Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 148 - A Letter To The Mayor.

"Theatrics?" Rita asked.

Hal nodded, 

"Whoever this is, has the resources they need to get what they want but are not in too much of a rush. And thanks to their controlling nature, they prefer to take a backseat and watch all of us, and by that I mean everyone involved in the upcoming war, entertain them"

From the looks on the ladies\' faces, it was clear that this was more annoying to them than the fact that this Master planned to refine the Plebeians.

Hal continued, 

"If the Plebeians should win, I highly doubt the Master will be disappointed. On the contrary, they are likely to see it as a fitting end to the tale of two factions in the same city"

Amelia narrowed her eyes, 

"But to manipulate people in such a way... Is it just for pleasure or is there a much deeper vendetta?" She asked this mostly to herself and was not really expecting an answer but as Hal had heard her question, he replied,

"It\'s hatred. Whoever it is, equates those of this city, Nay, this continent to livestock. The plots don\'t seem compassionate to me. I\'m willing to bet this Master has ties to this continent.

Also, it is very likely that, after using the essence gotten here to become stronger, they might migrate to bigger cities and continue with similar plots"

Hal really did not care what happened to the Plebeians and might have even decided to remain passive, if it had not been that he had now obviously become a part of this Master\'s entertainment.

He grinned in a wicked manner,

\'You want entertainment? You\'ll get it\'

Sassy looked at the ladies one by one, occasionally flicking out her tongue. Her curiosity was evident. She slid away from Hal and slithered towards Melinda by his side.

Melinda smiled at her approach and let her coil around her arm while also stroking the Viper\'s beautiful scales.

"I didn\'t know you liked snakes" Hal said with a smile.

"Neither did I. But I have nothing against her"

Camilla and Irina shared a look and it was not about the Viper that now flicked its tongue in their direction but about the issues that they now faced.

Hal felt and saw their distress and stretched a wave of calm over the hearts of the ladies bound to him through their contracts, 

"There is no need to worry. Fortunately, we only have two attacks incoming and our enemies are not working together but personally moving towards their own aim.

The Plebeians want \'Justice\' and Gregory wants my secret. The most imminent of these two issues is that of the Plebeians. So before they arrive, I will need to form my Cosmic Armament and that is why we will have an orgy..."


It was not that what Hal had said was surprising.

It absolutely was not.

However, it was the tone with which he said it that they were unaccustomed to. It was a tone that lacked lechery and was completely serious.

Then he said,

"But, Of course, this is not because I\'m lustful. I\'m just being diligent. This is diligent work" 

Amelia blushed deeply.

"Who do you think you\'re kidding?" Rita said and Hal\'s smile returned as he struggled to continue looking serious.

"What do you girls take me for, a horndog?" He asked with a look to Melinda who smirked as she had once used that same word.

"Yes" Irina said.

"But in a good way" Camilla piped.

Hal covered his face with his beautiful hand and Melinda rubbed his back as though to console him, 

"Where am I going to put my face?" The words were so thick with dejection that the ladies were almost worried about him but then he looked up with a smile and said, 

"Well, I can\'t let that get me down. To the Time Warped Chamber"

The ladies did not wait for him to say it a second time as they rose from their chair and moved to the chamber with excitement evident in their steps. They had not been with him for days and would very much like to feel the pleasure again.

Soon only Hal, Marla, Amelia, Rita and Melinda were left in the Dining Hall.

"Would you like to return home? Your father might be getting worried" Hal said with a teasing smile.

Amelia scoffed at his smile. As though she could leave now that the flames of lust were once again burning within her pussy.

She and Hal had spent a lot of hours in bed and only stopped early that morning but as soon as she was awake, she already wanted more. It was as though Hal was a meal she could never get tired of.

"You just need this to get stronger. How would it look if I left you right now? In your time of need no less" She said with rosy cheeks.

Rita and Melinda chuckled while Hal\'s eyes widened, 

"You\'re learning fast" he said as Marla leaped up from her seat with excited claps and went to tug Amelia\'s arm and lead her to the Time warped Chamber.

"This is going to be so much fun" She said and the two of them soon left the Hall.

Hal opened the portal to the forest habitat again and Sassy slid into it after one last curious look at Hal and the ladies now by his side.

"Well, shall we be off?" He said and held out his hands to the two.

They took it with a smile, 

"You\'re insatiable" Melinda said.

Hal chuckled, 

"You say that like it\'s a bad thing"



Edgar Castle...

While Hal moved forward and acted diligently to get stronger and turn the tides of the upcoming war in his favor, Hector was being told the news of the infiltration of his forces by the Blood Knights.

Karon stood by his side and informed him of all that had happened in the forest, trying his best to not sound as though he were criticizing Darryl but that was still how it came out.

Hector sighed. He did not blame Darryl. While it was indeed Darryl\'s duty to weed out the spies, it was also a delicate process that if not done cautiously could lead to them sending off allies and keeping traitors.

It was far from being an operation that could be completed within three days which had been the amount of time Darryl had to work before the Competition.

Also, Darryl had been making progress, having successfully weeded out some bad eggs and replaced them with men he swore could be trusted.

Although Karon was skeptical, Hector was convinced that those Blood Knights that had been mixed in with the Plebeian men must have been those Darryl had not gotten around to weeding at the time.

Besides, there were a lot of responsibilities for Darryl in recent days. Marlon and his wife Olivia were planning a remarriage and it was all Marlon could think about at the moment.

Hector let him focus on it as he had only just recovered from the injury sustained at the Confluence. At first, Hector had wondered if Darryl was going to complain about the decision. After all, he had also only just recovered as well, but his eldest son said nothing.

He took care of his duties to the very best of his abilities, it seemed to him what he could to help his Brother and support Marlon\'s decision on his future.

Hector was so proud and did not feel his son should be blamed for the infiltration.

He blamed Hal Payne who had no respect for his (Hector\'s) home security. While the intention might have been good (which he was still doubtful of), it was disrespectful and there needed to be consequences.

The issue could easily have been buried as there was no other family who knew what had happened, however, Hector felt that if he was silent on the matter, Hal could believe he was beyond reproach.

So he took Karon\'s suggestion of taking away the one-year immunity and tweaked it a little.

So instead of taking it away, he would send Hal a formal warning, that unless there was cooperation between their two parties, Hal was not to repeat what he had done.

He had only just completed the letter which he told Karon to have a messenger deliver it when a guard came to deliver a letter.

"A messenger left this with us and said it was to be delivered directly to you" he said.

"And did you recognize the messenger?" Hector asked, wondering if it was from one of the other Great family heads whose main messengers were quite known.

"No, I did not." The guard said.

Karon who had not yet left to have the message to Hal sent looked angry, 

"And you took the letter. It could be an explosive rune set to explode when opened or something even more troublesome"

The Guard flinched at being reprimanded but still managed to speak as he stretched the letter to the Mayor, 

"I-i-it seems really important"

The letter was pointed towards Hector and he could see what was boldly written on it, 

                    "To The Mayor

                    From The Alchemist"

Seeing that title, he was startled and grabbed the letter. If it truly was from that elusive alchemist then that it was important was a gross understatement.

"My Lord, allow me to inspect it first" Karon offered but...


...In his excitement, Hector had already torn open the letter and beheld the message written within it from the one who could guarantee his victory in the coming war.

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