The Great Demon System

Chapter 435: Award Ceremony (2)

As the light faded, it did not reveal a table akin to the rest, yet the ring still remained. Royal purple shining like amethyst, floating in mid-air with an uncanny green sparkle surrounding it.

The crowd stood mesmerized by the sheer beauty, unable to speak. They only watched with eyes glued to the stage as Moby stepped up with pride in his step to grab the reward that was rightfully his and place it upon his finger. Only then did the crowd regain themselves and rightfully applaud.

"The awards have been handed out! Phase one is complete, and now, will come phase two to follow! Here, each contestant will be given various offers from all of our judges! A once in a lifetime opportunity! So without further ado! I will hand over control to—"

"Hold on one second…" Suddenly, a voice emerged, soft yet potent interrupting the announcer, and when he looked, he witnessed the face of a smiling Moby, his right hand up in the air, and suddenly, all eyes once again sat solely on him, especially from the canopy above who leant in particularly closer.

"Ahh— Pardon my manners! It seems like the winner of this tournament had something to say!" He nervously began sweating. "What words does the champion have to grace us all and everyone watching at home!"

"Thank you for entertaining my selfish request, announcer." He smiled closing his eyes. "But, what I will say is no victory speech I can assure you that… The truth is, I would like to use my wish right now."

"WHHHATTT!!" That was the very first word that came to everyone\'s mind, yet only some spoke them out loud.

Their mouths shot open, their eyes expanded like the universe and their bottoms suddenly found themselves leaning forward near the edge of their seat. Even the judges could not keep their facades of calmness and professionalism.

Those watching at home spat out their drinks, some nearly choked on their food, whatever they were doing was of little importance to what was happening in front of them. Out of everything that had happened in this tournament so far, this was the thing they least expected.

"Ah, I can see many of you are shocked," Kane scratched the back of his head. "Well, you see, I did come into this tournament planning to win, and I had already formulated what I wanted to do with it well in advance.

"Ahh— Ahh—" The announcer looked around in panic, from the canopy to the champion in utter loss and confusion.

He had not prepared for such a turn of events, and he knew not what to do, more so than anyone else especially since he was put on the spot. His stress was starting to opening show, and just as he was ready to crumble, a voice emerged to save him.

"I see… Hmph hmph… A boy who is independent and ready to control his future… Teenagers are so hasty these days. I like it!" The supreme general broke the mayhem. "I would be lying to say I saw this coming, but out of anyone, it would make sense that you would be the one. After all, you have no family ties to bind you to their whims and decisions.

"That may be true supreme general, but I can assure you this decision was not made in haste." Moby bowed respectfully.

"Is that so… Now you have me even more curious boy... Then allow me to hear this wish of yours! I\'ll see it done to the best of my ability!"

"Thank you, supreme general," He lowered his head even further, only to raise it up high the instant after with an unshakable determination in his very presence. "I wish to create a top-ranked guild, and to do that, I request the highest level guild weapon item and a chance to become a judge in this event!"

"Ah—" The supreme general stuttered before smiling and shaking his head. "I see now why you couldn\'t hold off on this wish of yours. Ho ho, I see you\'re trying to poach some of the best prospects from us! But, a wish is a wish, and I am in no position to decline a request such as this! It shall be done! But allow me to ask you this… Why do this? What is your motivation? What inspired you to create a guild now of all times?"


"I— … This has always been my main goal… As many of you know, although here I stand as a world champion, I am an orphan. My beginnings were anything but spoiled, my parents were taken away from me by the war, and I was left all alone. Only a mere two years ago, I was weak, abilitiyless and naive. Every day I would come to school only to suffer and get belittled. And outside of school was not much better. Every day was a perpetual nightmare, yet I did not let it stop me."


"Each day I would train from sunrise to sunset, I learned all my family had to teach and mastered martial arts in all forms, yet even still, I could not keep up with even the weakest of F-ranks, such was the human limit… Through my struggle and humiliation, I only look up to see faces of amusement, and at times even fear. I always wished for help, yet help never came, only hesitation and mockery,"

"The only reason I stand before you today was out of mere luck of me finding an ability in my time of need. And, ever since then, I\'ve devoted my entire life to helping the weak! To help the me that never got help! I would be there!!"

"Through my journey, I\'ve met many great people who showed me the beauty of mankind... Some of whom are now dead and I shall never forget... Through it all, many began to call me a hero or saviour, yet I am not foolish enough to see myself as that! No! I am human just like all of you! And I am selfish towards my own ambition! And to that end, I will create this guild!!"

"A guild that rejects no one as long as they have the heart and will to succeed! So many people have lost the will, yet there still remain those like the old me who strive for success! Anyone like that is more than welcome to join! We live in a very discriminatory society! One where the strong are praised and the weak are shunned! I will aim to bridge the gap!!"

"I want to build the perfect guild! To honour my parents and my legacy, it shall be called the guild of blissful demons! a utopia for both the weak and strong to live alongside each other, and each will have their own roles and be awarded as such! All will be given the tools to succeed! I have manufactured and studied my own methods in the pursuit of this, but even still, what I speak may sound hard or even impossible… But that is why I require strong, reliable aid to start it! All are welcome, and together we will rise up and break through heaven itself!!"

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