The Human Giant

Chapter 132 132: Becoming Boneless

"Can you explain the differences between body cultivation methods and martial art techniques? I thought that martial techniques trained the body." 

"Great question. The basic difference between martial art techniques and body cultivation methods is that body cultivation strengthens the body while martial art techniques are a way to get more power out of your body."

"For example, when I cultivated Twin Fists it allowed me to send out my punches faster and stronger so I could deal more damage to my opponents."

"But it would never let me suddenly gain the strength to beat an elephant in a contest of strength because even if it squeezes out all the strength my body could muster it was not enough to beat an elephant."

"Body Cultivation on the other hand is similar to exercising. It builds up muscles and makes you stronger in some way. It can make you faster, stronger, and even gain special abilities. In general, it increases your overall physical ability and increases the amount of physical potential in your body." 

"An example of this is my Big Golem body cultivation, it increased my body weight but also my strength as well. Now when I punch or charge at someone with this extra muscle mass and weight I will be able to do more damage with the same attack." Yoze looked at Tiki as he finished his lecture.

"So body cultivation focuses on increasing the maximum potential that the body has while martial art techniques focus on increasing the person\'s maximum output." Tiki looked at Yoze to see if she understood correctly.

"That\'s exactly correct." Yoze nodded, glad to see that what he said made some sense.

Yoze waited for a second to see if another question arose, and when he saw that they didn\'t have a question he decided to get started with their Boneless Man training.

"First of all, Boneless Man is a body training method to make you more flexible and able to move your body in a more fluid and coordinated manner. It is a great body cultivation method that is suitable to use with most martial techniques and other body cultivation methods." 

"Right now, I want to see how flexible you two are so try your best to copy what I do." 

After saying that, Yoze twisted his body in the first style of Boneless Man in a flawless manner. It was similar to the yoga pose Eka Pada Koundinyasana 1 and 2 combined on steroids.

Even though this pose was the beginning style of Boneless Man it was thought to take more than a year to master. So Yoze didn\'t have much expectation for Tiki\'s and Dreyer\'s first attempts.

What he didn\'t expect was that both of them were not only able to complete the pose but also stayed in the pose for nearly an hour before their muscles gave out and almost fell unconscious.

"You two did amazing on your first attempt. If you keep this up you will be able to reach the peak of Boneless Man in two to three years." 

"In a few years, we will be able to become some of the strongest first-rate martial artists. This doesn\'t seem too hard." Dreyer managed to squeeze out as he took a deep breath after every single word and his shirt was drenched in sweat.

"I don\'t mean to burst your bubble but even after mastering Boneless Man you will only be a second-rate martial artist and be ranked near the bottom." 

"As I mentioned before, the Boneless Man body cultivation method focuses on increasing flexibility and body coordination. It doesn\'t offer much in increasing your fighting ability by itself. That is why it\'s often paired up with other body cultivation methods." Yoze passed Tiki and Dreyer a big cup of water to help them recover some strength.

The moment they got the cup of water they drank it all as fast as they could. They felt as if they had been in a desert without water for days and had suddenly encountered a freshwater source.

Even though the water was ordinary it tasted better than anything that they had ever tasted in their lives. 

"We will call it for now. After we eat we will continue with training again." Noticing that Tiki and Dreyer weren\'t recovering their strength fast enough to move, Yoze decided to temporarily end the training until they regained most of their strength.

"Thank you," Dreyer said gratefully since he felt as if his entire body was made out of lead.

"Yoze, can you get me a crystal? Since I can\'t move I might as well absorb a crystal while I am at it." Tiki said slowly as she forced each word out feeling as if she was going to pass out.

"Sure, I have a crystal or two here. If you want to continue with immortal cultivation and witchcraft." Yoze quickly got our three crystals and handed one each to Tiki and Dreyer, keeping one himself.

After handing them out all three of them began to absorb the crystals not minding the strange sight of how Tiki and Dreyer were in the starfish position with a crystal in their hand.

An hour passed by before Tiki and Dreyer regained the strength to move again but they were so hungry that they ate everything that they could eat raw. Even then they still felt hungry so Yoze took them to a nearby restaurant to fill up before dinner.

By the time they returned home, Tiki and Dreyer felt their sore muscles had already begun to heal. They felt that by the time they were having dinner, they would have completely recovered their strength.

"The demon meat seems to be helping you recover, in that case, forget about taking three years to become a second-rate martial artist you can become one in a year."

Noticing that the healing process was faster than expected Yoze remembered that Tiki and Dreyer are demon meat today. Meaning that their recovery speed was much faster than normal and would be able to increase the number of times they could train in a day. 

"We will now have you train at least four times a day. One in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night to speed up the process." 

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