Combat Maid Harem

Chapter 154 - Forced To Bow His Head

The next day, Lawrend woke up dry. As for Logan and Nuon, they were both sneezing. It was not that warm under the wyvern with the rain cooling them from every direction. Not to mention, their bodies were also wet.

"I\'m surprised that the three of you didn\'t demand any food."

The instructor said to them.

"I can fast for 2 days."

Lawrend replied. Each time he got stronger, his reliance on food decreases.

"I can fast for a day."

Nuon replied.

As for Logan, he raised one finger. Meaning, he also can fast for a day.

"Hmmm… Okay. Before we go, I want all of you to hunt for food. There will be a lot of small animals exiting from hiding as the rain had just stopped earlier."

The instructor said to them.

"Yes, sir!"

The three of them nodded their heads respectfully.

Lawrend ran to the forest. Even though he said that he can fast for two days, he was still feeling quite hungry. He rushed to be the first one to find prey to cook.

Fast forward later, Lawrend was holding a rabbit by its ears. It was already dead; cooked alive by his lightning magic.

He walked to his campfire and removed the leaf cover he used. He made sure to create a trench around it earlier to keep the water from entering inside.


"Smells good, huh?"

The instructor walked towards Lawrend. The rabbit he had caught was already being roasted. It was skewered using a large stick.

"Yes. Unfortunately, I don\'t have anything to season it with."

Lawrend replied to the instructor with a sigh.

"You\'re doing good. I just want to remind you that this is a team special mission. At this rate, your two other teammates will fail."

The instructor reminded Lawrend with a faint smile on his lips.

Lawrend sucked in a breath of cold air when he heard his words. He was basically saying that he had to carry the two of them. That is the most unpleasant feeling ever.

"Good luck."

The instructor said to him before he left.


Lawrend stared at the instructor\'s back drearily. It seems like it really would be as he had imagined.

"Alright. The two of you. Starting from now on, I\'m in charge."

Lawrend blocked in front of Logan and Nuon who were walking like zombies. They had lost so much energy just trying to catch two rabbits. Their elements were just not suited for combat.


Logan was bitter when he heard Lawrend\'s words. If he listens to him now, it would be akin to him admitting defeat and saying that he was inferior to Lawrend.

Nuon silently walked and stood behind Lawrend. He doesn\'t need to choose. He already knows who he had to listen to long ago. He was just waiting for this chance.

Logan shook his head and ignored Lawrend. His pride as a man wouldn\'t allow him to admit defeat.


Lawrend and Nuon watched him leave silently. Logan is into a lot of suffering because of his stubbornness.

"What\'s your element?"

Lawrend turned to Nuon and asked.

"I\'m a Light Mage."

Nuon replied to him.

"And him?"

Lawrend pointed at Logan.

"He\'s an Earth Mage."

Nuon replied.

"Sigh. No wonder the two of you are struggling."

Lawrend shook his head with a sigh. If he were in their shoes, he\'d also struggle to start a fire and hunt for prey.

"Alright. Let him do what he wants. I\'ll help you cook your rabbit."

Lawrend said to Nuon.

"Thank you. I\'ll be in your care from now on."

Nuon bowed his head to Lawrend.

And so, Lawrend cooked Nuon\'s breakfast before they flew into the skies once again.

Logan was riding in the front just behind yhe instructor. The dead rabbit was still in his hand. He didn\'t get any chance to cook it as there was no fire for him to use.

Soon, he would collapse due to hunger.

They flew for a whole day again before they landed again to set up camp. By this time, Logan was sitting on the wyvern like a dead fish. He was so hungry that his brain was not working anymore.

"Lawrend, this is your last chance."

The instructor reminded Lawrend solemnly. Any more, and he would have to interfere. Once that happens, they would all fail.

"Tsk. Fine."

Lawrend clicked his tongue in anger.

He was thrown verbal abuse by the man the first time they met. He got scolded for doing the correct thing yesterday.

Then, he gave him a chance to follow his lead, and he rejected it. Lawrend really disliked this guy.

He couldn\'t put down his pride for a minute.

Yeah, sure. They had to win this as a team, but Lawrend doesn\'t think that it was very wise of the academy to choose Logan as the team captain.

Lawrend snatched the rabbit in Logan\'s hand and quickly started a campfire. He cooked it shortly and gave it to Logan who was lying on the ground, unmoving.


Logan took the rabbit unwillingly, and he slowly sat up and ate it.

Tears slowly fell from his eyes. The taste of food. It was delicious even though it wasn\'t seasoned.

"Good. Just a little bit longer, and I would have been forced to interfere."

The instructor nodded his head at Lawrend in approval.

"What am I? A babysitter?"

Lawrend replied to him mockingly.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

The instructor squinted his eyes at Lawrend as a dangerous glint shone in it.

"If this weren\'t a team special mission, I would have abandoned him long ago."

Lawrend replied to him coldly.

"Which is exactly why this is a team special mission. If you can\'t even adapt and become a proper leader, then how would the Purple Thunder Grand Mage approve of you?"

The instructor said to Lawrend with a smirk.

Lawrend\'s eyes widened hearing his words.

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