RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 384 A Truce?

The elven ancient looked at the king sitting on his throne and sighed: "Was that the right thing to do?"

"How is it not? That idiot son of mind has no idea what he is doing. Now he will probably resent me and try to kill me to take the throne. But sadly, unless he is more powerful than me, even if he were to try to poison me, he would not be able to take this throne.

"Plus, Noa has become a drakani princess. She is someone who will allow us to be protected from the dragonic no matter what we do now. Do you really think the soft hearted princess who loved her people will allow them to sit in dire straits? I have done a lot in the past few years to make the people despise me. Taxes are up, and the martial law I imposed has restricted their freedom. The army I sent to attack the drakani is now part of the drakani\'s forces. If things go as planned, then those same forces will soon be knocking on our doors, trying to take my head and take over the elven kingdom. Only in this way, will Noa be able to lead the elven people to more peaceful times." He had done so much to create such a setup. Now he just had to wait.

"But if that is the case, why not just dispose of the prince and send a message to your daughter?" The elven ancient never knew of this king\'s plans, but he had to admit having the drakani as protection would be better than being under the rule of the dragonic. Right now, things are safe but what about the future? Everyone\'s race was split apart now. There was no way to form a united front against the dragonic at this rate. Not to mention this was a new world with many new threats. Without a complete grasp on things, being a clan like theirs, no matter the size, could come under attack at any time by some unknown powerful race. If the drakani are back then many other races that they did not know about might surface.

"Because she would not grow if it was all given to her. Hey Old Gan, do you think she would let me see my granddaughter?" The elven king had long known he had a granddaughter out there, but he was not able to see her. He felt a little hollow, knowing he could not see his grandkid.

"I doubt it with the way you are doing things. Just remember, she might even put an arrow in your head." Old Gan, the elven ancestor, answered: "I am going back into meditation. You do your thing. The elven clan is under your control. Whether or not you can keep them safe is also up to you."

The elven king watched as Old Gan left the room before slumping down into his throne. "I can only hope she understands why I am doing all of this. As king, I must make sacrifices even if they were my own children."


In the throne room of the dragonic clan, the current leader of the dragonic looks down at his first son, who is bowing his head, holding an ancient text in his hands. "This is?"

"It is a transcript of a method to form mana cores and beyond. It will strengthen our people by a thousandfold." Prince Trien answered. He hoped this would make up for all his past mistakes and allow him a bit of leeway while also strengthening the entire dragonic clan.

"Oh?" with a rise of his hand, he indicated to have the text brought to him. A dragonic knight walked forward and took the ancient text from Prince Trien, and brought it to the king.

​ The king opened it carefully and began reading the ancient text inside. One thing that the dragonic were good at was instantly deciphering all the different kinds of ancient languages. It could be said to be an innate gift.

"Haha!" The kind, loud laughter filled the room. "To think such a thing was possible. Our power will definitely grow by thousands of times if we follow this method."

He closed the ancient text and looked over at the old dragonic man standing off to the side. "Send word to all outside forces. We are to pull back. Our clan will go into seclusion. We will become more powerful than any clan in this world and take our rightful place as the kings of this world."

"Understood, your majesty." the old dragonic man nodded and walked towards the throne room\'s exit. Prince Trien still stayed kneeling on the ground, waiting to be rewarded for his efforts.

"Crown Prince Trien, you have done well. You have given our clan a means to grow even more powerful than those damn drakani. I will grant you any wish you want." The dragonic king looked down thoughtfully at his son.

Prince Trien clenched his fists and raised his head as he answered with pure determination in his eyes: \'I wish you to allow Iseles and I to be wedded and acknowledged by you."

The smile on the dragonic king\'s face slowly disappeared. And anger began to well up within him. But he pushed it back down when he thought that this was nothing compared to the other things this damn bastard of a son of his could have asked for. "So be it. From this day forth, the first princess will no longer exist and will be nothing more than your princess consort."

Hearing these words, Prince Trien\'s eyes lit up as he knelt down and pressed his forehead against the ground. "Thank you, Father!"

"Humph! Go!" The dragonic king\'s expression was not good. He sent Prince Trien away and sat on this throne, tapping his fingers off the armrest. "General Tuyi, send an envoy to this Destiny City and form a truce with the drakani leaders there. From what you have told me, many of my daughters are all wives of this drakani named Blake. Since that is the case, we should have a kind of truce with them for the time being. At least until we are powerful enough to rule this world."

"By your word, Your Majesty!"

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