How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 123 How To Be A Demonheart

The woman finally came into view and she was wearing a full business suit and holding a phone up to her ear as she looked at everyone in the room in shock. Once Priscilla saw her, her eyes widened! Priscilla didn\'t know the woman, but she immediately thought that she recognized her face! I have seen someone that looks just like her!

"Uh... Hello? Hello?"

The woman tried to talk into her phone a few more times, but she noticed that her phone network was cut off. She scowled and brought it down before looking at everyone closely. She noticed how everyone was dressed and she also noticed that Priscilla was dressed like a princess from the medieval period. Where the hell am I? Don\'t tell me that I\'m dead. No... That wouldn\'t fucking happen to me. I was just walking into my office a moment ago.

The woman had pure white hair and red eyes. She stayed silent as she waited for someone to explain what the fuck was going on. Priscilla immediately did the same routine that she used on all the former heroes. She bowed and all the knights in the room knelt as they asked for the help of the hero in defeating the demon lord. The woman was very surprised by this and it showed on her face. She wasn\'t a stranger to manhwa and she had read a lot about all the reincarnation books but she never thought that something like that would ever happen to her! Did I really come to an Isekai world!? To be a hero!? I was in the middle of a business call and I was about to get the deal!

Priscilla, meanwhile, was waiting. The longest time that anyone has survived after being summoned was two minutes. Right now this woman has been here for one minute and she was still alive. She has already stayed here longer than all the other women we summoned. Will she be able to survive or will she die because she can\'t handle the power?

Priscilla just stayed silent and she waited. The woman narrowed her eyes at Priscilla as she got tired of the waiting and she finally asked a question.

"Why the hell are you looking at me like that? Do you need something?"

Priscilla narrowed her eyes slightly when she noticed that nothing was happening. The woman wasn\'t dying! What...? Did it work? It finally worked!? So then that means she can become the hero! Priscilla released a relieved sigh in her heart. She finally summoned someone that can be a hero!

"Oh, hero. We have suffered for years at the hand of the demon lord and we implore you to help us defeat him. As a country, we will provide you with everything that you need for your quest, but will you please save our kingdom?"

The woman was still shocked, but she couldn\'t deny that this was real. You don\'t just appear in a strange room out of nowhere. There is no way this is a dream. It is too real to be a dream. Maybe an illusion? No... Not possible either. So I\'m really a hero? And I need to kill some sort of demon lord to help this kingdom?

The woman\'s asked a quick question.

"If I say no, will you send me back to the exact moment where I was taken from?"

Priscilla was at a loss. She didn\'t expect that anyone would ask something like that. Most of the people that they summoned were very eager to help them! They were all so happy that they would get to fight a demon lord and become a hero! Well... Most of them died before Priscilla could tell if they were happy or sad, but Priscilla was sure that they would be happy as well if they lived! Why does this woman want to go back!? And even if she could, I wouldn\'t do that! She is the only person that has survived in the past month and I don\'t know how long it will be before I find another hero that won\'t die in two minutes!

"I\'m sorry, o hero. I cannot help you to return, no magic can help with that,"

"Yeah, that is what I thought,"

The woman looked to the side with a sigh and she narrowed her eyes when she saw a picture of a man holding up a sword and pointing it at the sky. She immediately asked who that was.

"Oh, that is Floid Demonheart. He was once a hero of this kingdom and he helped us to get rid of a demon lord once. But... He went missing a long time ago and we never heard from him again. He saved millions of lives on his own and we owe him the world, but we can never start to repay that debt because we cannot find him,"

Priscilla could feel her irritation increasing the more she praised Floid. She hated that son of a bitch, but she couldn\'t say anything bad about him because the people don\'t know that he is the demon lord. Except for Al, none of the guards in the room knew that Floid is the new demon lord and if she told them, she would have to kill them all. The fewer people that know that the former hero is now a demon lord the better. How will they believe in a new hero if the last one became our worst enemy? People are like cattle, you just have to feed them the right kind of grass and they\'ll follow you wherever you go. So I have to be careful of what I tell them.

There was a twitch in the woman\'s eye and Priscilla thought for a moment that the woman would throw her phone on the wall, but the woman managed to calm down after a while and she smiled.

"Very well, I\'ll help you with your problem."

"That\'s wonderful! What is your name, Hero?"

"My name is Quinn. Quinn Demonheart,"

The shock that passed through the room was immense and Quinn only gave them a business-like smile.

"If I will help you, then I will need a few things..."


Quinn Demonheart was a member of the Demonheart family and the Managing Director of Demon corps. Demon corps was the company that her family built and ran together. Quinn and Floid were the only two children in the family and for as long as Quinn could remember, Quinn never liked Floid.

Quinn was much older than Floid. She was born ten years before Floid was born and she was already in middle school by the time get mother became pregnant with Floid. Before Floid was ever born, Quinn was the pride of her mother. Her mother was always happy and smiling when she was around Quinn and Quinn always thought that she would grow up to take over the company and help her family become even stronger. But her father was a different story. Quinn\'s father was not happy whenever he was around her and it was obvious that he wanted a son. Quinn\'s father was a very scary man because of his stern face and so it was difficult for the ten-year-old Quinn to talk to him about anything, but she decided that she would try her best to impress him with her actions. She studied and became the best at her school. She absorbed a lot of knowledge and she made sure she was better than everyone else at everything.

She wanted to show her father that a girl can do whatever a boy can do! Look at me father, I\'m beating all the boys at my school and I\'m a girl! I can do whatever they can do!

But this never got to her father. He never smiled at her once and he was stern no matter what she did.

"Do not bother me, I\'m working. Go and find your mother,"

This was her father\'s response whenever Quinn tried to talk to him. He ignored her and made her go find her mother. Quinn knew he was doing it because he thought it was a woman\'s job to take care of girls and Quinn felt a great pain in her chest whenever her father did that. But then everything changed when Quinn\'s mother became pregnant again. There was a strange feeling of dread that rose in Quinn\'s heart the moment she heard the news. She couldn\'t help but think that a real demon was about to be born. She knew that it was silly to think things like this, but she couldn\'t help it.

Quinn\'s father became attentive again once he heard about this news, and when Floid Demonheart was born, Quinn\'s father smiled. He smiled so wide that Quinn thought his mouth would split open from the sides! He looked like someone just gave him the world on a golden platter! Quinn was standing at the side of the room as her father rose the child up proudly and she could only hold her hands to her chest and listen as her father whispered to the child.

"Your name is Floid and you shall lead the Demon empire one day. Grow up strong, my son,"

It was like a dagger to her heart. After everything I\'ve done. After everything that I\'ve sacrificed. Do you still care more about your son than me? Would you ever look at me, father?

Time passed and Floid started to grow. Floid was brilliant. Quinn couldn\'t deny that Floid was one of the most brilliant people she has ever seen. He absorbed information like a sponge and he had an elite physique and mindset. But that didn\'t stop Quinn from hating him. She hated his elite mindset. She hated his intelligence. She hated the fact that whenever he looks at her, she feels chills down her spine and she would want to get away from him as quickly as possible. Nobody else could see it, but Quinn knew that there was something wrong with Floid. He was not a normal child and he was dangerous! There was a time when they were playing together and Quinn saw Floid torturing a frog by pulling its limbs out one by one. It was the most traumatizing thing that Quinn had ever seen and she cried for the whole day as the image of the convulsing frog kept playing in her mind.

Quinn always thought she was a big girl and she always tried to make Floid feel inferior to her, but that moment made her terrified of her brother. He wasn\'t human!

After that day, things just became worse and worse. There was never a moment when Quinn didn\'t notice something different about Floid. His gaze was becoming sharper and his body was becoming stronger. Floid was now watching everything around him like a hawk and Quinn would always look away whenever his eyes met hers. His eyes were terrifying. All the kids in his school knew better than to bother him and none of them ever tried to get close to him because his gaze was enough to make any child cry, but there would always be an exception. There will always be one idiot that tries to poke the bear. And that exception ended up with a pencil in his eyes and an eye patch for the rest of his life.

Floid stabbed someone in the eye with a pencil.

The moment Quinn heard this news, she felt like a blindfold fell off her eyes. The image of perfection that Floid had built all this while was breaking down and disintegrating right before her eyes. She could see as the color left her father\'s face and she also saw how her mother started to cry. Quinn, meanwhile, smiled. She couldn\'t stop the smile even if she wanted to. At this time, Quinn was seventeen years old and for the first time in her life, she felt the ecstasy of beating her brother. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was better than Floid.

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