The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(636) Volume 56 6 - Weed’s Scheme (Part 4)

Volume 56 Chapter 6 - Weed’s Scheme (Part 4)

“The 1,000 who will leave the Hermes Guild after becoming lords will be the key. Though they may continue to reside in Haven, the majority of the guild members will no longer think of sharing the same fate with the guild.”

“Would things go that far?”

“Gradually, the bond will weaken. Those who left may fight alongside Weed when he begins to tear down the Hermes Guild.”

Weed’s offer was designed to weaken the guild over time. Referred to as the new wave or trend, the gradual effects were to be much more difficult to cross.

“Then would we have been better off declining his offer and defending Haven until the end?”

Arkhim was entirely devoted to the Hermes Guild. He did not wish for the downfall of the guild even in times of crisis.

“No. There was no choice given to us this time around.”

The negotiation between Weed and the Hermes Guild was broadcasted live.

Inevitably the average guild members welcomed the offer.

The guild did not exercise absolute power like in the past and no players wished to be confined within Haven.

Moreover, the heads of the guild, who were lords themselves, mostly thought positively about the offer.

After all, they would be able to maintain their authority.

“In various individual perspectives they may realize the poison, but it is just too sweet to decline the offer.”

“Such sly intentions…”

“Looking further ahead, Weed will benefit much more. He may use the players from Hermes Guild to contest the Arpen lords and keep them in check… He could also reduce losses from going to war as well.”

“For him to commit to such tricks.”

“Weed uprooted the base of our guild with a simple offer.”

“I refuse to believe that we will go down so easily. I… will remain until the final moment.”

Arkhim did not follow past the gate of Lahonya Fortress.

Lafaye walked out the gate as the sense of freedom from his last regrets was lifted and reduced the weight of the bag over his shoulders.

‘The Hermes Guild failed and now the world belongs to Weed. I lost completely in strength and in brains. I actually feel glad.’

For him, Royal Road was not yet over.

He thought of his novice days, when he went on adventures with fellow comrades like Da-In, to have been joyful memories.


The following day, Weed made an official visit to Lahonya Fortress.

The players of Lahonya lined up along the streets and the rooftops.

The road that extended from the gate was covered with red carpet.

“I am in the presence of the emperor.”

“Long live the Arpen Empire!”

As Weed tread on the carpet, the citizens and players showered him with flower petals.

Even the Hermes Guild members clapped at their stations.

“The God of War, Weed. Our guild surrendered to one man.”

“It’s pretty impressive. I understand that it was a negotiation, but for us to succumb to Arpen so early.”

“Their conditions are favorable. It’s beneficial for us. One war will wash away the sins that we have committed.”

“Would it really be alright for us to roam freely?”

“Weed made a promise. The promise of Arpen’s emperor should be upheld.”

The Hermes Guild members felt conflicted.

There were many with hostile feelings toward Weed and the empire, but, in truth, their feelings did not stem from a legitimate reason.

They were forsaken after waging wars against the entire continent. They should, in fact, be thankful instead.

“I am honored to meet Weed-nim.”

“This way. We welcome your presence.”

With Arkhim in the lead, the heads of the Hermes Guild greeted him politely.

Famous players like Steer, Boemong, Gaushu, Heiller, Gross and Crebulta all bowed their heads.

What was unexpected was the Slaughterer Calcus’s attitude.

Until now, he always screamed for a chance to kill Weed whenever a guild meeting took place.

Each time he failed, he vowed to kill Weed in the next opportunity.

However, this time he greeted Weed while bent down 90° and reached out with his hand for a handshake.

“It is an honor. Having been under different settlements I had always held my sword against you, but I had always rooted for you. Weed-nim, from now on, whatever annoyance or trouble may arise, let me know. I will take care of it in an instant.”

He was truly a textbook example of social-skills!

Weed, with a smile, grasped Calcus’s hand and clapped him on the back back.

Responding warmly to the first flatterer would get others to approach him without hesitation.

“Slaughterer Calcus-nim, I watched you often on broadcasts. I observed many of your combat videos as well.”

“Rrr… Really?”

“Yes. Let’s hunt and get acquainted whenever we get the chance.”

“Thank you. I am deeply honored.”

The heads of Hermes Guild watching this scene realized the future man of power.

The Hermes Guild followed the unmatched power of Bard Ray.

But now, with complete control over the Northern and Central Continent, Weed, who would soon rise up as the emperor of the united Versailles Continent, was the tide.

The Hermes Guild, in the very moment, acknowledged that they have lost in both power and mind.

Many players wished for the revival of the Hermes Guild, but that reality now seems like a dream. .


< The lords of the Haven region lifted the flag of the Arpen Empire.

The territories of the empire have expanded.

National reputation spreads across the continent.

Political influence is on the brink of reigning over the continent.

The rich citizens of the Haven region wish for special regional products, artworks and various cultures.

Fulfilling their needs will lead to an accelerated commercial development. >

Thus, the merging of the Haven region began!

The Arpen Empire now practically controlled the majority of Versailles Continent.


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The southern deserts, the eastern kingdoms and the orc lands.

A bit more time was needed until total unification, but Arpen’s world was right before their eyes.

Weed announced at Lahonya Fortress:

- We will combine our strength and slay Kaybern at Morata!

“Long live Weed!”

“Long live Arpen Empire!’

“Hunt down Kaybern!”

The sight of the Hermes Guild members cheering Weed was one of pure shock for the viewers.

- I never thought I would see the Hermes Guild rooting for Weed in my lifetime.

- Wow. I am speechless. That’s crazy.

- When I heard that Weed-nim went to Lahonya for lunch, I thought it was outrageous. But he returned with a full stomach. He even conquered Haven.

- What is going on? I’m scared.

- He gulped down the entire Hermes Guild with a few words. Burp.

- The Conqueror, Weed…

- He even mobilized them to fight together against Kaybern.

- Why is the Hermes Guild so happy?

- They’re thankful that Weed-nim decided to spare them despite all their sins.

- As you all know already, Kaybern rose because of that guild.

The Hermes Guild may have announced their participation in the Kaybern hunt but were not spared from the public criticism.

On the other hand, having them protect Morata of all places brought positive response from the Northern players.

- Secure Morata!

- I trusted that Weed-nim would not abandon Morata.

- It begins and ends in Morata.

- The invincible stronghold Morata. It will be the dragon’s grave.

- Weed-nim himself stepped up. The Hermes Guild, too, is joining forces.

- Let’s go spectate at Morata.

- I’m inviting people to my home. It’s located at shantytown #6.

- My house is also open to whoever is in need. The roof collapsed a bit last time, but it will be fixed by tomorrow.

“Awesome. If I sustain this atmosphere, more will volunteer to use the Brazier of Sacrifice!”

Weed was more satisfied over dragging in the Hermes Guild than the response of the public.

- Mapan: Your political skills are outstanding. With just a few words, you have brought down the Hermes Guild to their knees.

“Well, I gave up what I could afford to give and I took what I needed, but I won’t die alone.”

There was no way he was going to sacrifice himself for Versailles like a fool.

It went against Weed’s philosophy of eating and living well.

In movies, the hero that saved the world was extremely likely to die after a life of hardship.

The burden on the remaining family members was the cherry on top.

In this day and age, the true hero needed to take what he could and secure his life.

“We will die together, but I will survive alone if possible…”

Weed had to utilize the short remainder of time effectively.

“Morata has become the battleground with the fate of Arpen backed against the wall.”

- Mapan: Yes. I made a call for full mobilization of all merchants. The merchants of the Northern and Central Continent are waiting for your orders.

The merchants had to leave a good impression on Weed, the emperor of the Arpen Empire.

The dragon hunt was not a battle against a single boss monster, so it was necessary to make preparations beyond the level of war.

“It’s obvious at this point, but the evacuation plans are cancelled. We need to enlist players over level 400 willing to join the battle and forge defenses.”

- Mapan: Understood. I will concentrate all forces in Morata.

Weed also sent a whisper to Seoyoon.

“Morata will be the battleground where the fate of this continent will be decided. People will be crowding in, so distribute tasks for them and prepare for the dragon.”

- Seoyoon: Leave it to me. I will protect Morata.

Weed did not forget to message the architects.

“Pavo-nim. This battle also depends significantly on architects. The damage on Morata will be immense.”

- Pavo: There is no end to work! But, I will take this on with spirit. I have realized a lot after seeing Kaybern destroy Castle Bawell. I can’t guarantee impregnability, but I will make Morata as solid as possible.

In order to increase the odds against the dragon, they needed to fight on a good turf after exhausting the dragon.

“It would be beneficial to collaborate with hunters as well, though I am uncertain if the traps will work.”

- Pavo: Noted. Like the Stonehammer Architect Association, all Northern architects are on their way to Morata.

“What about the architects from the Central Continent?”

- Pavo: They were travelling on birdmen as soon as they heard the news. I was also contacted by Hermes Guild… They offered assistance with the preparations. Should I accept their help?

“For now, accept all the help you can get. Things like magic traps are weak against the dragon… But they, too, have vast experience in boss monster hunts, so they must have something they can offer.”

- Pavo: I will do my best.

“I am always in your debt.”

- Pavo: I should be thankful for your acknowledgement and trusting me with such tasks. If it weren’t for you, architects would have never been respected.

After Weed made the decision to fight in Morata, the entire Northern and Central Continent was on the move. Perhaps, it would have been better to make preparations in advance, but not much could be done since he was improvising according to the situation!

‘This is the best I can do for now. The reconciliation with the Hermes Guild too…’

He had a long history of bad fate with the Hermes Guild.

They decided to bend knees because they were at a disadvantage, but it surely did not mean that they became friends. Then again, he could not guarantee that the lords of Arpen were pure and trustworthy.

If Weed’s popularity were to decline, the lords could very well be the first ones to draw the sword against him. In fact, they could very well be raising forces for when that time comes.

‘They are all treacherous. The only thing to trust is myself.’

He could be stabbed in the back at any moment if he let his guard down.

In the current situation, he decided to focus only on defending Morata.

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