How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 120 Elias' Training

Dray woke up with a headache. He groaned as he opened his eyes. There was a ray of light hitting his face directly and he had to squint and turn away from the annoying light as he tried to sit up. After Dray sat up in bed, he let out a tired breath. He felt like he was going to die. His entire body hurt and there wasn\'t a single part of him where he didn\'t have an injury. Elias was a good teacher, but he was not a merciful person.

Ever since Dray gave Elias his answer and joined Elias, Elias began to train Dray. Every day from morning till late at night, Dray would be subjected to some of the worst training that he has ever seen! When he was still in Aquinas, Dray thought that the S-class students were undertaking the worst kind of training imaginable, but Dray finally realized that he was fucking wrong! Those S-class students were taking a walk in the park compared to this training. If Elias was a teacher at our school, they would have sent him to prison for torture by now.

Elias has been training Dray on how to use his fire properly. Dray could use two types of flames. The first was a yellow flame that worked like regular fire and the second was a black flame that was far stronger. Dray couldn\'t keep his black fire active for long, but it burned hotter and stronger than the yellow flame ever could. Dray just knew that if he can get used to the black fire, it would be really strong. He could only keep the black fire active for five seconds at the maximum and even though Dray felt proud of his achievement, Elias called it \'The stupidest excuse for flame magic I have ever seen\'. Dray tried to punch Elias for saying that, but Elias easily broke Dray\'s hand instead. That bastard.

Today Dray would be meeting Elias inside the church and he was happy that they would be indoors. Dray still remembered what he did yesterday. When he went to meet Elias, Dray found him standing in front of a tall cliff overlooking a jungle below. This is where they would always train, so Dray just walked up to Elias and greeted him, but this time, instead of Elias teaching him, the bastard threw him down the cliff! Elias showed complete nonchalance as he watched Dray fall and Dray could never understand how a person can be so brutal.

"Try to survive and don\'t let the forest shit out a dead body on the other side. If you die, then I\'ll use your corpse to feed the pigs,"

"You fucking bastard!!!!!"

Dray could only shout this with a glare as he fell into the forest. There were dangerous animals down there and it would be hard to survive for a full day in that jungle, but Elias still left Dray in there for the entire day! Dray had to depend on his yellow flame a lot as he ran away from hundreds of monsters inside the jungle. Dray had a lot of Mana for his class but he didn\'t have infinite mana. He was only a B-class and it would not be possible for him to survive in the jungle if he fought. So Dray focused on running away from the monsters instead of fighting them. He would chase them away using his fire and then hide for a long time to replenish his Mana before he started the process again. After more than ten hours, Dray finally made it out of the forest and he collapsed at the feet of Elias.

Even after all this time, Elias still had a look of disappointment on his face.

"You should have finished faster. Ten hours is too long,"

Dray really wanted to kill Elias sometimes.

Dray jolted on his bed when he heard bells ringing outside his room, he realized that he was late for the meeting with Elias. Those bells were the signal for the early morning mass that the church had every day and the mass happened at the same time that Dray was supposed to meet Elias. Elias would never forgive lateness! Dray rushed to get his dirty clothes off and he threw on a pair of black trousers and a black t-shirt. He ran out of the room and skidded to a stop as he almost ran into a nun that was walking past his room. The nun was surprised by his sudden appearance and she put a hand on her chest in shock before scowling and walking away. Dray apologized while scratching the back of his head and then he started to run again!

Dray already noticed that most of the people in the church didn\'t like Elias and since Dray was always with Elias, they didn\'t like Dray either. Dray always wanted to ask Elias why they didn\'t like him but he knew that Elias would not give him an answer. He will probably kick my ass just for asking.

Dray walked out of the building that he stayed in and crossed the grounds as he went to the main church. He entered the cathedral and made his way towards the back pier. A bulky man wearing a priest robe was standing guard in front of a large door. The man had a sash with a pawn piece on it tied around his waist and he gave Dray a sneer before he turned away and allowed Dray to pass through the door. Dray entered it and he saw Elias standing in the middle of a large room. This room was where they trained, and even though it wasn\'t as big as the one Dray used in Aquinas, he was still impressed that a church had a room like this.

Elias looked at Dray with a scowl and Dray swallowed. I knew he would be mad about the lateness. Elias didn\'t say anything, but Dray knew exactly what was on his mind.

"Defend yourself,"

Elias suddenly said this and Dray\'s entire body tensed! He put his hand out and called forth the skill [Flame Wall]! A large wall of fire rose from the ground and protected Dray! Not more than a millisecond later, a sudden wind blew across the room and pushed Dray to his ass as it extinguished the fire! Dray coughed as he stood up quickly and got ready for the next move!

This was something that Dray had gotten used to. Elias was not the kind of person to speak, but he would beat the hell out of you till he is satisfied with your form and power. The first day that Elias did this, Dray almost died, but Dray had gotten better at defending himself now!

Another wind flew up from the ground beside Dray and Dray quickly cast the [Quick Dash] skill on himself and he barely dodged around the wind! But before he could go far, he felt a great force slam him under his chin and he flew up into the sky! Another force slammed down on his back and blew him to the ground like a rag doll! Once he landed, Dray didn\'t waste any time as he dashed to the side! Once he moved, the ground where he was lying down was immediately destroyed by another gust of wind! Elias doesn\'t hold back even when I\'m already down!

Dray dashed straight for Elias and he put his palm out and grit his teeth as he cast his strongest skill!

[Flame Jet] has been activated

This skill would absorb Dray\'s Mana and form a ball of compressed fire on his palm, and when he releases that fire, it will shoot out towards his opponent like a jetstream and destroy everything in its path! Once Dray released the skill, a great jet of fire blasted out from his palm and went straight for Elias before exploding in brilliant yellow! Dray released a tense breath and he kept his eyes peeled. His body was bent low and he was watching for anything that moved around the room.

"I already told you that skill is too predictable,"

Dray\'s eyes widened as a voice spoke up from behind him, he quickly turned around and fell back to avoid the blast of compressed air that would have given him a severe concussion if it hit him. He put his hand out again and prepared another [Flame Jet], but Elias suddenly disappeared from his spot and appeared right in front of him!

"Didn\'t I just tell you that it was too predictable? Are you deaf or is it that you are stupid?\'

Elias grabbed the hand that would have released the [Flame Jet] and bent it till a crack resounded around the room! Dray screamed as he felt his wrist dislocate!

Elias scowled and slapped Dray to the ground. Why the fuck are you screaming like a girl? Shut the fuck up.


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