The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 537 - Petty Squabbles...

Chapter 537 – Petty Squabbles…

[Rating Game Field]

Vali Lucifer and Orias finally found themselves on the stage, standing side by side in front of Grayfia. Unlike Lix Tetrax and Onoskelis, Vali and Orias didn\'t seem to have any sort of cordial relationship between them. Orias was trying to burn Vali while glaring at him, meanwhile, Vali was simply ignoring Orias, which seemed to anger the man even more.

"Please pick a paper from this bowl" Grayfia requested as she extended the glass bowl in her hand towards them. Both Orias and Vali extended their hands at the same time, and both of them stopped when they noticed that both of them were trying to grab a paper slip.

"Stand back. I am going to pick the paper" Orias growled angrily.

"And why would I stand back?" Vali droned with a blank look on his face. Orias gritted his teeth and with a menacing look on his face, he stepped towards Vali, who didn\'t look bothered in the slightest.

"Because we are representing the Fallen Angels Faction and you are a Devil-hybrid" Orias spat out in disdain. It seemed like he wanted to say a lot more, but he somehow held himself back. He wouldn\'t be doing himself a favour by badmouthing Devils in front of Grayfia Lucifuge. Orias wasn\'t delusional enough to think that he could fight Grayfia Lucifuge and live to tell the tale.

Vali frowned after hearing his words, so he subtly glanced towards Grayfia, who seemed to have a stoic look on her face. Then Vali\'s frown turned into a smirk if he could egg Orias into saying something offensive, then he might end up offending Grayfia. Even if Grayfia Lucifuge didn\'t do anything, she will be still officiating the Match, so it was a win in his books.

"I see… Anyways, I won\'t be backing down" Vali said in a mocking tone. Orias raised his hand and his face turned almost purple in rage.

"You!!…" Orias began, but he was cut off by Grayfia. No matter how amusing it was to watch the two of them squabble like children, she had to move on. She couldn\'t have a fistfight breaking out even before she started the Game. They could always beat the snot out of each other during the Game.

"May I suggest a toss coin? Whoever wins the toss gets to choose the Game" Grayfia suggested and stepped forwards. Both Vali and Orias could have sworn that the temperature around them dropped by several degrees. Lucifuge Clan was known for their Ice Magic and Grayfia Lucifuge was extremely adept in Ice Magic. So, they kind of guessed why the temperature dropped.

"I suppose that would be the best" Orias said with a nod of his head and Vali simply nodded his head. Grayfia was already prepared for situations like this. In fact, she was quite surprised that this was the first time an argument broke out. So, she vanished the bowl from her hand and produced a coin in her hand.

It was a simple coin with an H and a T carved on either side. "Choose, either, and don\'t waste time" Grayfia said in a neutral tone. She didn\'t want them squabbling over choosing H and T. Vali and Orias looked at each other and it was Vali was the first one who spoke up.

"I choose Heads" Vali called out and Grayfia gave a small nod of her head.

"Heads for Vali Lucifer and Tails for Orias" Grayfia added so that there wouldn\'t be any arguments afterwards. Orias looked completely murderous as he glared at Vali, who seemed to have a smirk marring his face. Grayfia didn\'t want to waste any more time on the two of them, so she simply flicked the coin in the air.

Both Vali and Orias kept their gazes fixed on the coin. After a second, the coin landed on the stage with a soft clang. The coin bounced on the stage a couple of times until it stopped moving with the T face falling on the top. Vali clicked his tongue and Orias gave him a smug grin. Grayfia once again produced the glass bowl and Orias picked a paper with a visible skip in his step. 

Grayfia had to try very hard not to roll her eyes at their childish display. This was something she expected from Rias or Zephyrdor, but apparently, she was wrong. Other Factions also seem to have their own fair share of childish people.

Orias quickly opened the paper slip to reveal the contents of the paper. Orias slightly blanched after he saw the contents of the paper. The contents of the paper slip were displayed on the Screens just like the other times,

Vali Lucifer was going to face Orias in a Lightning Fast Game. The Devils roared in excitement, while the spectator stands of the other Factions simply looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. "Do either of you have any preferences for the arena?" Grayfia asked and she already knew that she was going to have another argument.

"Some urban area" Vali said with a shrug, except for Grigori, he wasn\'t familiar with any areas since he didn\'t have his own territory, but Orias has his own territory.

"London" Orias said in a stiff tone. Grayfia decided to go with London, she knew she was stretching it, but technically London could be considered as an urban area. Vali should have been more specific, Grayfia shrugged internally.

"The Rating Game Field will be London" Grayfia announced and told them to wait or leave. Obviously, both of them decided to stay with their teams…

[Miscellaneous Spectator Stand]

The Miscellaneous Spectator Stand was right below the VIP box. The Miscellaneous Spectator Stand was very small. It was created for the people who didn\'t belong to any of the Factions involved in the Rating Games Tournament.

A blue-haired woman dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black top, and a black cargo jacket could be seen leaning on the railing. The woman\'s hair was flowing beautifully due to the wind, The woman was clearly very beautiful and she would have been looking even more beautiful if she wasn\'t scowling in rage…

"You have serious balls to show up here, you fucker" The woman snarled in rage, making the others around her flinch back in fear, but the man who was the target of the woman\'s rage didn\'t even flinch.

Ddraig simply shrugged… "I simply came to apologize, but if you want to be an uncivilized bitch then you are always welcome" Ddraig said in a dismissive manner. The woman started to release her power, but once again, Ddraig remained completely unfazed. It was quite a surprise that the woman didn\'t pop a few veins, her face was almost purple in rage.

"You dare?! After what you did to my treasures? You dare?!!" The woman snarled and lunged towards Ddraig, the floor beneath her feet cracked when she lunged forward towards Ddraig. 

Ddraig gave the woman an unimpressed look and grabbed her hands with little to no effort. "Get over it, Tiamat. I borrowed some treasures from you and lost them. I came here to apologize and tell you that I am already looking for your treasures. I have already found two. It was my mistake and I am trying to fix it" Ddraig said in a firm tone and the blue-haired woman, now recognized as Tiamat, looked completely shocked after hearing Ddraig\'s words.

(Image Here)

"I don\'t believe you… the Ddraig I knew was too proud to accept his mistake and apologize and even more so, he would have never tried to fix his mistake" Tiamat pointed out with a disbelieving look on her face. Ddraig lets go of her hands.

"I have changed a lot. I am not the same Dragon, I have a lot of time to contemplate over my mistakes when I was sealed inside that blasted Sacred Gear. Being sealed inside a Scared Gear can do wonders for you" Ddraig finished cheerfully and Tiamat still gave him disbelieving looks.

"Tiamat, the only reason you are still alive is because it was my mistake in the first place, or I have killed you right where you stand. I am much stronger than last time and you are simply a Dragon King, you could never match my power even in the past" Ddraig reminded her in a neutral tone, and Tiamat was trying to set Ddraig on fire with her venomous glare.

"So… Tiamat I am sorry for taking your treasures and I am already looking for them to fix my mistake" Ddraig said in a sincere tone. 

Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon wanted to rage and shout, but she knew that she could only let the matters go, at least, Ddraig sounded sincere in his apology. She still wanted to beat Ddraig into a bloody pulp, but she knew that she couldn\'t do that. She couldn\'t match him even before he was killed by the God of the Bible and now, he seemed to be stronger than before. Thanks to the Destroyer, of course.

It was pretty clear that Ddraig was working for the Destroyer and to be honest, she didn\'t want to get involved in the mess. After all, she didn\'t want either the Destroyer or his bloody fanatic… namely Crom Cruach coming after her. That bastard was insane and he would simply beat her into the ground just for questioning the Destroyer. Once again, she wasn\'t delusional enough to consider that she could defeat Crom Cruach.

"Fine… I accept your apology, Ddraig" Tiamat said with a huff and went back to lean on the railing. The Rating Game was about to start and she desperately needed something to distract her. At least, there was a chance that she would get back her treasures… That was a piece of good news…


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