The Human Giant

Chapter 127 127: Inner Vigor Manipulation

Yoze felt even though the doctors seemed to have placed their entire focus on Martial Silver Thunder, he still felt several pairs of eyes on his body. He tries to find where these eyes came from but even after looking around, he couldn\'t find where any of them could be coming from.

Since he couldn\'t find the people looking at him, Yoze decided to stop trying and focus on getting talent from Martial Silver Thunder and leaving as soon as possible. As Yoze stepped closer to Martial Silver Thunder\'s body, one of the doctors moved his gaze away from Martial Silver Thunder and looked at him with unfriendly eyes.

Understanding that he couldn\'t get any closer, Yoze stopped and sent out his talent mark. 

[Name: Silver Falmy]

[Age: 101 years old]

[Talents: Lightning Stab (Grade 8), Spear Arts, Spearmanship (Grade 10), Inner Vigor Manipulation (Grade 6), Body Cultivation (Grade 9), Martial Art Comprehension (Grade 9), White Lightning (Grade 10), Martial Art Adaptation (Grade 8)]

"As expected from a Marital Grandmaster," Yoze secretly nodded his head with approval.

"Martial Silver Thunder only has top-grade talents. Two grade 10s, two grade 9s, two grade 8s, and one grade 6 talent. This is probably the best quality of talent I have ever seen." Yoze felt that the stories of Martial Silver Thunder\'s rise must have been true since only someone with this much talent could have a legend about them.

After examining the various talents that Martial Silver Thunder had to offer, Yoze eventually decided to take Inner Vigor Manipulation. He didn\'t know exactly what this talent could do but just the name was enough for Yoze.

[Grade 6 Inner Vigor Manipulation talent has been locked. Grade 5 Inner Vigor Manipulation has been added.]

After receiving the system message Yoze felt his body tingling. It was subtle but he felt that he could sense his various inner vigors a bit more compared to before. 

This was especially true for Yoze\'s Big Golem inner Vigor as he could sense how the inner vigor was randomly floating inside his body. 

"I\'ll take my leave, " Yoze whispered before stepping outside of the cell.

As he expected the same tattooed man was standing outside waiting for him to be done with his visit. Just like before the tattooed man didn\'t speak and walked up a different flight of stairs.

As they walked Yoze concluded they were not going to come out of the bar but a few blocks away from it. Once they stepped into another inside of a random home the tattooed man finally spoke.

"According to my instruction, this is as far as I can accommodate you. If you ever want to visit Martial Silver Thunder again just follow the same steps. If you want to visit the Tree Sect members you\'re going to have to choose between five separate prisons."

"I have been informed by Timothy and River. The five prisons should be the North, South, West, East, and Central prisons right?" 

"That\'s correct, you just have to follow the steps of someone visiting them to see them. Now I\'ll take my leave." The tattooed man nodded his head and left without another word.

Once the wall that hides the secret staircase closed, Yoze walked back home to test out his new talent. He had some hope that it would allow him to put his inner vigor into external objects like a sword or axe.

But he could only see the exact effects once he tested them out. Unfortunately, Yoze\'s good mood was ruined as before he got home he was surrounded by several men dressed in black robes. 

Each other the men dressed in black robes was a dense wall of meat as they filled out their loose black robes. If it wasn\'t for the fact that each of the men wore an eye mask to cover their identities he would have thought they were only interested in asking him for exercise advice.

Something that unsettled Yoze was that he couldn\'t see the spiritual energy of any of these men dressed in black robes. They all lacked a hint of spiritual energy above their heads that a human should have.

"Hand it over," One of the men suddenly spoke stiffly as if this was the first time he spoke in years.

"Hand what over?" Yoze asked, genuinely confused, what these men would want from him.

"Are they trying to rob me of my money?" Yoze thought to himself.

"Hand over the Witch and rogue immortal cultivator," Another one of the men answered with the same stiffness

"Are these the crazy rogue immortals hunting immortals cultivators that Tiki and Dreyer were worried about?" Yoze deeply frowned when he heard that these men were interested in Tiki and Dreyer. 

"Who are you?" Yoze asked, ready to subdue these men dressed in black.

"You don\'t need to know, make sure to hand over the witch and immortal cultivator by midnight tonight or there will be consequences." Another one of the black-robed men answered.

After giving out their warning, the four black-robed men turned around and tried to leave. However, the moment they tried to leave Yoze\'s eyes glittered with ominous colorful specks.

"You are not going anywhere," Yoze used Spiritual suppression on the four men and raced to capture them.

Another surprise happened when Yoze\'s spiritual energy failed to suppress the four men dressed in black robes. His spiritual energy went right through their bodies like it didn\'t exist.

Sensing Yoze\'s goal to capture them the four men dressed in black robes split up and ran off in four directions. 


Yoze was once again stunned at the raw speed that these men showed and this was a speed that Blood Masters could only achieve after giving it their all. Yet these men were capable of reaching these speeds by being Blood Masters.

While they were fast, Yoze was faster and he was able to capture three of the men dressed in black robes. He was also on the hot tail of the last men when suddenly another burly man dressed in a black robe stepped out of a corner and grabbed the escaping men in a bear hug.

Just as Yoze caught up to the two men dressed in black robes, they exploded. Their blood, flesh, bones, and brain matter splatter the entire surrounding. 

The alley reeked with an intense and disguising smell of blood that seemed to be heavily mixed with the smell of herbs and spices. The sound of the explosion paired with the bloody smell alerted the ordinary people that something terrible had happened.

Knowing that he didn\'t have much time until the authorities arrived and since he figured he couldn\'t get anything from the two black-robed men that exploded, Yoze left the scene. With screams of panic and fear filling the streets, Yoze was able to make it back to the inn without being caught.

Unfortunately, just as Yoze arrived in his room another two of the men dressed in black robes decided it was better for them to die than be captured by him. However, the misfortune was for the black robes men as Yoze had been paying extra attention to them just in case they felt the desire to explode.

So he quickly broke all three of the limbs and sent them into different corners of his room to prevent them from helping each explode.

"What is going on today? Who is crazy enough to be willing to kill themselves for a low-level witch and an immortal cultivator whose talent isn\'t even that good." Yoze eyes glowed with anger and confusion.

"What\'s confusing is if they were truly after Tiki and Dreyer then there was no need for them to approach me. They could have just attacked them directly when he wasn\'t home to protect them."

"Unless they were not confident in being able to capture them, themselves. But from these men\'s physical abilities, they should have some capabilities in either witchcraft or immortal cultivation." 

Yoze\'s mind raced as he tried to think of what these people\'s motives could be to approach him than their supposed targets. However, as he thought about it more the more suspicious he was that their targets weren\'t his siblings but himself.

He just couldn\'t make sense of why they took the option that had the least chance of working in their favor. For them to approach him meant that they had detailed information about him and his family.

So they should have known that he was protective of his family members and would never hand them over. He would rather deal with their terrible consequences than even entertain that idea.

"I should tell Tiki and Dreyer about this matter to see if they have any clues of anyone or some group that seems to have a blood feud with them." Yoze shook his head as he walked over to one of the men planning to see their identity.

Even though he doubted that this group was really after Tiki and Dreyer, he still felt it was good to inform them. After informing them, Tiki and Dreyer should be more prepared to defend against any attacks that their enemy has.

"Hey if you tell me who you and your group are and why you want my siblings then I\'ll think of letting you go," Yoze lightly slapped the black-robed man in front of him to grab his attention.

However, not only did the black-robed man not respond but his skin was abnormally cold. It was like the black-robed man had just gotten out of the freezer.

Yoze\'s frown deepened and he decided it was time to take off the black-robed man\'s mask. When he did, knew he had reached a dead end.

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