The Human Giant

Chapter 178 178: Beast Human Level 4

"Since my talent marks are still on a cooldown let\'s see how far I can take this." Yoze looked at the giant serpent in his arms and patted its scaly head.

The small connection between them made him feel like he could understand what it wanted. So he continued to massage the giant serpent as he followed everything that the Beast Human body cultivation method needed to strengthen the giant serpent.

Following this method he heard cracks ring from the giant serpent as its body began to expand twice fold. At the same time, through his fingers, Yoze sensed a few strands of inner vigor enter his body.


"Level 2 reached." Yoze smiled as he saw the giant serpent expanding before suddenly shrinking and returning to its original size.

"It\'s good that your body is still holding up through these continuous breakthroughs. Can you continue?"

"Hisss!" The giant serpent let out an annoyed hiss and glared at Yoze as if telling him not to underestimate it and continue.

"Good," Yoze smiled as he found that his connection with the giant serpent had deepened once again allowing him and the giant serpent to understand each other\'s intentions better.

Since it desired to continue to progress Yoze didn\'t stop training his Beast Human body cultivation method. His fingers blurred as he poked, scratched, pulled, and rubbed every inch of the giant serpent\'s body promoting it to release more inner vigor.

As Yoze continued he could sense that for every strand of inner vigor that was created by the giant serpent\'s body half of it would be absorbed into his body. This method of body cultivation was quite effective and seemed to be able to bypass the need for humans to have talent in body cultivation.

As his connection with the giant serpent grew, Yoze was able to sense that the giant serpent had reached the peak of second-rate martial artists. But just as he thought that it would be the end of their training the giant serpent broke through its barrier with ease.

The storm of inner vigor inside the giant serpent\'s body was intense as strands of inner vigor of various sizes crashed into the giant serpent\'s flash and bones. At this stage, the Beast Human body cultivation method is highly suggested that he stepped away to allow this transformation to happen on its own. 

"You are one talented serpent since stepping away is just a suggestion I will help you create more inner vigor so that you are stronger than your peers." Yoze\'s eyes shimmered with colorful lights as he didn\'t slow down his usage of the Beast Human body cultivation method and instead sped up.

"Hiisss!!" The giant serpent\'s eyes shimmered with a similar glow as it didn\'t resist Yoze\'s adjustment. 

As the giant serpent\'s body began to expand and contract as more and more inner vigor entered its flesh and bones. With every expansion, the giant serpent grew a bit past its previous peak, and with contraction, the giant serpent base form remained slightly bigger than the previous contraction.

With the rapid production of inner vigor and the giant serpent\'s ascension to join the realm of first-rate martial artists, Yoze sensed that the giant serpent had reached full saturation in its flesh and bones. When he looked at the current size of the giant serpent he couldn\'t help but lick his lips as the giant serpent\'s base form was close to 32 feet long and almost 2 feet thick.

Knowing that the giant serpent could now grow up to five times its base form, Yoze knew he had accidentally created a super predator. His giant serpent was simply unrivaled in the martial artist realm and kill most first-rate martial artists in its base form.

Only once his giant serpent went up against Blood Masters would it even face a challenge but that was only if the Blood Masters didn\'t get crushed first before they used their full power. In other words, the giant serpent was almost as strong as he was when he first became a first-rate martial artist.

"Hiss!" The giant serpent let out a monstrous hiss as it looked at Yoze with expectation.

"You want to continue? Sure, let\'s take this as far as possible. Not only are we going to reach the peak of the Beast Human body cultivation but we will surpass its limits." Yoze smiled as he stood up to continue training the giant serpent.

With the giant serpent\'s urging Yoze began to massage the giant serpent\'s body while injecting some of the giant serpent\'s inner vigor that was in his body back into the giant serpent. With Yoze\'s perfect movements and massage the giant serpent\'s body began to let out cracking sounds as its large body grew once more to be 33 feet long.

"Crack crack crack"

Several minutes later the giant serpent grew to 35 feet long before reaching a peak of 39 feet long and close to 3 feet thick. After reaching the peak of his current Beast Human body cultivation method Yoze felt that this body cultivation method was amazing.

Even though he still planned to break through his current Beast Human body cultivation methods limits, his desire to obtain the Blood Master version had increased. Before if Yoze only cared about obtaining the Blood Master body cultivation method of the Beast Hunter Sect simply to increase his collection of Blood Master body cultivation methods.

Now Yoze saw that there was a possibility that the animals he raised could become valuable assets that could fight with him in battle. As long as he continued to break through both the Beast Human body cultivation and the Blood Master version then he could not only strengthen his beasts but also himself.

What made Yoze\'s blood boil at the mere thought was how he could adapt the Beast Human body cultivation into a new and better version. Just like how he adapted the Armored Swordsman and Blood Swordsman martial art sects to better suit his needs and abilities. 

"Why couldn\'t I use the Beast Human body cultivation method with another human? All I have to do is adapt it and find a suitable human target then I\'ll be able to test how to best change it." The thought of being able to use the Beast Human body cultivation method excited Yoze as he almost couldn\'t wait to get started.

"As for you, let\'s work together to make you as terrifying as any demon, monster, or immortal. This way I don\'t have to worry about my father\'s safety if I want to travel." 

"Especially since both the Demon Summit and the immortal sect coming to New Swampscott City I might have to leave for a long period of time."

"You and a few other beasts I cultivate can hold down the fort and protect everyone while I\'m gone." Yoze rubbed the giant serpent\'s soft but tough scales as his mind began to wander at how crazy his life might get in the next few months.

"Hisss!" Feeling Yoze\'s warm touch on its scales caused the giant serpent to let out a soft hiss.

"Alright, let me figure out how I am going to surpass the limits of the Beast Human body cultivation method. Let me just test things out until something works so just hang on it might hurt." Yoze gave the giant serpent one last soft pat before he began to massage the giant serpent\'s body once more.

 Not feeling that any changes were occurring Yoze switched his method and began to slap the giant serpent\'s body instead of poking. After sensing that it triggers a small change Yoze continued for an hour before he and the giant serpent heard a soft rumbling coming from between every cell of both the serpent\'s and his body.

[Beast Human body Cultivation (Level 3: 199%)]

Every one of Yoze\'s slaps carried a large bundle of the giant serpent\'s inner vigor into its body causing the giant serpent\'s body to continue to produce even more inner vigor. With the continued input of inner vigor, the giant serpent\'s inner vigor went wild as it crashed into every piece of its body before being forced into the giant serpent\'s skin and organs.

As its body was absorbing the inner vigor, the giant serpent\'s body grew larger and larger until it surpassed its five-times limit and its body grew eight times larger. From a base length of 40 feet long and 3 feet thick, the giant serpent became 320 feet long and 24 feet thick.

If it wasn\'t for the giant serpent\'s quick reaction of moving its body around trees and animals it would have destroyed a large area of forest. Even though it was careful, the mere aura coming off the giant serpent\'s body scared away all the animals leaving only Yoze and the giant serpent alone in this part of the forest.

[Beast Human body Cultivation (Level 4: 2%)]

"We can stop for now. If we continue I don\'t think you can continue growing and not destroy everything in the forest." Yoze patted the truly gigantic serpent as he wondered when he would be able to grow so big.

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