Rise of the Horde

Chapter 304 - 304 Chapter 304

He fancied the device since it functions almost like a lightsaber albeit just for a few seconds at a time after he presses on the small gem that was embedded onto it and it needs more than ten minutes before it can be used again. Perhaps after they deal with their new enemies that were in their way, he would ask the reclusive mage to make him a weapon that won’t break easily since his weapons would almost certainly break after he wields them into a tough battle.

A few days later Khao’khen and his warriors arrived before their chosen place to repel and destroy their incoming foes who were still clueless about what was waiting for them up ahead. The position that he chose to build their fort lies at the top of a gentle slope which would make it harder for their foes to attack as they please because of the terrain as they had to march uphill.

Khao’khen brought with him the entirety of the First Horde with the exclusion of the Verakhs and the bulk of the Drakhars only leaving behind some five hundred of them to ensure the security of the city that they left behind. Commander Lars and his student were held in the dungeon of the city and he doubt anyone would be foolish enough to give trouble to his warriors that he left behind especially with the presence of Drae’ghanna, Aro’shanna, Hekoth and Gunn who would make quick work of any troublemaker.

It took two days for the fortifications to be built and supplies were being brought over from the city to the fort while Khao’khen and his warriors waited patiently for their foes to arrive. Inside the commander’s tent, Khao’khen, Sakh’arran, Gur’kan, Trot’thar and Zaraki the Black were having a meeting on how they should proceed to engage their foes or to be specific, the four were listening to the instructions of the chieftain on how the battle should be fought.

“Zaraki, you shall lead the Drakhars to give our foes a warm welcome as soon as they arrived. The Yohan First Horde shall remain inside the fort, away from the sight of our enemies less they be scared of our actual numbers and flee. Sakh’arran, Gur’kan and Trot’thar, you guys shall make sure that the First Horde shall remain inside the fort especially keep an eye out on Dhug’mhar less he have other plans.” Khao’khen had everything plan up inside his head and it just depends now on how their foes would react to his arrangements.

After being idle for a few days with only the daily physical training and drills to keep them occupied, the scouts finally managed to caught sight of their enemies in the distance about half a day’s march away from the fort. Under the lead of Zaraki the Black, the Drakhars exited the fort to wait for their foes to arrive as they formed a proper battleline just in case their opponents decides to engage right off the bat as soon as they arrive.

It was an hour past after the hottest period of the day and silhouettes began emerging in the distance and halted in their advance. A group of riders separated from the main army after a few moments and headed towards the center of the field while carrying a banner of neutrality meaning they would want to strike a conversation with the opposing side.


Zaraki the Black brought with him an escort of riders not more than thirsty and had one of them fly the banner of neutrality which is to inform their foe that they are willing to have a chat with the leader of their foes. The envoys from both sides met each other almost at the dead center between the two armies and greeted each other. “Why do you fly the banner of a dead house?” the opposing envoy in front of Zaraki questioned after noticing that their foes were flying the standard of the House of Darkhariss.

“Dead house?!” Zaraki the Black was infuriated by the opening words of the enemy and he can’t wait to tear his mouth apart since he dared say that the house that he serves no longer exist which was equal to cursing it to meet its demise. “We of the House of Darkhariss will see you in battle… Pray that I don’t find you personally or else I’ll rip that stinking mouth of your right out of your face…” Zaraki threatened as he commanded his steed to turn around and headed back towards where the Drakhars were at a bit infuriated by the words spoken by the enemy about the house that he serves.

The envoy from the opposing army was left behind not knowing what he did wrong to infuriate the enemy but he just shrugged it off and headed back towards his allies. Zaraki wanted to find out the identity of the enemy envoy but as soon as he saw who it was, he gave up all his ideas of trying to convince them to stand down since he knew full well of that idiot who was there to exchange words with him. He knew that the nitwit wasn’t the actual commander of the opposing army and since that blockhead is around then that vicious brother of his is not far away and perhaps might even be the leader of the enemy army that was going to go against them.

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