How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 163 Beauty And A Beast

Ophis sighed as she walked down the streets of Uta with a basket in her hand. She had on a simple off-shoulder white gown that showed off her brilliant figure in a modest way. Ophis was currently heading towards the market to get some food for the weekend and she was getting tired of the number of people that were constantly looking at her!

Ophis was a beautiful woman and she knew it but she didn\'t think that humans were so shameless that they would stare without even caring about the person they are staring at! They were looking at Ophis like she was some sort of foreign animal that they have never seen before!

Someone smiled at waved at Ophis from the side and Ophis smiled and waved back! Ah, she really hated these pigs!

Ophis has been blending into human society for the last month now. She came here a month ago with Travy when he brought the resources that the kingdom needed and ever since then Ophis has done everything she can to get closer to the people at the very top of Uta. Even though Ophis didn\'t like doing it, Ophis knew that the best way to get closer to those at the top was by using her beauty to her advantage.

There were currently three people that Ophis has labeled as useful and all three of them would be useful in helping her to carry out the demon lord\'s plan. The first was that Grand Commander that constantly disturbed Ophis for a date ever since she came to the kingdom! The Grand Commander\'s name was August and he has asked Ophis out almost every single week since she came here. Ophis has barely managed to find a way to tell him no every time. Ophis knew he would be useful, but she needed to play hard to get for as long as possible. According to what Lilith taught Ophis, human men tend to like it when they face a challenge in acquiring any woman. If you are too easy to get then the men will get bored and they will not appreciate you. You have to play hard to get for the first month at least.

The second person was a woman that has been trying to become Ophis\' friend for a long time. The woman worked in the castle as a servant and she lived right next door to Ophis. Ophis knew that the woman was only trying to become friends so that she will use Ophis\' beauty to get into better places in the future, but Ophis didn\'t care. It will be useful to have the woman as a friend because the woman can serve as a direct link to the palace.

The third person that Ophis has been keeping an eye on was the head priest of the church of Uta. The bastard has been taking constant leave from the church and for some reason, he always \'runs into\' Ophis while she is in the market. What nonsense. Ophis knows that the man is also attracted to her beauty and he is just trying to find an excuse to drag her to bed. Ophis will never soil herself with these lowlife creatures and she would rather kill herself than allow any human to touch her in any sexual way. But it is not a bad idea to use the priest\'s libido against him. Having a priest looking out for you will automatically remove all suspicion from you and no one will ever think that Ophis was a demon.

These were the three people that Ophis decided to keep under her control and she would try her best to complete the demon lord\'s task with these three.

"Ah. Madame Ophis! I see you have come to the market once more,"

An excited voice spoke from the side and Ophis turned to see the old priest coming towards her with a smile. Ophis forced herself to smile as well and she waved and nodded to him with a greeting.

"Hello father, I just thought I should restock on some rice before the market closes. They are closing earlier lately and I don\'t want to be caught unawares,"

The priest nodded sagely. Ophis was right, the market was closing earlier recently to try and preserve food as much as possible. It would be bad for her to run out of food!

Although he looked perfectly innocent, Ophis could sense the way the priest\'s eyes glanced across her body with a lecherous gaze, and Ophis shivered internally. The bastard would never change with his obvious tactics.

"Well, it\'s good that you are always so prepared. If you need anything, you know you can come to me, right? It is always right for members of the kingdom to aid each other so I\'ll help you as much as you want,"

The priest touched Ophis on the shoulder in a friendly way and Ophis flinched in anger but she managed to put on a smile again before the father would notice her anger. In her mind, she was just repeating one sentence. "Don\'t kill him. Don\'t kill him. Don\'t kill him."

Ophis nodded and then she bowed.

"Thank you for your concern father. But I have to be on my way now before the market closes,"

Ophis didn\'t even wait for him to say anything. She quickly turned and walked away before the man could do anything else. The priest smiled at her as well and waved her goodbye as he watched Ophis walking away. He looked down at her ass and he couldn\'t stop himself from licking his lips hungrily. She was only wearing a long gown, but her hips were so bountiful that she couldn\'t hide it even if she tried! Her hips shaped the gown into something seductive and appetizing! I wonder how it would feel to grab those hips and slam inside her.

The priest shook his head and said a small prayer to clear his mind of such obscene thoughts. He must remain calm. This woman was so tempting but he can\'t rush. If he had anything to say about it, he would surely have her! She is still single and there is always going to be a chance to lure her into his church and handle her there! The priest shivered just thinking about it!

Ophis could sense the priest\'s eyes on her behind and she grinned and just continued walking. She was irritated by his advances but she has to do this to make her way up the ranks. Once she receives further instructions from the demon lord and he tells her that it is time for the invasion she will make sure that she kills that priest personally! Ophis was just grateful that she didn\'t run into the Grand Commander today. It was always harder to get rid of August.

Ophis shook her head and tried to get rid of the thought of those animals from her mind. Instead. She thought about the message she just received recently from Travy. Travy was the only person allowed to communicate with Ophis and so she asked him to help her with some news about the demon world so that she wouldn\'t be in the dark about everything. Ophis always wanted to know what the demon lord was doing.

Travy agreed to help her and the news he sent her recently shocked her to the core! It turns out that the demon lord has already taken control of Trad! In less than a week, the demon lord was able to stage a coup and take control of Trad. He killed the former king and installed a new leader that would be under the control of the demons! When Ophis heard this, she was standing up but she had to sit down immediately because the shock was too much!

Ophis still remembers how difficult it was for her to take over any of the kingdoms when she was acting as the demon lord. She tried her best to take over Aquinas and some of the smaller kingdoms around it but she was never able to get much done before the hero came around and ruined her crusade. Is this how a real demon lord is? Is this the difference between him and me? I feel so defeated!

Ophis couldn\'t believe that Floid was able to take over two of the largest kingdoms on the continent as well as most of the smaller ones in less than two years after becoming the demon lord! He isn\'t even trying his hardest and he was already able to do this much! It gave Ophis a strange feeling inside her chest. She was happy that the demon lord was winning but she was also sad because this just shows how incompetent she was as a demon lord. What Floid was doing right now was proving himself right about what he told her all those months ago.

Floid told Ophis that her actions were just the rebellions of a spoilt child that lost their daddy. Ophis hated the way Floid said it and she always thought he was wrong, but now she didn\'t have much of an argument against him because he was proving himself right.

Ophis squeezed her hand around the basket again as she remembered this memory and she tried to return her focus to the market. She couldn\'t allow herself to wallow in misery like some sort of child. Ophis knows that what she did was wrong and she was now paying the price for it. I\'ll try my hardest to be of use to the demon lord so that I can get back my magic core. That is the only way to rewrite my story. I can\'t be the useless demon lord forever. I\'ll make sure to aid my demon lord to the best of my ability so that the other demon will remember me for that instead of my failure as a demon lord.

Ophis continued down the road with new resolve and she didn\'t see the old woman staring at her from an alleyway beside the market. The old woman was wearing a dirty brown coat that covered her body and face. There were wrinkles all over her body and a large wart was growing on the side of her cheek. The old woman was Freya, the former priestess of Aquinas and the woman that Floid punished with old age. After Floid destroyed Freya\'s magic core and turned her into an old woman with his illusion magic, she was thrown into the marketplace of Uta and she had to live as a street rat ever since.

No one was interested in taking care of an old woman that looked crazy and kept calling herself the priestess Freya. Does this old woman think that the priestess is as ugly as her? Calling this old woman the priestess would be an insult to the image of the late priestess! No one even glanced at her no matter what she did!

Freya had even tried to get an audience with Priscilla before and she tried to tell the guards who she was but they never believed her! All the guards know that Freya is one of the most beautiful women in the world so why the hell would they believe that this old woman is Freya!? They have never heard of illusion magic that can make anyone old like this! They even called the priest from the church and the priest confirmed that no illusion magic can do something like this! Freya was thrown out of the castle every time she tried to get an audience with Priscilla and she could only live on the street like a beggar.

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