Rise of the Horde

Chapter 105 - 105

The Raksha Aspirants finished their hellish running punishment with more than half of them already unconscious, who were carried on the backs and shoulders of their companions. Maghazz became their defaulted leader as all eyes were focused on him after they returned to what their chief calls "The Hollowed Ground" which was a hundred and forty meters long and seventy meters wide.

The Hollowed Ground was where they suffered most of their hellish routines. It was the place where they watered the grounds with their sweat, tears, and even their piss.

"Was no one left behind!?" Maghazz questioned as he turned around to face his peers, who were heavily panting just like him and their legs trembling in exhaustion, which was threatening to surrender.

"Haff... haff... We are all here. No one was left behind." his fellow who step up to lead came from behind the messy formation of orcs who were suffering extreme exhaustion. The other brave one who took the initiative of being the leader was a few inches taller than Maghazz but had a skinnier frame, even skinnier than Gur\'kan.

"Arkagarr, how many have fallen unconscious?" Maghazz asked the skinny orc, who was walking towards him with unsteady steps as the trembling of his legs became even more intense as he moved forward. "More than half, Maghazz. And it think, I am also going to be one of the-the-themmmm..." Arkagarr fell forward which prompted Maghazz to dash towards him and catch him by the shoulders.

Maghazz carefully assisted and laid him down on the ground. "Haff... haff... haff... Take some well-earned rest." he muttered as he raised his head up and stared at his peers who are now all slumped on the ground and their sweat sliding down their bodies and watering the Hollowed Ground or more like the \'Ground of Suffering\' to them.

Maghazz laid down on his back as his vision was starting to get blurry. He stared at the clear sky, but his vision was turning black from time to time. He gritted his teeth and fought away the unconsciousness that was about to befall him with all his might.

After a few moments of keeping at bay the feeling of unconsciousness that, he sat up and stared at his peers, who are all now on their backs and out cold with ragged deep breaths. He exhaled deeply and laid back again on the ground and finally darkness took a hold of him as he succumbed to unconsciousness just like his peers. They have been running around for almost the entire day with little to no time for rest at all.

The demon walked towards them. He carefully stepped forward among them as he observed them more closely. "I guess that\'s enough for now." the demon softly muttered as he walked away from the messily scattered Raksha Aspirants who have all fallen asleep because of their exhaustion.

Xiao Chen nodded his head while staring down at Maghazz, who gritting his teeth even while unconscious. It seems like the orc was still trying his best to force himself to get rid of the darkness and be conscious again.

"Tsk... Tsk... Tsk... Sleep well, for you will be suffering more later." Xiao Chen grinned mischievously as he walked away and headed towards the place where Zul\'jinn and his companions were doing their best to produce the needed contraptions that their chieftain tasked them to make.


"Zul\'jinn, are they finished?" Xiao Chen asked as he arrived in front of the place, which was filled with sounds of metal hitting metal. "Oh chief, you are here." Zul\'jinn handed the forging hammer that he was using to the closest orc who was with him.

"Over there, chief. The things that you called stirrups are finished but I still can\'t figure out how to use them." Zul\'jinn commented as led the young chieftain towards where the stirrups were stored at.

A pile of iron rings attached to leather belts were piled up all together in a mound. "Is this what you wanted, chief?" Zul\'jinn asked as he picked up one of the contraptions and the iron rings clink as he raised them up by the leather belt that they were attached to.

"Hmmm... Did you make it according to size of the Rhakaddons and Wargs?" Xiao Chen asked as he scratched his chin while staring at the crude stirrups that Zul\'jinn and his companions made. "We did, chief. These are according to the size of the Rhakaddons and those over there are the size of that of the Wargs." Zul\'jinn reported as he pointed towards another pile of the contraptions a few feet away.

Xiao Chen took one of the stirrups and looked at it in closer detail. Two iron rings were attached to two pieces of tough leather, which was then attached to a crude looking wooden saddle which will be put on the back of the steed that it was going to be used on. They also padded the wooden saddle with soft leather to serve as a cushion between the back of the steed and the saddle. There are several other belts which had some fastening rings on it, which would be used to ensure that the stirrups are tightly attached to the steed.

He carried the stirrup and walked towards the Rhakaddon, which was tied to a post nearby which Zul\'jinn and his companions used to take measurements and ensure that what they are making will fit on the enormous creatures. Xiao Chen draped over the stirrup on the back of the Rhakaddon which was busy grazing on some plants that the orcs offered to it for cooperation. The mighty Rhakaddon snorted but ignored the orc who was attaching the contraption on his back and just kept its focus on the plants that were in front of it.

Xiao Chen fastened the stirrup on the back of the Rhakaddon and adjusted it to fit it perfectly on the enormous steed but ensuring that it won\'t feel discomfort by how tight the contraption is on it. "What is their purpose exactly?" Zul\'jinn can\'t help but satisfy his curiosity as he stared at his chieftain putting one foot of his on one of the iron rings that were dangling on the side of the Rhakaddon.

"Hap! Xiao Chen grunted as he climbed on the back of the Rhakaddon easily. He placed his two feet on the rings and started moving around like he was fighting somebody. Leaning to the right and to the left without using his hands to hold on to the back of the Rhakaddon. He maintained his balance atop the mighty creature with little difficulty.

"Oh! It would be easier to ride these tall war beasts with the contraptions and it seems it also helps in maintaining steady balance while fighting." Zul\'jinn commented as he observed his chieftain moving and swaying atop the Rhakaddon.

"I guess this would suffice." Xiao Chen muttered as he grabbed the reins of the Rhakaddon and led it away towards where Dug\'mhar and his fellow riders were resting at. The enormous beast snorted in annoyance and attempted to shake off Xiao Chen from his back as it was being led away from its delicious meal. The Rhakaddon jumped a few times and shook its body intensely as it attempted to get rid of the pesky orc that was disturbing its meal.

"Whoa! Whoa!" Zul\'jinn backed away quickly as the enormous creature started shaking and moving around, which sent the nearby things around it flying everywhere. The ground trembled as the Rhakaddon jumped up and down in an attempt to get rid of the rider on its back.

Xiao Chen moved his body along with the momentum of the movements of the huge creature while ensuring that his feet were on the iron rings at all times. He stood up while using the iron rings as a platform to maintain his balance atop the rebelling steed.

Zul\'jinn watched as his chieftain performed movements that he hadn\'t seen before. He was amazed at how the chieftain still maintained himself on top of the rampaging Rhakaddon. The ruckus that was being created by the revolting war beast caught the attention of the orc forgers and troll workers as they stopped what they were doing and headed to where the noise was coming from.

The Rhakaddon only stopped its futile attempts at getting rid of the orc atop its back when its breathing became heavy. The war beast finally became docile as it got exhausted by its rebellion. Xiao Chen leaned forward and caressed the back of the tough skin of the Rhakaddon to calm it down and also gain its trust.

"Are you alright, chief?" Zul\'jinn asked as he moved towards the loudly snorting creature but still maintained a meter of distance away from it just to be safe and for him to be able to flee away quickly just in case that the war beast decides to revolt again. "I\'m fine. Just needed to calm this guy down." Xiao Chen answered as he pointed a finger at the steed under him.

After a few moments, Xiao Chen pulled the reins of the Rhakaddon and led it away towards where the Rumbling Clan riders were at. The huge creature finally followed his leading after a few tugs on its reins without further resistance.

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