Rise of the Horde

Chapter 155 - 155

While the Abyssal Felid was butchering the pitiful goblins, the warriors of Yohan were slowly encircling it.

"Use the ropes! Snare it and hold it down!" Xiao Chen bellowed as he caught sight of the scattered bundles of ropes that were from the tents that were dismantled by the trolls. The Yurakks responded quickly as some of them sheathed their blades and discarded their shields.

The Abyssal Felid was still busy dealing with the goblins as it walked among the goblins,who whore pretending to be dead just to be ignored by the goblin murderer.

"Galum\'nor! Go and hold it down! Hold it in place for as long as you can!" Xiao Chen shouted to the huge orc who was on his way to pick up his weapon. Galum\'nor turned around after grabbing his sledgehammer. "Yes, chief!" he replied while grinning. Xiao Chen trusted Galum\'nor\'s strength, and he was planning to defeat the remaining Abyssal Felid with the same tactic that applied to King Jaadul.

"Kitty cat! Here I come!" Galum\'nor shouted as he charged towards the Abyssal Felid. The Abyssal Felid turned its head around and stared at the huge orc charging at him and growled menacingly before bolting forward and charged towards Galum\'nor.


"Smash!" Galum\'nor bellowed as he brought his weapon down in an attempt to bash his foe. While his weapon was well on its way downward, he let go of its handle and prepared to grapple with the huge cat. If his weapon hits its mark, well and good, but if it doesn\'t, he can just grab a hold of his foe and locked it in place.

The Abyssal Felid soared into the air as it jumped above Galum\'nor\'s weapon with its paws outstretched and ready to tear huge orc who slammed it on the ground multiple times. Galum\'nor opened his arms like he was preparing for an embrace and grabbed the neck of the huge cat that jumped towards his embrace.

"Uh..." He grunted as one of his opponent\'s paws landed on his left shoulder, but he endured the pain and locked his arms around the neck of the Abyssal Felid and tightened his hold. Galum\'nor had his foe in a bear hug with its head well over his neck. He squeezed hard as not no give room for his foe to be able to move its head around and take a bite of him.

The huge orc and the enormous cat rolled around on the ground until Galum\'nor found the stump of the tree that was demolished when he threw his opponent towards the goblins. Stretching his leg, Galum\'nor anchored himself in place and his opponent, who he had in a tight embrace.

"Ropes! Quickly!" Xiao Chen shouted as he saw their chance to secure their opponent in place. The Yurakks who had the ropes sprinted forward and tied the ropes on the limbs of the Abyssal Felid. Some ropes were even tied around its neck and on each of its tails.

"Now pull!" Xiao Chen ordered. The Yurakks spread out wide and pulled on the ropes. The limbs of the Abyssal Felid were slowly being stretched in different directions. It thrashed around wildly and tossed Galum\'nor away. The huge orc soared into the air and was sent flying away at a considerable distance. Galum\'nor landed had the wind knocked out of his lungs as he crashed to the ground.

Xiao Chen glance at the huge orc who was still on his back and groaning in pain. He was about to check on his condition, but the Abyssal Felid was about to go loose once again as it snapped some of the ropes that held it in place. Raising his weapon, Xiao Chen charged forward to deliver the finishing blow while he still had the chance.

He swung his weapon down as hard as he can on the head of the Abyssal Felid. His plan was to kill their opponent in one go and end the battle as soon as possible. Bringing down his weapon in a mighty swing, Xiao Chen was expecting to outright kill their foe, but it jumped above him and snapped the ropes that were binding it. It managed to break free from its binds and charged towards the once who was holding it in place.

The Yurakks without their shields were easy targets for the Abyssal Felid as he swiped at them with its claws. Chaos and confusion spread out as the Abyssal Felid went on a rampage among the ranks of the Yurakks at the right flank. Bodies were being sent flying everywhere as blood and limbs were scattered all throughout the place. Using its tails, the Abyssal Felid killed many of the Yurakks by piercing them with its tails.

Xiao Chen brandished his crescent-moon spear and charged at their opponent in an attempt to end the chaos, but he was thrown away with a mighty swipe of their opponent\'s tails. "Ack!" he groaned as he landed among their goblin prisoners, who remained still and pretending to be dead. Xiao Chen was lucky as the corpses cushioned his fall.

Rising to his feet, Xiao Chen charged back in again. Aro\'shanna charged in as she released a storm of blows at the Abyssal Felid. Her strikes kept missing, but she persevered as she spun around again and again, using the momentum of her previous attack to launch her next.

The Yurakks started to reorganize their ranks while Aro\'shanna was keeping their foe busy. They picked up their wounded allies and brought them to the rear to be taken care of by the trolls who run out of missiles to hurl at their enemy. The trolls received their wounded allies and were quick to tend to their wounds.

"Rakshas! Encircle it! Spears forward!" Xiao Chen bellowed as he dragged his body forward. He was limping as a long gash was on his left leg and bleeding profusely. The corpses of the goblins might have cushioned his fall, but he had nothing to shield himself against the claws of the Abyssal Felid.

The Rakshas slowly approached and started encircling the Abyssal Felid, which was roaring at them. With their spears pointing forwards while those behind them had theirs angled to deny it of any entry inside their formations. The Abyssal Felid had no other choice but to just roar in anger as it got locked down in place. It was looking around to find an easier target, but the Rakshas were closing in.

The encirclement tightened as time went on. There is nowhere that the Abyssal Felid could jump to without being skewered by the spears of the Rakshas. Swiping its claws left and right, the Abyssal Felid was trying to fend off the Rakshas, but it was to no avail. The Rakshas were still closing in, despite their shields being shredded by the claws of their opponent.

Using their spears, the Rakshas were able to hold their opponent in place by denying it of any safe place to jump to or retreat. Anywhere that it would jump to, there would be a spear which was ready to skewer and perhaps even outright kill it.

Xiao Chen reached the rear of the Rakshas, who had their nerves tested. Their lives would be gone in a jiffy if any of them commit a mistake. The Abyssal Felid kept on swinging its claws around and tearing the shields of the Rakshas like they were made of paper. A few of the Rakshas at the forefront, which were in the inner circle of the encirclement, were wounded but they didn\'t back down. They got wounded; they got back up and thrusted their spear forward in retaliation. A wound for a wound. The Rakshas didn\'t just stood still and received the strikes of their opponent. If they get hit and fall down, they would quickly rise back and retaliate even of its the last thing they do.

Xiao Chen was trying to get a gold aim at the Abyssal Felid. He had his enormous weapon above his shoulders in a throwing posture. It must be perfect. His aim must not have any deviation or else he would be hitting his own warriors who were trying their best to keep their opponent in place.

He patiently waited for his chance. "Now!" he shouted as the Rakshas readied their shield, especially those who were parallel to their chief. The objective of their chieftain, they had long known after they saw him taking his aim and preparing to throw his huge, strangely designed spear.

Xiao Chen released his spear with all his might. His aim held through as it flew towards his intended target without any deviation from its intended path. The Abyssal Felid was still trying to find a way out and didn\'t notice the weapon that was headed towards it. It opened its jaws to roar and let out its anger and lucky for Xiao Chen,their opponent was facing him and his weapon easily pierced the opened jaws of his target. His weapon went inside the mouth of the Abyssal Felid and went out of its neck, demolishing anything in its path.

The Abyssal Felid thrashed around in an attempt to get rid of the weapon that was on its mouth, but to no avail. It moved around and tossed some of the Rakshas away, but its strength slowly waned as the light of life gradually disappeared from its eyes.

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