Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 459 Zhou Yu and Sun Ce Visiting Liu Xie – Part 2

"Liu Ye, the secretary of his highness Liu Xie and the strategist of the Demon Legion."

"Oh!" Zhou Yu knew this man.

Liu Ye was a minister of the Emperor Xian’s faction in the other world, but he also served Cao Cao at the same time, working as a double agent. However, he leaned toward the Liu House over the Cao Clan.

Since Liu Ye declared that he represented Liu Xie, Zhou Yu believed that it held credibility.

"Please forgive me for not recognizing you earlier. I have eyes, but I can’t see Mt. Tai!"

Liu Ye scoffed, "Then, what’s the message. I’ll deliver it to his highness for you."

"Ah, right. Bofu, can I have THAT?"

Sun Ce smirked as he passed a bundle of clothes to Zhou Yu. The latter received it and revealed the content inside.

It was the jade Imperial Seal!

All officials murmured in shock as this item did not belong here but the palace of Ye or the emperor’s side.

Liu Ye was also astonished as well. His mind blanked for a few seconds before he came back to his senses.

"Why do you have this!?"

Zhou Yu sneered, "We managed to extract it from our neighbor, Cao Cao. It seems that he vanquished Yuan Shu and took it from him, but we managed to retrieve it from this traitor."

He did not know that Cao Cao and Tong were allies, so he made up the story.

Liu Ye caught on to the lie, so he did not believe it. Yet, the minister pretended to follow along with Zhou Yu’s pace.

"I understand. What do you want to do with it? Trade something with us?"

"No, no," Zhou Yu laughed, "We’re here to express our loyalty and sincerity to his highness, Liu Xie. We’re giving this back to you."


Liu Ye did not understand what Zhou Yu attempted to do as the latter’s action did not make any sense.

’Is he retarded? He’s giving it back without a condition?’

The minister coughed, "Well, since you want to return it. Then, we shall accept it."

"Ahaha. Well, there is a condition, though."

Liu Ye’s face twitched, "I thought you were giving it for free. What now!?"

"You see, I want to express our goodwill to His Majesty as well. We wish to stop all these nonsense conflicts between our factions and make peace. Since His Majesty has taken our mistress as his concubine and adopted our third master as the fourth prince, we have no reason to fight among ourselves. Besides..."

Zhou Yu intentionally stopped as he noticed someone among the bodyguards.

Within the hall, a hundred bodyguards wore shining knight armor, which covered their faces and bodies. However, materials could not hide the presence of a cultivator, who had awakened at least one soul.

Liu Xie was disguising among the crowd for the sake of his safety. Unfortunately, he had one demon soul, which revealed the aura of a half-demon.

As a two-wing angel, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce located the prince the moment they stepped inside the assembly hall, but they were not sure that he was Liu Xie or one of Tong’s generals.

Just now, Zhou Yu noticed the ambitious aura from Liu Xie, which confirmed that he was not one of Tong’s generals. Had it been a military man, he would have leaked a different vibe, which contained hostility, anger, and desire. Yet, Liu Xie failed to hide his greed for the jade seal, which exposed his identity.

Zhou Yu pretended that he did not notice Liu Xie’s identity and continued, "I heard about the future election thing that his highness bet with his majesty, so I would like to express my support to his highness."

The crowd murmured again. Zhou Yu’s action just now indicated that he wanted to join Liu Xie’s faction, which might conflict with Tong’s interest in the future.

Liu Xie, unable to withhold his desire to defeat Tong in the court warfare, took off his helmet and exposed himself.

"I am Liu Xie, the crown prince of Chenliu! State your true intentions, intruders!"

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu almost laughed as Liu Xie fell for their bait, but they did not show any disrespect behavior with this prince. They kowtowed to Liu Xie.

"We wish to work for you, your highness Liu Xie. We believe that you are the legitimate successor of the Han Dynasty! Even though our forces might surrender to Zhang Tong, but our hearts will always be with you! Please let us work for you!"

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu came to the conclusion that it was impossible to fight Tong in direct warfare, even with Cao Cao and Liu Bei’s coordination. Since they still believed that Lu Bu had 8 wings, it discouraged them from waging war against Tong’s legions.

Devouring Tong’s forces from the inside was a better idea.

Still, after the surrendering, picking sides or factions was crucial. They had to choose someone who would not be afraid of squaring against Tong in the open.

And that person was Liu Xie, who they knew that the former was once an emperor. Someone who had tasted the privilege of an emperor would not miss a chance to get back to that status.

Liu Xie’s eyes gleamed.

’If I have Sun Ce and Zhou Yu supporting me, my influence in the court will expand. It’s not enough to contest with the empress and the prime consort, but once I awaken at least 6 souls like Zhang Tong, I can subdue them!’

Thinking about his stepmothers, he felt a burning desire concentrating on his crotch. He had seen Dong Bai and Diaochan a few times, and their faces were still in his mind.

’His wives are desirable! Cao Xian is nothing comparable to those demonesses! I want them!’

Liu Xie had an erection.

Unfortunately, he forgot that he was wearing a full knight armor plate, including the lower parts, which were hard leather pants, covered by another layer of chainmail. As a result, the tip of his tent hit the hard leather, and the pole bent.


Liu Xie bent forward while his face turned green. He bit his lower lip in pain.

"I-I’ll allow it! F-For now, you’ll surrender your forces to my father first, but you’ll work for me!"

Zhou Yu and Sun Ce found Liu Xie’s sudden reaction comical, but they did not laugh. After all, they wanted to use him to bring Tong down.

Both of the warlords slammed their foreheads on the ground again.

"We vow that we won’t disappoint you!"

Everyone cheered that another powerhouse yielded to their country. Their future looked bright as another war factor was cleared. As for the internal struggle for power, that was a private matter for Liu Xie and Tong to worry about. For minor officers in the room, it did not concern them as long as their infighting did not reach out to their family.

While everyone was cheering, Dong Bai and Diaochan arrived. As usual, both of them were still in their uniforms, the golden empress dresses, and the pink/gold prime consort robes.

Because they received a lot of love from Tong and they were immortals, their skin and face were smooth without a wrinkle or a dark spot. With the addition of their body’s predecessor’s pedigrees, their natural charm enhanced by many folds.

All officials who had not seen the two dropped their jaws, astonished by the peerless beauties.

Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu were immune to their presence as these girls were Zou Shi’s friends, and they had seen them many times in the past, so they reacted first.

"We greet her majesty and the prime consort!"

Others snapped back from their trance and kowtowed to the two.

"We greet her majesty and the prime consort!"

Taishi Ci, Sun Ce, Liu Ye, and Zhou Yu also kowtowed to Dong Bai and Diaochan. Only Liu Xie, who was awestruck by the two graceful stepmothers. His previous memory and imagination of the demonesses were nothing comparing to the present.

"L-L-Liu Xie greets her majesty!"

The little pole in his crotch area throbbed as the tip rubbed with his hard leather pants. Because of the sense of touch, stimulation, excitement, fascination, admiration, and desire, white fluid gushed out and wet the area.

The strong odor followed.

Diaochan and Dong Bai’s noses twitched as they detected something that should not have been here among the crowd.

Friday cursed in her mind.

’Who the fuck fapped in the middle of the meeting hall!? Disgusting!!’

Even the coolheaded Medusa was annoyed. She unleashed her wing power, creating a small whirlwind, circulating the air in the hall to get rid of the odor.

Unfortunately, the source was nearby, so she could not get rid of it completely. When the wind subsided, the two women managed to locate the culprit.

’Eww!! This brat... Did Sun Ce scare him to the point that he ejaculated?’

Dong Bai pinched her nose and glanced at Liu Xie with disgust.

Diaochan pretended not to notice Liu Xie. She stood behind her daughter and faced forward, playing the role of Dong Bai’s subordinate.

"Who is Sun Ce and Zhou Yu!?" Yelled Dong Bai.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu raised their heads up to meet the eyes of the empress.

"Sun Ce greets her majesty."

"Zhou Yu greets her majesty."

The two were speechless by the speed of these two demonesses. They had expected that they would come, but they had never thought that all of them would have arrived this fast.

It was only a few minutes after Zhang Xiu and Zhang Ji reported to the clan chat!

’One four-wing demon and a six-wing demon. We don’t have a chance.’

Zhou Yu reevaluated their situation. Fortunately, they managed to transmit their intention to Liu Xie, so they succeeded in planting a chaotic seed in Tong’s ranks.

"What are you doing here in our territory!? What is your purpose!? Talk!"

Friday was as aggressive as ever since she did not want to leave Tong alone for too long. Or else, he would have gone to see other consorts and wasted his energy on them.

Every seed that Tong had belonged to her and her mother. No one else should have it!

Zhou Yu suffered from the aura oppression from Dong Bai. On the other hand, Sun Ce could handle it because he had the same strength as Friday.

Sun Ce spoke for his brother, "We’re here to negotiate a surrender treaty for our clan. We don’t want to fight you anymore."

Dong Bai snorted, "You said that many years ago, but you are still plotting against my husband! How can I believe in you!?"

"We’re presenting the Imperial Seal to you as our apologies! Please forgive us and give us a chance!"

Sun Ce handed the Imperial Seal to Dong Bai.

The latter narrowed her eyes and inspected the jade seal with doubt.

"Doesn’t Tong already have this? Why is there another one?"

Diaochan shook her head, "The one in Ye is a replica. This one is the original."


Tong was using another seal, which was newly forged for his emperor duties. However, the original seal was the one before them.

Diaochan asked Zhou Yu, "I understand your decision. But I don’t understand a few things. What is your purpose after surrendering?"

Dong Bai frowned as she recalled that the power balance between Tong’s descendants had not been 100% solved. Sun Ce might want to abuse his connection as Wu Guotai’s second son and instigate chaos within Tong’s ranks.

She glared at Sun Ce, "I’m sure you’re planning something. Why should we accept you in our ranks when we could have just simply kill you two here?"

Sun Ce gritted his teeth upon hearing the question.

He gathered his strength as he planned to kill Dong Bai here to fight his way out and run away from Diaochan.

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