RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 272 Battle Plans Part 2

A few hours later Blake, Mina, Bret, Mike, Onz, and Regia the Pixie leader were all in Bret\'s makeshift office. "So what is your plan?"

"Blake, we were hoping the pixies and fairies could work together to do hit and run tactics to pick off as many orcs as possible as well as push them to be more condensed together," Bret explained as he pointed at the map. "Onz thought that if we did it when they were passing through this valley a few miles out we could at least give them a preemptive attack which will put them in a bit of disarray. Then we can test the bigger guns and how much damage they can do. We know they can shoot far so we can only shoot in a straight line to make sure we do not end up hitting any places the orcs had not been yet."

Blake nodded and turned to Mina and Regia, "Can you two work out two teams big enough to take this task?"

"I think we can easily do that," Mina replied. "We can split up into two teams of three units each and disturb their ranks even more by alternating attacks in three different spots on both sides."

"I agree with Madam Mina, if we combine the pixie\'s illusion magic with the fairy\'s attack magic we can easily take out thousands of orcs with each hit and run. It just so happens that hit and run tactics are what we pixies are best at!" Regia licked her lips. Her race loved messing with other races! War was fun!

"Then I will leave it all to you two to set up. All hit and run tactics will be under your judgment. But remember. Safety first. Mina already knows this but Regia, you are new so remember, if you run and live you can fight again another day."

"Understood Lord Blake!" Regia copied the salute everyone else was doing with a big smile.

"Good. Get your kin into armor. There is plenty of fairy and pixie sized armor made by the dwarfs. Your group will be the first to move out. Mina will be the main lead, while Regia, you are second in command. Both of you need to keep in contact with the frontlines. We need to know your status and when the orcs are bunched up enough to fire the big guns. Be safe." Blake hated sending his wife out, but Mina needed to be there for full control of the situation.

Mina smiled as she flew over and kissed Blake\'s lips. "Don\'t worry, I will come back. Then you can give me a free night alone."

"Everyone gets a solo night after this," Blake replied with a smile. Mina pumped her little fists and flew out of the room, with Regia following after her.

"Hey, Madam Mina, what did he mean by solo night?" Regia asked.

"It means I get to have sex with him all by myself for the night," Mina replied with a big grin. She was getting close to her time of the month when she needed as much sex as possible!

"Oh? Hmmmm…" Regia looked down at herself, then at Mina, and pursed her lips. She mumbled softly to herself:  "Am I not to his liking?"

After the two left, Blake and the other continued looking at the map. "We will wait for Mina and Regia\'s command on when to fire. We should also set up some more traps for them. The more they have to march through, the better. We want to weaken them as much as possible."

"Then let\'s have more pitfalls with stone spikes under them. It might sound generic, but if we make a massive pit that will break once many orcs are on top of the thin line of earth, we can take out quite a few and even line them up in groups more if we space them right." Onz was thinking of ways to make the most out of their heavy guns. Each suggestion he had given was to try to funnel the orcs, so they could take as many out as possible.

"We will do that then. Onz, you will be in charge of these new traps. Set up as many as you can, but do not do it too close to our front lines. We need room for fighting as well." Blake had no problem with Onz\'s plan. Even if it only killed five orcs per trap, it was still five less that they would need to fight.

"I will get on it now!" Onz saluted and exited the makeshift office.

"I will go take a look at this orc army myself. I want to see if I can get a grasp of how powerful they are." Blake patted Mike on the shoulder and walked out of the room. He then headed to the end of the dirt tunnel and exited back outside before flapping his wings and taking off into the air.

Back in the room, Bret and Mike looked at each other and sighed. "Luckily, he will not attack right away. He also wants all of us to get more battle experience in large scale wars. In a way, we should be thanking the orcs for being stupid."

"You don\'t think he instigated the orcs into doing this, do you?" Mike asked. This thought came to mind after remembering that he did let one orc leader go a while back.

"Knowing him…. Maybe…. It\'s like how he sent that girl back to the dragonic clan. He did it to bring more dragonic to his side. In a way, for him to set these traps that the other races will slowly fall into is quite scary…." Bret shivered. He was glad he was on Blake\'s side.

"I agree there. He can be scary with how he plans things. We should get to work. We still have a lot to do." Mike said as he tapped on the table. Bret nodded and stood up. He hoped things would turn out fine. While he felt they would, he still could not help but worry.

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