The Human Giant

Chapter 45 45: Gail Village's Protector

It took about a week for Yoze and the gang to make it to their next rest stop, which was a small village called Gail Village located on the far outskirts of New Swampscott City.

Gail Village was known for being friendly to travelers so it was a popular rest spot for travelers like them. As they got closer to Gail Village Yoze saw that a village girl was sitting on a tree staring right at them.

The village girl wore a long blue dress that touched the floor and her face was pale white as she seemed to be on the verge of crying.

"A girl is watching us." Yoze turned to Jewel to get her opinion since she was the most familiar with this region and town.

"A girl? What was she wearing?" Jewel looked surprised at first but hearing that it was a girl her face softened considerably.

"She is wearing a long blue dress. So long in fact that even though she is sitting on top of a tree her dress touches the bottom." Intrigued by Jewel\'s reaction, Yoze gave her a detailed report.

"That\'s good, we don\'t have to worry about her. She is Gail Village\'s protector and a strong one at that. It\'s rumored that she is a Blood Master so any troublemakers are quickly subdued."

"A Blood Master, is she taking in students?" 

Staring at Gail Villager\'s Blood Master, Yoze\'s eyes sparkled as he wanted to take her as his teacher. He had long reached the limit of the Big Golem Cultivation method and has been hesitant on trying to break its limit or starting the Iron Skin Cultivation method.

Both trying to break the Big Golem Cultivation method\'s limit and the training of Iron Skin require Yoze to dedicate a lot of time. And with his father\'s limited time, he wanted to reach New Swampscott City as fast as possible to see if his supposed siblings were staying there. 

If they found his siblings in New Swampscott City then it\'s good but if they weren\'t there it would take a lot of time and moving around to track them down. This made it so that they were in a time-sensitive environment so staying a few days or weeks hampered down in a town could result in his father not seeing his children again before he passed away.

That all made Yoze reluctant to commit to anything, especially Iron Skin which required him to acquire all sorts of ingredients to make a special paste. 

But this could all be avoided if Yoze took on a Blood Master as a teacher. He could get their Blood Master Martial arts and their talent so he could quickly improve. 

The best part is he can always just leave and train during the journey. If his Master was cool enough to travel with him then it would be so much better.

"Her, taking in students? That\'s funny. She is known for killing her students if they start thinking about getting near the village. The last student she took in was more than a decade ago and she killed him because she noticed that he started taking more interest in his master\'s home village." Even though Jewel mentioned how ridiculous the thought was, her face looked more terrified than finding it funny.

Hearing that she kept killing her students astonished Yoze as he would have never expected it. Why in the world would she kill her students for stepping into her home soil?

When he turned to look at the Blue-Dressed Blood Master he saw that her face became grim before she lowered her head to face the ground. However, Yoze had the feeling that she didn\'t feel much remorse for killing her pupils and just felt embarrassed more than anything.

"Then it would be better to not have her as my teacher then, I don\'t want my head chopped off because we are passing through." Hearing that the Blue Dressed lady was crazy, Yoze tossed out the idea of having her as a teacher and instead just threw a talent mark on her.

[Name: Scarlett NewBorn]

[Age: 56]

[Talents: Martial Arts Comprehension (Grade 7), Body Cultivation (Grade 7), Thorny Rose Cultivation (Grade 5), Rapid Calculation (Grade 4), Emotion Control (Grade 9)]

"She looks good for how old she is." Yoze thought as he assumed that from her baby face, she should have been in her late twenties at most.

Shifting his attention to the wide area of talents in front of him he pondered what he should copy. 

The first thing Yoze tossed out of consideration was her Thorny Rose Cultivation Talent. It was mostly a talent related to her body cultivation method or Martial arts technique so it wouldn\'t do him much good if he didn\'t plan to become her student.

The next two things he tossed out of consideration were her Rapid Calculation and Emotion Control Talents. These two were good on their own but they wouldn\'t give that much value to Yoze at the moment. He also felt that he didn\'t have the need to learn how to control his emotions to the extent that the Emotion Control talent would be able to let him reach.

That left Yoze with only two choices left, he could copy either her Martial arts Comprehension or Body Cultivation Talent and upgrade one of these two from Grade 5 to Grade 6. It was adding 50 percent from their original 100 percent which was pretty great.

"We are also only staying the night so I might be able to copy two of her Talents before we leave." After thinking about it some more Yoze decided that he should not try to be conservative and attempt to get them both. 

[Setting target to Martial Arts Comprehension (Grade 7). Locked on to talent and copying it. Grade 6 Martial Arts comprehension talent has been added.]

The feeling of his mind-expanding and the questions and doubts he had about his martial arts slowly being solved almost Yoze sigh with relief. Even after so long, he hadn\'t grown tired of the feeling of getting talents.

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