona.”

“I want to see sister Anna.”

“Should I take you to her?”

“That, I don’t like…”

At Sarah’s firm refusal, Ricky’s face went stiff.

Jamie looked at his friend and then shook his head.

“Did you do something wrong without our knowledge?”

“… not once.”

Then, she must hate people.

And Ricky decided to just accept it.

“Hahaha. It is nice seeing everyone here.”

In the meantime, the Marquis smiled warmly, thinking that the conversation between kids was cute.

In Jamie’s eyes, the Marquis looked odd.

Sears comforted Ricky as he was feeling awkward now.

“Ricky. It is because Sarah hasn’t talked to any other boys other than Jamie. Don’t be too hurt.”

That being said, she did spend a whole lot of time with Ricky on the journey till Apton.

But Jamie didn’t say it out loud.

Because if he did say it, Ricky would be heartbroken.

“Well, let’s go back. If I could, I would like to send away my friend, but…”

Marquis looked at the coffin of the Archbishop which was being carried by four priests.

“There is so much to do.”

A fire shone in the Marquis’s eyes. He too must be feeling great anger at Zenith church.

He was one of the most powerful people of Seldam kIngdom, so he put enough pressure on the Zenith church for making a contract with demons.

The pressure would spread and come from kingdom level, and the forces would have bad relations with Zenith.

At the thought of Zenith crying, Jamie smiled.

“So everyone is here!”

As they were about to move, they heard Lars’ voice.

Jamie didn’t think each one would arrive one by one.

“Executioner. But the ones behind you?”

The Marquis greeted Lars warmly and looked at the two people behind him.

The two glanced at Marquis, but didn’t answer. Instead, it was Ricky who they bowed to and said.

“The sword which carries the justice of the Goddess, Holy Executioner Philos Oran bows to the Apostle.”

“The sword which carries the justice of the Goddess, Holy Executioner, Airak Tedley, greets the Apostle.”

At their actions, Ricky couldn’t hide his bewildered expression.

Ricky looked at Jamie with eyes begging for help, but Jamie too was startled.


He did think that they were unusual.

And he never thought that Lars could be the only Holy Executioner.

“Y-you both should rise.”

With Ricky’s words, they got up.

God’s Apostles are like God’s second appearance, and to them the paladins are servants. And it was their duty to protect their Apostle, the symbol of God in the world at the cost of everything.

Therefore, even the highest priest in a church would have to kneel in front of them.

Like Lars.

“I see that you are Executioners.”

Marquis Bell nodded.

Philos bowed his head feeling bad for greeting the Apostle before the Marquis.

“Please forgive us, Marquis Bell.”

“There is no need to, I know how this works.”

“Thank you for understanding us.”

As Airak raised his head, he looked at Jamie.

It was as if he was shocked by something, like he saw something he shouldn’t have.

“W-what is this?!”

“Airak, what is it?”

“D-deputy commander. This child…!”

“Hm? Ack!”

“Why are you two… Oh!?”

Lars frowned at the two seniors who were acting strangely at the sight of Jamie.

However, as he turned his head at Jamie, he had the same expression as them.

“Why is everyone looking at my son like that?”

When Sears saw their reaction, she thought it was rude of them, but Philos shook his head.

“I-It isn’t what you are thinking, my lady.”

“This child… oh god. Oh god.”

Philos and Airak looked at each other and gulped.

Lars, who calmed down, walked over to Jamie.

“… Jamie, by any chance?”


The answer came from Ricky who was beside Jamie.

Everyone turned to Ricky.

Jamie just clicked his tongue as if he didn’t like the annoying situation.

Ricky opened his mouth.

“The Goddess has ordained Jamie as a Saint.”


The first to scream was the most unexpected person.

“Wow! My brother is dazzling!”

Sarah shouted loudly.

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