How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 178 How To Find The Dragon Of Fire.

A portal opened in the air and Elias stepped out of the portal with a calm stride! It has been a full day since he found out the location of Givalich and Elias was finally ready to break the seal that was put on the dragon! Just like Elias expected, this place was extremely hot! Immediately Elias stepped through the portal he could already feel how thick the air was and how the ground under his feet was making the soles of his shoes melt!

These volcanoes have been active for years, but it wasn\'t the volcanoes that were causing the heat to be so intense! Since Givalich has been sealed here for centuries, her Mana has already spread across the entire place and it was making the heat in the atmosphere far more intense than it should be! She was acting like a boiling ring for the volcanoes!

When Elias thought about this, he couldn\'t deny that it was impressive! Dragons were known for their great feats of magic and Givalich was no different! For one person to be able to hear up an entire array of volcanoes by just being there! It was very impressive!

Elias looked around him and he tried to locate the area that Ria told him about. Ria said that Givalich would be sealed under the third volcano from the northwest area of Aradite. Northwest was that way, so if I count down from there this one should be the volcano.

Elias pointed towards s large volcano in the middle of two other volcanoes! The volcano didn\'t have anything special about it but since Ria said that this was where Givalich was then Elias would believe her! Elias walked towards it and started to look around! He was going about this carefully because he knew that it was only a matter of time before the demon lord realized that he was here!

Elias knew that the seal would release a lot of magic into the atmosphere when it is released! And if the demon lord is half as smart as I think he is, then he must\'ve sent familiars all over the continent to measure the mana in the atmosphere! I know that once I release this seal, I won\'t even have up to two minutes before the demon lord arrives.

Elias was still walking around the volcanoes to try and find an opening or entrance that would allow him to enter inside. There was smoke in the air that threatened to choke him but Elias used a simple spell to create a wind vortex around himself and draw the smoke away. The heat under his feet and in the atmosphere was getting worse and even though it didn\'t affect Elias, it told Elias that he was also getting close! Elias turned around the corner and his eyes lit up as he saw a small cave dug into the side of the volcano. The entrance was just sitting there and Elias couldn\'t help the excitement that filled his entire body! Elias has been looking for the dragon of fire for more than two hundred years! He already searched more than two third of this continent and he still wasn\'t able to find it!

He couldn\'t believe that the entrance was right here all along! Elias immediately started to make his way into the cave. The heat in the atmosphere started to become even worse! It felt like the entire entrance was just one big heater! It was dark and smoky inside the cave but Elias could see well enough and his wind was helping him to keep the smoke away from him.

Elias followed the path deeper into the cave and he finally saw a red light on the other side of the cave! Elias walked faster and he grinned when he reached the red light and saw what was a lot of magma on the other side!! There was magma flowing through the entire room and making everything red! The magnet was like an entire ocean! But that wasn\'t what was making Elias smile! Elias was smiling at the woman that was hanging upside down from a long rope in the middle of the room.

Her entire body was covered by a large cloth and only her head and red hair were visible. It looked like she was a huge bat hanging off the ceiling like that. There was a small rock formation under her that didn\'t have any magma in it and Elias activated a skill that allowed him to get to that rock formation.

[Air Walker] has been activated.

Elias slowly rose from the ground as calm winds started to blow around him and reduce the effects of gravity. This skill was a very difficult one for anyone to perform because it needed a lot of precision and also large Mana reserves! But for Elias, it was easy to master the skill that allowed him to fly. He couldn\'t do it forever but he could keep this skill active for more than five minutes if he needed to.

Elias directed the winds to move forward through the cave and he started to float over the magma that surrounded the entire area. Elias could feel the heat getting even worse as he went closer. Elias didn\'t know if this volcano could get even hotter, but for some reason it did! The closer he got to Givalich, the thicker the air got! The only reason why Elias could even breathe properly was because of the wind-based skill that was clearing the air around him! What sort of heat is this!? I know that Givalich is strong but this is too much. Is she already an EPIC-class? That won\'t be good. I\'m also an EPIC-class, and if we are equals in strength, then it would be difficult to control her if she starts to rebel.

I just have to hope that she isn\'t past the second rank in the EPIC-class.

Elias was a rank four EPIC-class, so if Givalich was under the third rank, then it would be easy for him to overpower her if she ever went out of control! Elias got closer and he landed on the rock formation that was right under Givalich and looked up at her tied form! This was the moment of truth.

Now that Elias was closer, he could see magic circles swirling around her body and each of them was a high level seal! shit! Elias cursed once he saw this! He stepped closer and took another look at the seals and he realized that it wasn\'t just one seal they used on Givalich! It was a layered seal that had five seals in it!

This was bad. Elias placed his hope on the fact that the seal was just one. If there was just one seal then Elias could break it and they would get out of this place before the demon lord even gets here. But now that there was more than one seal, it would be impossible for him to break all five of them at the same time. Elias has to remove the seal layer by layer and there is no way that the demon lord won\'t notice such an intense pulse of mana! The demon lord will be here before I can finish all of them. The best I can do is hope that Arthur\'s magic would work as he said it would. I didn\'t want to use that holy king\'s power, but I don\'t think I have a choice in this situation.

But first, Elias decided that he would wake Givalich up.

Elias put his hand on Givalich\'s body and he sent a pulse of mana inside her. The mana was absorbed immediately like Givalich was a starved animal looking for food and the heat in the cave increased even more! Elias narrowed his eyes in annoyance and he sent another pulse of mana inside her! This time, the mana was twice as large as the first one and it was also absorbed immediately! Elias thought that it wouldn\'t wake her up, but he was surprised when he heard a small hum echo through the room.

"Who the fuck is that?"

Givalich\'s calm and smooth voice sounded out as her eyes opened to reveal red orbs. Givalich blinked a couple of times to clear out her eyes and she squinted as she stared at Elias with curiosity.

​ "Ara~ It seems to be a dragon slayer. You\'re definitely one of them, but I can\'t recognize you at all. That means you\'re one of the people born after I was placed here. Tell me, boy, do you know how long it has been since I have seen the light of day?"

Givalich spoke in a mature way that told Elias that she was a very proud person. Elias wasn\'t surprised by this, all dragons were proud creatures and if there was ever a dragon that had no pride, it would be considered a failure.

Elias folded his hands across his chest and spoke in a commanding tone.

"My name is Elias, and I am the king of the dragon slayers,"

Givalich rose a brow. Even when she was upside down, she still managed to make the movement look sultry.

"Oh? So you consider yourself to be king, boy? How interesting. Then does that mean you are the son of Gareth, the former king of the dragon slayers?"

Elias nodded his head and Givalich hummed curiously before giving Elias a wicked smile.

"So it seems that even Gareth couldn\'t defeat time. I always thought he was too old to be alive anyways. Boy, tell me what the day and year are. I fear I might be a little bit confused. How long have I been in this place?"

Elias narrowed his eyes when Givalich called him a boy again. He knew that she was hundreds of years older than him but he wasn\'t used to anyone referring to him as a child! But he decided to let it go this once. He needed Givalich to trust him and it wouldn\'t be good to antagonize her because of something as silly as how she was addressing him. From the way she was saying it, Elias could tell that it was normal for her to address people like this.

Givalich waited patiently for Elias to tell her what the date was. There were a lot of things Givalich was curious about. Her sense of time was already a bit messed up because she had been trapped in here for years so she just wanted to know how long it has been.

Elias spoke up calmly.

"The year is 5790 on the month of the snake. From your perspective, it has been more than seven hundred years since you were sealed,"

There was a sudden silence that covered the entire volcano and Elias rose a brow at the look of disbelief that appeared on Givalich\'s face. She looked like she just heard the craziest thing in the world!

"Say that again, boy. How long did you say I have been here?"

"Seven hundred years,"

Givalich grit her teeth inside her mouth to stop the shout she wanted to release. The next time she spoke, it was with a growl. Elias could feel the heat in the volcanoes increasing even more and he knew that she was getting angry!

"Boy, you say you are king, so tell me, where is the dragon slayer known as Heimdall!? He should still be alive now so tell me where he is! Seven hundred years!? I was trapped for seven hundred years! He told me that it wouldn\'t even last for two centuries! Bring him to me now!"

Givalich swung in the seal a little as she growled in anger but Elias just stayed silent and allowed her to vent. He still wasn\'t done telling her about everything. Things would be much worse when she realizes what happened to the other dragons and dragon slayers.

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