The Great Demon System

Chapter 199 - Questioning

Chapter 199: Questioning

{ Emergency Alert! Emergency Alert! The school will be going into immediate lockdown! Any students on school grounds need to return to their dorms immediately in the next 5 minutes, failure to comply will lead to your immediate arrest and you will be taken in for interrogation! As for students outside the school, please stay calm and find somewhere else to sleep for the night. Curfew rules will not apply to you for the rest of the day unless we inform you otherwise. We will keep you updated. There is absolutely, under any circumstance, no exit or entry on or off the premises. Don\'t even try to attempt it, you will be stopped by the barrier surrounding the school and immediately reported to staff. We urge all students to stay calm, the school will figure things out and update you on the situation when the time is right. }

A sudden, monotone, calm, female voice resounded into everybody\'s ears all at once, the sound causing loud echoes to ring around the room as her voice came off everybody\'s watch, even from that of the still unconscious people, interrupting Moby as soon as he asked his important question.

Deep down, Moby knew that such a thing would happen yet at the same time he did not predict that they would be so severe about it.

Moby inwardly cursed his situation, he had dug himself into a massive hole, literally trapping himself in the school with no real means of escape. If only he had predicted exactly what would happen and had chosen to gather elsewhere, like outside of the school grounds, they would have been free to roam and explore the city all night.

With a long sigh, Moby inwardly shook his head trying to get rid of such thoughts to focus on the task at hand.

All of that searching depended on if they had even found a hint of where Abby\'s location might have been. If it came to that point, then they might have to find a way to exit the school during lockdown, he was more than willing to take the risk in order to save her.

Now, all he needed was more information and to wait for his friends to reawaken until he could decide on what his next move was to be.

"Okay, that was an unexpected interruption but that still doesn\'t change the question that I am asking you, who is your former boss? Who is the leader of the Zexis gang?" Moby spoke, repeating his question with a cold, icy stare of seriousness.

Even the mere mention of the gang\'s name and the boss made Jason sweat more than he was before with a somewhat sad glint in his eyes. Despite the fact that he knew he was now branded a traitor, that name still bore many memories so he could not help but reminisce about all the good and all of the bad. However, of course, after more wake-up calls than he would like to admit, he fully recognized that all of that was now behind him and he now had a new life and served an entirely different boss, one that he was actually able to see in person.

Moby mostly focused his gaze off Jason and focused more on Nags. According to what he knew, the third seat and above were the only members that were actually allowed to witness the boss and know their true identity, so under such assumptions, Nags should know who and what they look like.

"As I said, I am being completely honest with you… And the truth of the matter is I still don\'t know…" Nags responded, matching Moby\'s heavy voice with one of his own.

Moby\'s eyes grew wide, almost completely breaking his poker face from the surprise that those words held as he knew that he was for a fact telling the truth.

"What! How do you not know!? You\'re the 3rd seat are you not!? Explain yourself!" He yelled with an air of authority, trying his best to suppress his absolute shock in order to keep with his calm, leader-like appearance.

"Well, unlike Jason who had been in the gang for over a year now, I had just only joined 3 weeks before the first exam. I was a new transfer student from another school in the country. And, just like you, my talents were recognized and I was invited to join, but also like you, I rejected their invitation since I was new and didn\'t know any better. But, unlike you, I had lost, very miserably… Not by a second year, no, by another first-year… I think you now know her name very well, HikariYami, a person so strong yet so obscure in nature that it even weirded me out…"

"In the end, I personally chose to enter the gang to alleviate my boredom with the promise of greater strength if I comply, and part of it was so I can grow strong enough to both reach my goals and defeat her. At my old school, I was by far the strongest out of all the first years, but now at this new school, I am not even sure anymore."

"Anyways, enough of my rambling. To get to the point, I might be the 3rd seat, but since I am still new, I had to prove my loyalty more before I was able to meet the boss. She used this mission to capture you as some sort of test, so even though you would have been the new 3rd seat if you joined, the boss promised that if I completed my mission and brought you to our side, then she would extend the limit to the top 4, and allow me to see her face, so you just got unlucky by rather inopportune timing," Nags explained in a calm yet serious manner.

Moby once again knew that what Nags was saying was also the truth. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and paid great attention to Nags\'s words, making sure that he missed no details.

He now understood more why he thought that they were somewhat similar in nature, they both had very similar experiences.

It seemed like he had gotten his hopes up too high, of course, it would not have been that easy, his streak of bad luck seemingly had no end. Yet, that was not enough to discourage Moby and surely not enough to make him give up.

As he listened closely to Nags\'s words, he could not help but pick up on one subtle detail one might not have picked up on unless they were being attentive.

"Hmmm… I see, you said, "Her" does that mean that you are certain that the boss is a she?" Moby asked with clear curiosity in his voice.

"Well, I would not say certain, but fairly certain. It slipped out of Hikari\'s mouth a few times when we talked so take of that what you will."

"Does the gang have a certain hideout? Where do you think HikariYami would be taking Abby?"

"Well, the gang didn\'t really have a set hideout. Orders were usually given out digitally, the gang has so many members that sometimes you would be grouped up with random people that you had no clue were also in the gang. To my knowledge, there had never actually been a formal meeting between all the top members, the boss just randomly paired people with each other at will and I was always stuck with this buffoon every time," Nags said, pointing at Jason with his thumb, making him look like he wanted to respond back, only to stop himself and keep silent.

Moby tried to rack his brain around all the information that was given to him, he wondered what else he could ask that could bring him at least somewhat closer to the truth. There was no way he was about to give up now, there must have been something more that he could do but he was not sure what it was just yet.


Suddenly interrupting his thinking, a sudden yawn rang all around the room, coming from the bunk beds behind them.

When Moby turned around, he noticed that Jayden had begun moving, stretching her arms out wide with an open mouth that was less than pleasant yet still considered cute in Moby\'s eyes.

Scratching and opening her dead-looking gray eyes that were completely unlike her usual beautiful dark blue, she sat straight up on the top bunk to continue her stretching.

"Hwahhh… What\'s happening? Why can\'t I see? Are the lights off? No! I have night vision! What\'s happening?!" She mumbled out loud, trying to comprehend what was going on.

Then, before Moby even had the chance to respond and calm her down even though he too had no idea what was going on, Jayden immediately transformed herself into another girl, one that he recognized as a servant in her family, as she began to use a healing ability on her still not working eyes.

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