Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 85 85

Chapter 85 Chapter 85

"If that is your wish then I would gladly comply, master! You need only to command me and your will shall forever be my will also." Zhao Qiu knelt in place along his reply.

"Very well. That is indeed what I wanted you to do, Zhao Qiu. You don\'t have to change anything in your handling of the city. Treat it as business as usual but I have only one prohibition." Clark paused.

"Enlighten me, master." Zhao Qiu prodded gently.

"You can only accept missions that target the most evil scum of society. You don\'t need to worry about it because you will know who is good and bad in the missions that you will receive from now on."

"I know that you are the best man for the job, Zhao Qiu. I have high hopes for your performance." Clark smiled as he lent some generic positive reinforcement to his summon.

He really did not want to stay here and continue to manage this piece of land personally. He could just easily do that remotely and everything would be okay and comfy on his end.

Especially since he has more other plans intended on this small hub of mortals.

"I will not fail you, master. Even death could not separate me from your bidding!" Zhao Qiu kowtowed in place to show his subservience unto his new owner.

Clark of course had none of the doubts that accompanied this set of flowery words. For this was his very own undead. Someone that no longer has a soul and in consequence human no more also.

If he could not trust this person then there was really no one else out here he could trust.

\'Except perhaps for Lai Peng.\' Clark smiled when he thought of his faithful servant.

"Halt the creation of more skeletons for now, Nancy. I want you to focus on resurrecting the fallen dead of the city first. Then after that is done, notify me at once.

I have special plans for this city and perhaps Nexus too for that matter."

Clark ordered the system as he wanted to enact something he had already planned from the moment he had the lands and territories to play with. This place would serve as a great start for expansion indeed.

"Affirmative, master." Nancy responded calmly.

"Thank you, Nancy. Now all I have to do is nothing but wait some more." Clark mused in satisfaction.

"Zhao Qiu."


"Bring me some of your oldest wine."

"At once, master!"

* * *




Three soft knocks rang upon the not so humble doors of a residence. In one glance, it could be concluded that the owners in this home were definitely rich and able people.

The pillars were huge and majestic. Even the multitude of paintings and antique furniture only added further grace and authenticity to this old wealthy household.

"Who\'s that?" A terrified voice answered from behind the doorways. This person knew that there were guards outside so this could only be one of them or worse.

The sun has yet to rise and this family waited here in hope even though much of their neighbors has already ran away from their homes since the disturbance happened almost an hour ago.

"It\'s me, Su Yang. Open up." A cold voice answered.

"Husband!" Su Yang screamed out loud. She could not imagine that there would come a time when she would be too happy to see Li Yi.

This was a cruel despicable man who has raped her over and over again and even went as far as murder her true love ten years ago. But now the circumstances are already different.

They had 3 children already and the bitter years had only ever taught her to accept this fate. Wishing for a different life would only be a futile attempt that left her in painful depression time and time again.

At least for now, Su Yang was alive because of her children.

They lived a good life but she was also aware of how things could change drastically fast if misfortune were to somehow befall upon her wicked husband, Li Yi.

\'Just like what happened to my family.\' Su Yang thought bitterly.

"CREAK!" The doors were opened and the beautiful Su Yang saw her husband, unwounded and unharmed by the events that took place on this fateful night.

"What happened out there? I heard the cries of agony and the panic of the people. Even some of our servants went back to their families in fear for the worst." Su Yang asked.

A strong temptation to hug her husband surged out from nowhere primarily because of the extreme relief she felt but Su Yang held the impulse back with sheer will alone.

Although she wanted to be comforted but Su Yang doubted that she would ever get that from Li Yi ever.

"It was nothing but sneaky thieves. The fools had set the gates on fire and that\'s it." Li Yi shrugged before he continued.

"Where are the boys?"

"They\'re in our room. They were all crying earlier but... they\'re okay now and are already sound asleep." Su Yang replied softly.

"You did well, Su Yang. Everything is over now. Let us sleep also." Li Yi gave a rare compliment and even smiled at his wife. This in turn shocked the very soul of Su Yang.

\'What\'s going on?\' Su Yang thought inside but found no one to answer her question. Li Yi was already taking off his heavy armors to retire for the night.

Seven minutes later, Su Yang found her husband sleeping in the room closest to theirs. He was totally naked with only a blanket to cover his rock hard physique.

This was usually the sleeping habits of her husband and Su Yang did not think it strange.

\'I\'m glad that you\'re home safe. Back with our children. They still need you.\' Su Yang sighed in relief. She could not have predicted that she would be thinking this way about her husband.

She stood there for 3 more minutes before joining her husband on the bed.

"I hope this peace will last. No more nights like this one, oh please dear Lord Nithar!" Su Yang pleaded towards the god of protection.

She closed her eyes but opened them again after no more than 5 minutes because she felt the eager searching hands of her husband.

"Not tonight. Not again." Su Yang bit her lips but stifled the sob that threatened to come out. There was no love in their nightly affairs but only a cruel and almost sadistic domination every single time.

Since there was no escape like the countless nights before, Su Yang could only close her eyes in resignation.

"Husband?" Su Yang whispered but found none to answer her back. She only knew that this moment was probably the gentlest and most inexplicable feeling she ever had with Li Yi.

She was being cuddled by her husband. And it felt so good for a change. Rhythmic audible snores came from behind which sounded like magical hymns in this long long night.

It did not take 60 breaths for this sound to make Su Yang sleep with a pretty smile on her face.

All over Cresa City, similar circumstances were happening.

* * *

"I saw you died, father! There was a big monster! A dragon! It looked at me and it was gone like a spell. And you also vanished together with the bad dragon."

a little chubby girl cried on the arms of her father.

"Hush now, my child. That monster was a kind good monster. He only protected your father from the real bad ones." a man in warrior uniform answered and hugged his daughter tightly in his arms.

Since no one was around to dismiss this man\'s claim thus his words would be taken as truth by everyone from now on.

* * *

"Did your husband return, Xie Tai?"

"Not yet. But I\'ve seen my mistress\'s husband already. He just got back also. They\'re all saying the same thing.

That they were saved by a crowd of magical beasts from the hands of the rebels and these supposed to be monsters also healed their wounds. Do you believe them, Yao Yu?" Xie Tai asked.

"I don\'t know what to believe anymore, Xie Tai. But as long as I see my husband again, then I am ready to believe anything in fact. Even sane saintly magical beasts for that matter.

Let\'s wait some more. I\'m sure our husbands will also come back just like the rest of their comrades in the guards." Yao Yu said hopefully.

And thus, from tonight onward, the dead have come to exist together with the living and yet there was really no other soul in sight who can tell the difference between the two, save of course one man.

Alas, this man was already millions of miles away from the sleepless city of Cresa and its citizens.

* * *

"Now what to choose between these two good character classes?" Clark asked himself while lazing around on his bed.

He was already back in his residence at the Lu Family after a few shots from Zhao Qiu\'s liquor collection.

More than 24 hours has already elapsed and he was yet to take any sleep at all which convinced him fully that cultivators need no more of that mortal requirement for sustenance.

Even at this moment, his body was functioning at its best mode.

"The Mage Class or the Korou Class." Clark listed the two remaining choices he\'d come up with. The mage class granted a 50 % boost in mana while the Korou Class would give him a hundred percent boost.

If it were any other class, he would have not doubted taking the latter but alas there was always that cliche catch that made him second guess this choice.

The Korou Class was of course a non human class and although it granted an extreme amount of mana but there was only one talent tree and on that tree, only 1 skill also resides upon it.

This was a skill talent that existed for the purpose of boosting mana capacity and its regen alone.

"Hmmm... No sense in wasting more time. I could always get another job at level 40 once again."

Clark used eleven more minutes to decide but in the end, he finally arrived at a decision and that was all that mattered right now.

"Okay then. Nancy, please upgrade..."

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