How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 227 So You Finally Chose A Side?

Richards furrowed his brow as he thought about it for a moment before he answered truthfully.

"I\'ve never heard of that priest before. I know every priest in the church and there is no one named Dray among them. Are you sure you are in the right place?"

The sword sink deeper into his neck and Richards clicked his tongue, that was really starting to hurt! Quinn was getting angrier the more the man spoke!

"You\'re lying! He followed me on my quest! He was chosen by the head priest himself! How can you not know him!?"

Followed you on your quest? Richards immediately caught onto what Quinn said and his eyes trailed towards the sword that was pointed at his neck. His eyes immediately widened in shock! Isn\'t this the holy sword!? This is the sword that the hero used to go and fight the demon lord! That means that this is the hero!

Quinn wasn\'t very well known in the kingdom because only high-class people and people of importance were allowed to meet her personally, so the members of the church and the other citizens of Uta didn\'t k wk what she looked like! But everyone knew what the holy sword looked like! How will they not know what the sword looks like when there is a freaking mural of Floid holding that same sword in the royal palace!


Richards muttered this in shock once he saw the sword that Quinn was holding, but his voice was loud enough for everyone in the church to hear and they all turned towards Quinn in shock! Once they saw the sword, they quickly realized who she was and the people started to murmur amongst themselves!

"It\'s the hero! Look, she\'s holding the holy sword!"

"The hero is here with us!?"

"But why isn\'t she fighting the demons out there? Isn\'t she meant to protect us?"

"What is the hero doing here?"

Things like these were spreading among the people and they started to get louder and louder as they began to crowd around Quinn. Quinn grit her teeth in annoyance as she looked at all of the people who were calling her. She didn\'t have time for this! She needed to find Dray as quickly as possible.

"Sir, we found a demon! There was a demon inside the church!"

A voice suddenly shouted from behind Quinn and Quinn turned around to see a priest bringing out a purple-skinned woman from the inner sanctum. The woman had a scowl on her face as she stared at everyone and she hissed as the priest twisted her hand behind her and forced her to her knees.

Ophis glared at all the people in the room as they suddenly turned their attention to her. She noticed how they were all looking at her with extreme hatred and she knew that she was in a tough position right now! The Illusion magic that covered Ophis while she was in Uta was removed once the barrier came down, so she didn\'t have any way to hide her identity from the humans, and once a priest came into the inner room and saw her along with the dead body of the head priest, he immediately captured her.

Ophis didn\'t have any power and she would not be able to fight her way out of this alone. But why are they all gathered here like this? Aren\'t the demons attacking the city!? Why aren\'t the demons entering the church to kill these filthy bastards!?

Ophis didn\'t know that Floid commanded the demons not to kill any priest for one hour, so she was confused about why the demons were sparing these people. She turned to the side and she narrowed her eyes when she saw Quinn.

The resemblance between Quinn and Floid was immediately obvious to Ophis and Ophis knew that this woman was a demon! In fact, Ophis could sense some of the demon lord\'s mana inside of Quinn and she knew that Quinn was very close to Floid. Ophis eyed the sword that Quinn was carrying and she wondered why Quinn would have the holy sword with her. How can a low-level demon like her use the holy sword without combusting immediately?

But that was not something that mattered to Ophis right now! Why would Quinn just be standing there and watching this!? She screamed out to Quinn.

"Don\'t just stand there like a fucking statue! Help me!!"

Ophis shouted at Quinn in anger and Quinn tightened her grip on the sword as she saw Richards look towards her in shock.

The priest that was holding Ophis tightened his grip on her and slammed her into the ground and he activated the D-Class skill [Lord\'s Blessings] to make sure Ophis wouldn\'t be able to escape. Ophis grunted in pain as she felt the holy energy weakening her and the priest spoke.

"Don\'t talk to hero-sama like that. Who do you think you are to ask for her help, you trash?"

"Yeah, the hero will never help a demon!"

"The hero will save us! She\'s here to help us!"

"Don\'t let any demons escape, hero!"

The people around the church started to chant for Quinn to help them. Ophis glared at the priest in anger but then she looked towards Quinn in confusion. What the fuck are these people saying? The hero? Why will they be calling a demon the hero? Ophis has been inside Uta all this while and she also hasn\'t seen the hero before, so she didn\'t know what the hero looked like either. The only thing she knows is that Quinn was definitely a demon!

"Hey, listen to me. The demon lord himself gave me this mission and if you let me die here and he finds out that you could\'ve saved me, he will definitely not forgive you! I need to report directly to the demon lord so just help me and let\'s get out of here together!"

Once Ophis mentioned the demon lord, Quinn\'s eyes widened and the grip on her sword tightened even more. She suddenly remembered that Floid only gave her an hour and she was wasting all her time here! She looked around the church to see if she would catch any glimpse of Dray, but she soon came to the conclusion that this was a waste of her time. There is no way Dray will be here.

Quinn became sure that Dray betrayed the church just like he betrayed her. He was probably never a member of the church to begin with, and he only snuck into the church to try and get close to her so he can steal the dragon\'s mana.

"What a fucking waste of my time."


Silence filled the entire room as the people watched Quinn sink her sword into Richard\'s throat without a second thought. The look on Richard\'s face would have been hilarious if the scene wasn\'t so serious!

The scene was so shocking to them that they didn\'t even know what to do. The hero just killed a human with the holy sword? It was an absurd thought to even have!

Quinn dropped Richards to the ground and she turned around and used the moment of surprise to quickly move towards the priest holding Ophis using [Rapid Strike]!


She cut the man down with a perfect slash and blood sprayed over the floor of the church as the man\'s body fell to the ground. the man didn\'t even have time to form a defensive spell before he died.

There was some light smoke coming from Quinn\'s palms to show that she was already running out of time with the holy sword. Quinn could only hold the holy sword for a limited amount of time when she is using her [Greater Hardening] skill and Quinn could tell that the sword would soon burn through the skill. Quinn spoke to Ophis while looking around.

"Stand up and get behind me quickly. I\'ll try to cut a path for us to escape,"

Ophis nodded her head in thanks and moved to stand behind Quinn. Quinn looked from left to right and she took in the shocked faces of everyone around. She knew exactly why they were shocked. None of them expected her to turn on the humans and suddenly fight alongside a demon.

But even though Quinn didn\'t like what the demons were doing here, there was one thing that she would never compromise on. Quinn would never betray her brother. Floid was the first person that reached his hand out to Quinn and Quinn cherished her relationship with Floid more than she cherished the lives of these humans.

Sure, Floid might be a little weird, and it is possible that Floid was more interested in having a sexual relationship with her than a regular sibling relationship, but she didn\'t care about those things for now! She would worry about them later!

Quinn shook her head to get rid of a slight blush and tightened her hold on her sword again. Right now, she was only going to make sure that Floid\'s plans worked out perfectly. Even if she wasn\'t a hundred percent okay with the plan, she would still help her little brother.

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