Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 69

January 8th, 182 A . D . Late Afternoon .

Tong ordered Zhou Cang to form checkpointห at all gates around the city because he had a hunch that the crook officials should make a move tonight .

Zhou Cang immediately complied with the order . Within two hours, all gates were locked down and an announcement were made .

"Order from the governor Zhang Jiao! Today and tomorrow, all gates will be closed until the purge is completed! All those who wish to get into the city should enter within today . But those that wish to exit will have to wait!"

This announcement caused an uproar among the merchants and the peasants . Though they were used to the sudden announcement for shutting down the gate, they were attracted to the keyword "The purge" .

Rumors about the new governor started to spread . Within an hour, a gossip bomb was dropped by an eavesdropping palace guard that had heard Tong’s order from the council meeting .

"Zhang Jiao wants to get rid of the crook officials! One of them was already got their houses ransacked and arrested!"

Light appeared in the eyes of peasants and merchants . As commoners, they loved gossiping about the nobles and the politics as there were no other entertainment in this era . Therefore, any information about the government movement, even if it was a trivial one, was always welcome .

News was spread like wide fire throughout the city within a day, which caused several taverns to boom in business as many peasants came in to chat and drink .

"Zhang Jiao is an honest official?"

"He’s also a physician?"

"His son is the undying immortal?"

"Zhang Tong killed Guo Dian, and his father took over the city?"

"Goddess of Death is here, too?"

"Will they kill all the officials?"

Several backgrounds of Zhang family members were dug up and spread among the citizens . Majority of them were positive feedback from the good achievements and reputation, which Tong and his family members had piled up all these years .

Because of many good rumors about Zhang Jiao and Tong, the peasants in the city were delighted . Their eyes were filled with hope, and lively cheering resounded throughout the city . As a result, all businesses and sales were increased in every industries as everyone celebrated for the good governor .

Although the civilians were easy to be manipulated by the officials, but they still could compare Guo Dian and Zhang Jiao in terms of reputation .

When Guo Dian had held the power, the peasants were abused by the noble families and the soldiers . Yet after Zhang Jiao arrived here for half a day, one of the crook official got arrested and had his properties confiscated . All soldiers that used to abuse the honest citizens were replaced with the disciplined stern soldiers . Then the news about the purge appeared . Even a child could tell that a good change had come into this city, and everything might get even better .

That night, every taverns buzzed with celebrations and cheers . Morals of the citizens were at its peak .



January 9th . Morning .

Zhang Jiao held a council meeting again in the government main hall today . However, only 70% of the officials attended the meeting because the remaining 30% of them were either hid themselves with in their resident behind their private soldiers, or tried to escape from the Julu City .

All attempts to get away from the city were stopped by the 7,000 garrison soldiers within the city . Meanwhile, six thousand men under Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and Bo Cai still stationed outside, which intimidated all crook nobles .

"Arrest everyone that hasn’t attended today’s council! If anyone resists, slaughter their entire family and hang their heads in front of the wall!"

Zhang Jiao made the announcement himself as he hated corrupted government to the extreme .

Tong and Zhou Cang complied with the order . They separated into groups and raided the official residents that had not attended the meeting .

From morning till evening, the sounds of battle and killing resounded within the city . Blood filled the entire high class residents around the government palace . The neighbors of the ransacked residents shivered in fear as the sounds of killing was terrifying . However, the commoners from the outer area kept celebrating each time they heard about the killing .

Meanwhile, Hua Shi took the duty as a clerk, and sorted all the financial reports from the attending officers . She double-checked all accounts of every noble families and the treasury reports .

She rubbed her temple as the numbers of the embezzlement and the disappeared funds were massive . Of the 380 officials that were presented here, only 250 people were clean while the rest had their accounting tampered .


Late Afternoon .

The remaining 130 corrupted officials were all arrested and had all of their properties confiscated . Their family members would also be expelled from the city as they were the accomplices .

The value of the confiscated treasures and properties were astonishing . If all of them were liquidized into gold, it would be converted into over 300,000 gold! These people had been eating the taxes of the civilians for years!

Hua Shi accidentally blurted out the numbers, which caught ears of the eavesdropping soldiers . Another rumor spread and shocked the entire city . More praises and more celebrations took places at several taverns and inn again, which made the workers complained that they were about to die working .


Evening .

Zhang Jiao, Hua Shi and Tong stayed in the government hall, having dinner together after they had completed their tiring jobs . All officials already returned home . Zhou Cang excused himself and wanted to return to his men . But before he left, Tong gave him 100 gold as a tip and told him .

"From now on, your monthly wage will be a hundred gold instead of 3 gold . Go and have fun with your subordinates . "

Zhou Cang was delighted . He cupped his fist and left in joyous mood as he wondered which redlight district brothel he should be visiting today . With 100 gold, he could sleep every night in the high-class brothels with any prostitute for an entire month .

Seeing Zhou Cang lecherous eyes and face, Tong shook his head .

"I hope he won’t get STD before he becomes a good general . Sunday, can you create any med for STD?"

Hua Shi paused her chopsticks and stared into Tong’s eyes in solemn .

"You’ve got herpes?"


Tong facepalmed .

"Fool! I’m immune to all disease . If I’m infected, you’ll be the first to know!"

"Ah, you’re right . But who’s infected?"

"Just asking . Zhou Cang is probably at risk . There is no condom here in this era . "

Hua Shi stopped talking as she asked the system in her mind . Then she gave Tong a slight nod .

"I can . But he has to be infected first . "

"That’s gonna be painful to him . "

"Don’t worry . He’ll learn from his mistake . When I was still a nurse, most my patients with STD never came back to the hospital with the same disease again . "

"But they came back with different diseases?"

" . . . Just a few of them . "

Zhang Jiao was listening on the side . Although he did not understand what both of them were talking about, he still smiled after he saw how close the two were . Then he was reminded something .

"Right, Tong’er, Shi’er . How old are you now?"

"17 . Why did you ask?"

"Since we are nobles now . I think it’s about time we call Shi’er parents to live here with us . And I’m thinking about getting you two married . "


Tong could not find the right word to reply because he still felt guilty about Friday . But his expression was the same as Zhang He’s poker face .

"Oh, it’s that time already, huh?" Hua Shi said in monotone .

Zhang Jiao was shocked by the two reactions . He thought that both of them might be flustered in embarrassment as they were still young . It seemed that both of them had gone all the way through already .

"You two seem to have crossed that line . Be careful not to get Shi’er pregnant before the wedding . I don’t want any bad rumor going around . "

’Dad, it’s not up to me . It’s up to her!’

Tong wanted to retort . But after seeing his father’s happy smile, he swallowed his words back .

"Don’t worry, father-in-law . I’ll be sure to give you a healthy grandson and a granddaughter each!"

Tong almost slammed his face into his rice bowl . This girl was too shameless!

Zhang Jiao could not help but laugh out loud in happiness . His world after his wife had passed on became black-and-white for years, now it had become colorful again with the younger generations around him .

He was glad he followed through with Tong’s plan and did not rebel directly . The only thing he felt pity was that his younger brothers were still outside with their troops . He wished they could enjoy their meal together as a big family again once more .

In the middle of their merry mood, a soldier rushed in and knelt down to report .

"Report to Lord Zhang, the Imperial Inspector Lu Zhi would like to make an appointment to you and young master Zhang tomorrow morning . Because you were busy today, Lord Lu Zhi could not find a chance to talk to you . He has begged you for your forgiveness on this inconvenient timing . "

Zhang Jiao nodded and agreed for the appointment while Tong stared at the messenger soldier in shock .

’Lu Zhi? That Lu Zhi!? The teacher of Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan!? What the heck is he doing here?’

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