The Human Giant

Chapter 364 363: The Handsome Mr. Light

While the guard\'s voice and face remained stern, Yoze noticed that the guard\'s body began to tremble slightly. It was too small for most people to notice, but Yoze\'s enhanced sense allowed him to pick it up.

"Finally, the guard realizes these robbers aren\'t the threat." Yoze thought to himself.

He was initially a bit surprised to see that the guards didn\'t care about him and Evi at all, instead of purely focusing on the two robbers, particularly Blood Stepper.

However, as Evi and he got closer, the guard finally recognized that Blood Stepper was tied up and stared at Yoze angrily and feared. More importantly, as Yoze got closer, the guard realized how tall he was.

"Wow, what a tall man. I wonder what his mom fed him to grow so big." 

"This tall man must have practiced some type of body cultivation method that increased his height. I need to get his secrets so I can practice it, too. I\'m tired of being the short guy in my friend group." As Yoze and Evi got close to the guard, his mind began to wander as he tried to hide his anxious state.

Having discussed this beforehand, Evi stepped forward with a wide smile and explained their situation to the guard.

"Hello, sir, my name is Evi Rocks, and my friend is Yoze Thunder. We are wandering scholars who want to pass through this town. Along the way, these two robbers tried to rob us, but luckily, we were able to defeat them, so we are hoping to know if there was a bounty for their heads and if we can collect it."

"You two capture these two robbers? As for the bounty, there is indeed a bounty on their capture; it is currently priced at 20 silver." The guard\'s face lit up with surprise, hearing that Evi and Yoze had captured these two brothers.

"It is not that I don\'t believe you captured these two, but I can no longer offer you the bounty. The town has been bought and is now under a new leadership, so no guard can accept bounties without approval from the new mayor."

"Can you get in contact with the new mayor for us? We would certainly like to collect the bounty and turn these two criminals in instead of having to drag them to another town."

"That shouldn\'t be an issue." The guard briefly answered before he stepped aside from the gate.

Just as the guard moved his body, Evi and Yoze noticed that the guard that had previously left had returned with another person. Unlike the two guards whose bodies were roughed by the elements and tough battles, the young man following behind seemed to be a nobel.

Dressed in a navy blue suit with a dark blue tie, the young man had flawless skin, long black hair tied up into a ponytail, and long eyelashes. Regardless of how one looked at the young man, it could be seen that he was someone who was born into a higher class and had no lack of money.

If it was before Evi and Yoze had traveled around the world, they would have been convinced that this young man was part of the government or a family-born scholar. However, with more experience under their belt and in addition to the news that they heard about Jelly Town\'s situation, it wasn\'t hard for them to guess that this young man was Mr. Light.

"Gentleman, I heard that you have captured two highly wanted criminals. Don\'t worry about these guards. Please follow me. I would like to discuss a few things with you." Mr. Light\'s voice was smooth and gentle when he looked at Evi, but once he turned to Yoze, his face was shocked.

After getting used to the shock of seeing Yoze, Mr. Light turned his focus back to Evi and looked at him with more respect. Throughout this process, Mr. Light did not look or say anything to the guards as if he disliked them.

"This Mr. Light seems to have a superiority complex engraved into his bones. No wonder the townspeople and guards don\'t like him." Evi thought to himself as his opinion of Mr. Light dropped.

"If I am not mistaken, you must be Mr. Light. Yoze and I have heard of you on our way here. We would be grateful to discuss a few things with you." Evi softly said, maintaining his scholarly attitude.

Now that they were in town, Yoze and Evi knew they couldn\'t act as loose as when alone in the forest, so they had to restrain their behavior. While this was nothing new for both of them, they both felt slightly uncomfortable after letting loose and saying whatever they wanted for the past few days.

"Well, I hope that you have heard good things about me." Mr. Light paused before continuing.

"In any case, it is better that you have had a chance to talk with the previous townsfolk and their opinions. That will make our discussion a lot more meaningful."

"Please follow me. As for you two guards, take these two criminals out of our sight and prepare 30 silver to give to these two scholars." Mr. Light looked meaningfully at Evi before turning around and walking away.

Evi and Yoze looked at each other and smiled before handing the two brothers to the disregarded guards. After getting rid of the two robbers, Evi breathed a sigh of relief before following Yoze, who had taken the lead in following Mr. Light.

"I hope Mr. Light doesn\'t try to act against the town. From the looks of it, not only is he unpopular, but he doesn\'t have a single piece of knowledge on how to rule a town."

"This is great for us if he decides to hire us as scholars, but it is terrible for this town\'s future." Evi felt his mind racing as he tried to adjust to being a classy scholar again.

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