The Human Giant

Chapter 247 247: End Of The Third Trail

Fully agreeing with his mother that appearance was an important factor in one\'s success, Bubbles didn\'t care that he was in the middle of a dangerous forest and placed a major amount of his focus on dealing with the dirt on his perfect skin.

He first muttered his favorite cleaning spell to himself and gently placed his glowing fingers on the dirty areas. As soon as his fingers touched the dirty areas, they glowed with golden light as all the dust, dead skin, and other unpleasant materials were captured by the golden light and thrown away from him.

"I should ensure the rest of my body isn\'t dirty either." 

After cleaning all the patches of his perfect skin that were dirty and fixing his hair, Bubbles felt his skin crawl at the thought of his journey through the dirty forest floor. He could imagine how dirty his clothes had become even though he had cast a spell on them before then to make sure no dirt got on them.

Deciding that he was going to do a full-body inspection, Bubbles muttered to himself, causing the floating crystal mirror to expand into a full-body mirror. Once the crystal mirror was at the perfect size that he could see every last part of himself, Bubbles stopped casting the expansion spell.

"That was exhausting; after this, I need to recharge on crystal energy before I run out." 

After making a note to himself to find some cave or hiding spot to begin absorbing crystals in secret, Bubbles refocused on finding all the mistakes and dirt that had somehow bypassed his spell. Every time he found a patch of dirt or a crease in his shirt or pants, Bubbles would use his golden fingers to fix them. 

When the duration of his spell had run out, he would quickly cast the spell once more before using his rejuvenated golden fingers to deal with the issues. After casting the spell five more times, Bubbles was finally able to confidently feel beautiful, knowing that he was perfect.

"I still have 45 percent of my crystal energy stored up, which should be enough to help me deal with any issues that pop up later on. But just in case, I should begin to refill my storage." 

After fixing everything about himself, Bubbles\'s mind instantly returned to the fact that he was inside one of the most dangerous forests in the entire world. A forest where the entire environment shifted and moved to the point where one couldn\'t escape unless they could fly or had another magical method.

A forest where many of the plants and animals seemed to have been born with Crystal Nerves and were slowly becoming sentient, and their intelligence, speed, defensive capabilities, and offensive capabilities were all increasing to monstrous levels.

A forest where one slight mistake and a bad decision could spell the end of his precious life. So after regaining his caution, Bubbles immediately stopped using his crystal energy to support the existence of the crystal mirror.

With it no longer being supported by his crystal energy, the enlarged mirror lost its floating abilities and fell to the ground. Shattering into a million different pieces that slowly evaporated with time.

After getting rid of the crystal energy-draining mirror, Bubbles immediately went to find shelter. 


Just as he took his first step, Bubbles felt his feet slam into something hard that caught his foot, resulting in his body slamming into the ground. With his entire body lying on the grassy forest floor, Bubbles felt a cold shiver crawl down his spine as he immediately cast a spell.

Just as the Bubbles muttered the first few words of his escape spell, a thick blade of grass covered in blue stripes wrapped itself around his mouth. Stopping him from casting most of his spells and making him aware that something was trying to kill him.

Even though Bubbles wanted to panic, his heart continued to beat in the same rhythmic pattern that it always did, and his brain remained cool as he calmly thought about all the ways he could escape. In a dangerous situation, he placed all his bad habits aside and focused on a path to survival.

He first snapped his fingers to forcefully activate one of his most familiar spells, Golden Skin Armor; this spell boosted his physical defenses and enhanced his senses of physical touch, allowing him to better understand his enemies.

As Bubbles activated Golden Skin Armor, underneath his perfect skin, a golden layer of light appeared, enhancing his beauty and survivability. With the help of the increased sensitivity of his skin, he was able to make out a detailed appearance of what was tightly holding him down.

Unfortunately, once he figured it out, Bubbles almost wanted to curse as he saw that both his legs, arms, chest, neck, head, and mouth were all trapped by the same plant. The thick blade of grass that was covered in blue strips tightly wrapped around him, attempting to crush him.

"This must be a plant that has gained sentience and knows that I\'m hunting it down." 

Even though Bubbles wanted to meet a plant that had gained sentience to harvest its core, he didn\'t want to meet it like this, where he was the target of being harvested and was ambushed so successfully that his chances of surviving this encounter were below ten percent.

After briefly cursing in his mind, Bubbles\'s cold mind and calm heart allowed him to figure out a plan that had a 40 percent chance of working with the current information at his disposal. All he had to do was wait for the plant to try and crush him one more time before he made his move.


The next time the blue-striped plant attempted to crush him, his body crumpled along with it. Just like a snake shedding its skin, Bubbles used its own blue-striped plant\'s strength to push himself out of his Golden Skin Armor and escape the binding.

Now naked and his skin was softer than a baby\'s and much redder too, Bubbles used the second before the Blue Stripped plant regained its senses and realized that it hadn\'t killed its prey to casting the Golden Snake Escape spell.

Underneath his skin, another layer of golden light sprang out and covered Bubbles with golden scales, transforming him into a half-snake half-human hybrid. Once he had transformed, he could feel different power flowing through his veins as he felt everything was simply too slow.


Silently smirking to himself, Bubbles used his now evasive and sprinting abilities to quickly escape from the Blue Striped plant. After zooming through a mile of dense forest with his speed, Bubbles felt slightly faint as his Golden Snake Escape was forcefully canceled due to a lack of crystal energy.

"At least I escaped from that thing," Bubbles sighed with relief as he didn\'t run out of crystal energy when he was closer to the blue-striped blade of grass, or he would have been in trouble.

What he didn\'t realize was that with his decreased senses, the ground behind him was slowly splitting as the same thick blue-striped blade of grass came out. With near-perfect silence, the blue-striped grass used its body which was miles long to silently block all the paths that Bubbles could use to escape.

Once all the exits were blocked, a cold light that resembled the edges of a blade wrapped around the blue-striped grass\'s entire body. Slowly but surely, it closed in on Bubbles as its murderous intention began to leak.

Suddenly feeling the chill of death tingling his neck, Bubbles felt goosebumps cover his entire body as a terrifying shiver went down his spine. He didn\'t know why or what could have caused him to have such a reaction since he couldn\'t sense anything wrong.

"God damn it!"

But having full trust in his intuitions, Bubbles immediately ducked his head and ran toward one of the exits that he had planned to escape towards if he hadn\'t used up all his crystal energy. Unfortunately, before he could get close, the Blue Striped Grass made a move, blocking every exit, entrance, and opportunity to escape from Bubbles.

In almost an instant, the Blue Striped Grass was wrapped tightly around Bubbles\'s body, like a mummy. The grass uses its incredibly sharp edges to dig into the skin and flesh before using its immense strength to crush the bones.

In less than ten seconds, another life was taken in the Endless Forest. For the rest of eternity, no one would fully know what had happened to all the rogue immortals that had died that day.

Whether it was due to the hands of all the dangerous plant monsters and animals or the hands of the other rogue immortals that wanted to increase their odds, none of it mattered to the people who had caused it; they were happily smiling to themselves as they gutted a blood-covered tree and ripped a giant blood ball out of its trunk.

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