Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 875 Not All For Selfish Reasons.

\'I wonder... Did he always know the success of his patron\'s plans would be the end of his family and the Nexus world or was that a detail they kept from him?\' Hal thought but he was more inclined to believe that there were details that Amador would have not cared about.

His aim was ascension and he was likely always ready to get rid of his family to achieve it.

There were still questions of course, but they were all secondary to the events going on at the moment.

"Melinda..." Hal said purposefully and he did not have to complete his words for Melinda to give him the Nexus stone as well as the Monument gem.

Hal sent the Monument gem into his inventory first and then took hold of the Nexus stone to begin the process of destroying it.

Before he got completely lost in the stone though, Hal addressed his forces,

"Regroup in the Harem space... Recover as much of your strength as you can and prepare to push these idiots from our territory.

We\'ve been at work for years to take control of this world and it was always meant to be a launchpad to greater glory. We will not let some impromptu involvement knock us off our trajectory.

We shall be Victorious!"

Hal\'s words had hot only been vocal but had also been mental and so they resonated with every single one of his forces wherever they were in the Nexus world and when they all raised their voices in war cries, they did so with the imbuement of cosmic energy so that their voices in unison shook the very foundations of the Nexus world. An admittedly easier task on account of the effect the crack was having on the world already.

When the warcries were sounding, Melinda moved closer to Hal and said quietly in a tone that only those immediately close could hear,

"Do you have a plan?"

Hal wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his body before planting a hard kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, he was smiling as he said,

"No, I don\'t have a plan. We will have to innovate our old ones. For now, you all retreat," he said and gave the other ladies focused looks that had them all steeling up for the task at hand, and then he released Melinda, moved away from her, and entered into the Nexus stone.

Within the stone, the first thing Hal saw was an apparition of the absolute beauty that was Nihasa, the Primeval Devil Queen, his mother.

"Finally! I have been trying so hard to reach you," Nihasa said with a mockingly disapproving expression that caused Hal to roll for eyes,

"Not succeeding should have been a hint. We will meet and speak when I decide that it\'s time and not before,"

"Oh but if you had not been so unfilial, I would have warned you of Zalser beforehand," Nihasa said.

"Well, it\'s too late now, so you can be on your way," Hal said and made to walk past when Nihasa raised her voice a bit,

"Don\'t walk away from me!"

"Oh please, *Mother*, we are past you trying and failing to control me," Hal said.

"I want to help you, you ungrateful prick," Nihasa said and it causes Hal to pause and turn to face her,

"Oh really?"

"I can have my demons descend and battle Zalser\'s minions before they can get to you,"

"That will just hasten the destruction of my world," Hal said.

"Not if I send them before they can break through into your world. The destruction would still be close but it can...will be avoided." Nihasa said.

"And what do you want?" Hal asked.

"What any good mother wants; To see her child succeed," Nihasa said and after a few seconds of standing around, she added,

"I\'d also like for us to join forces."

"Ha," Hal said and made to turn away as Nihasa continued,

"You are on a strong path and making good progress but you\'ve made enemies with not one but two of the Primordial forces.

No god succeeds without at least having one on their side and since you can\'t have any of them on your side, you should at least have a godly ally. Who better to be your godly ally than your mother who wants what\'s best for you... Stop walking!

You don\'t have much time!


"See you later, Mother," Hal said with his back to her and a hand raised in a wave.

In a few steps, she was gone from his vicinity and Hal was faced with the sentience of the Nexus stone who was curled up and shaking,

"S-s-s-something bad I-i-is h-h-h-happening..." said the sentience.

Hal nodded,

"Yep, we are being invaded by godly bullies," he said.

"I feel... So lonely," the sentience said, and Hal, knowing the reason for the loneliness was the fact that the other Nexus stone had been destroyed nodded,

"Yeah, so sad. Anyway, I\'m here to kill you,"

"Kill me?"

"Yep, kill you but it\'s not all for selfish reasons. I\'m also doing it to stop the dangers that you are powerless against,"

"You can\'t kill me," said the sentience with his voice no longer having the terrified tone or shake of before.

"Sure I can. I killed your brethren. A bit of a challenge but definitely doable," Hal said with a shrug and the sentience sat up immediately in a clear move to put up a fight,

"To kill me is to mess with the stability of the Nexus..." it began to say before Hal interrupted with a roll of his eyes,

"Blah Blah Blah... The other one said something similar... You guys reading from a script?"

As he spoke, Hal summoned a dagger out of his infinite concept and he struck it at the sentience who could do nothing to avoid getting struck but retaliated with a strike of the governing power it had on the half of the Nexus world it had control over.

Hal simply waved his hand and smacked the attack to the side before vanishing to sink a punch into the abdomen of the sentience and released an attack that ruptured its nonexistent insides.

The sentience then tried to manipulate the inside of the stone in its favor which was when Hal decided to show off the fact that he himself was the sentience of the other half of the Nexus world which put them both on equal playing fields already with Hal having the edge on account of having the faith a good bit of the half he had control over and a small bit of the half of the human side of the world.

Hal had Sovereign authority over the entirety of the Dane Duchy on account of his Devil seed and that itself took out of what the sentience of the Nexus stone in the human half of the world could amass.

"It\'s overkill to employ Infinity on you," was what Hal said before he completely obliterated the sentience of the Nexus stone by sheer superiority.

With the sentience gone, Hal withdrew his mind from the stone and employed physical means to destroy it in a magnificent blast that caused a similar reaction as back in the Dystopian Continent.

The human side of the continent lost itself and began to break apart and away from the whole that was the Nexus world and as it did, it furthered the destruction that had begun due to the crack in the sky.

Hal was unbothered and sped up the destruction of the core of the human continent and once it was gone, he reached out to the core he had created in the Dystopian continent.

Hal made the core larger and stronger before changing its position from the Dystopian continent to right in the center of the Nexus world; Gelread Valley.

Once the core was rooted there, Hal used infinity to stretch its reach to the farthest region of the human continent so that all could come under its singular control.

The destruction and troubles that had begun due to the destruction of the human continent\'s core ceased and the continent healed itself although it was still in danger from Otherworldly forces aiming to break through.

Hal took a second or two to relish the almighty control he had over the whole of the Nexus world and then he proceeded with the garnering of faith.

He activated the Nirvana pills that every living individual in the Nexus world had ingested and tied them all to the Devil seed still planted at the very center of Sapphire City.

The only exclusions to the Nirvana pills were the Harons and other than Tanya and her father, the others were dead.  Tanya being unconscious was promptly stamped with a devil mark of slavery and Amador was still in his gigantic form acting like some final boss.

The thing was, Amador had not tried to interrupt what Hal was doing... He was too busy to interfere but that was not the case for the Asura general who was among the first bunch of gods to break into the Nexus world.


With a speed and a force he had no hope of evading, Hal was struck in the head by godly might that sent him crashing into the very ground he just took absolute control of.

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