Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 245 Adapt, Overcome

"Let\'s talk about what kind of enemies we should face first," Dante said. "Considering the knowledge that you have, Ethan, what do you think?"

"Mary should be able to handle this dungeon by herself, and she can learn how to cook the monsters," Ethan explained. "But I guess that will take too much time… I guess I will just create a large supply of food for her before we set for the vampires. They are troublesome because of their ability to recover by drinking blood; we can\'t let them advance further and gain a massive supply of blood with the people of this kingdom."

Mary slowly opened her eyes, her heart beating a little faster than usual. She felt a sense of unease as if something ominous lingered in the air. The remnants of her dreams still clung to her mind, filled with haunting sounds and unsettling whispers. It took her a moment to realize that the unsettling noises were not confined to her dreams but were permeating the surroundings.

"Don\'t worry, we have things under control," Aline said while patting Mary\'s head. "You can rest for a while longer."

"We should rest as well, the night is the domain of the vampires, but it will be our best chance to cause chaos by surprising them," Dante declared. "We will depart mid-afternoon and then ambush them as soon as night falls."

Ethan couldn\'t decide whether it was best to attack during the night or wait for a safer opportunity. He knew that fighting in the dark would give them the element of surprise, but it also meant facing the powerful vampires at their strongest. He pondered silently, unsure of what to do.

He understood the risks involved in launching an attack under the cover of darkness. With their supernatural abilities, the vampires would be a formidable force to reckon with. Their enhanced senses and mastery of dark magic made them particularly dangerous during the night. Ethan didn\'t want to put their mission and their lives in jeopardy by rushing into battle without a solid plan.

However, time was of the essence, and they couldn\'t afford to delay their mission any further. The longer they waited, the more time their enemies had to prepare and strengthen their defenses. Ethan knew that they needed to strike while they still had the element of surprise, even if it meant facing the vampires at their most powerful.

Just like Emily, Ethan decided to rest while using Mana Force. Keeping that State was enough for him to rest his mind. Besides, he didn\'t like the idea of relaxing too much during the missions.

In the end, Ethan stopped a few times when the ice wolves showed up. Ian was awake and kept guard duty alongside Mary, but Ethan decided to cook all of the new ones that showed up to create a decent stock for Mary.

Once that happened at noon, Ethan decided to explore the dungeon and see if the core could be of any use to him or Mary. Still, now that he thought about it, he won\'t be able to bring it back to the entrance of the place.

As Ethan ventured deeper into the dungeon, the chilling atmosphere seemed to intensify. The echoes of his footsteps resonated against the icy walls as he moved with swift and precise movements. He could hear the distant growls of the ice wolves, their haunting cries echoing through the cold corridors.

Ethan\'s instincts and combat skills kicked into high gear with each encounter. He cautiously approached the ice wolves, analyzing their movements and anticipating their attacks. His strikes were swift and precise, targeting their vulnerable spots with lethal accuracy. A well-placed blow to the head was often enough to dispatch them quickly and efficiently.

Ethan understood the importance of dispatching his enemies swiftly. The taste of their fear or pain could potentially affect the quality of their meat, and he wanted to ensure that their final moments were as painless as possible. It was a small gesture, a display of respect for the creatures he encountered, even in the midst of battle.

As Ethan continued his journey through the dungeon, he noticed that the path ahead was winding and twisted. There were no branching paths or alternate routes, but the corridor curved and meandered, leading him deeper into the heart of the icy labyrinth.

The walls of the dungeon seemed to close in around him, the cold air biting at his skin. The dim light that filtered through the cracks illuminated the frost-covered surfaces, casting eerie shadows that danced along the curving walls.

Ethan followed the path with unwavering determination, his footsteps echoing in the narrow corridor. The silence was broken only by the sound of his own breathing and the occasional distant howl of a creature lurking in the depths of the dungeon.

The curved nature of the path added to the sense of disorientation and mystery. It was as if the dungeon itself was intentionally leading him further into its depths, testing his resolve and determination. Yet, Ethan pressed on, his mind focused and his senses alert.

It didn\'t take long for Ethan to find the end of the dungeon. Considering the number of monsters he found outside, he imagined that the place was a lot bigger, but it wasn\'t… the core shouldn\'t be that smart.

Ethan was well aware of the concept of dungeon cores and their intelligence. Dungeon cores were the heart and soul of a dungeon, imbued with magical energy and serving as the source of its power. They possessed a certain level of sentience and were capable of making decisions and adapting to various situations.

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