Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 268 268

Chapter 268 Chapter 268

"This should have ended with me smelling roses and all. I should have run to become the next president of the United States of America but sadly, i think that such dreams are already far beyond me today."

Our bored gamer lamented after he reviewed what had happened in his stay thus far here on Earth.

With the video clip showing how a helpless beautiful woman named Alexis Anderson was mercilessly squashed like a bug by his supposed to be servant Blood Twin, the bad publicity that he already received would have him tailing in the polls if not outright disqualified from running any kind of public office in the hierarchy of power.

It was a lost cause in the end. Perhaps the only redeeming factor in this experience was how his wives had garnered all sorts of fan clubs since their advent.

There were 8 of them already including Amber Victoria in the fold. Sofia on the other hand has sadly disappeared after their initial encounter.

Our bored gamer has had a bumpy ride with Amber at first but true to his expectations, the lovely young lady could not help but forgive him eventually.

Clark\'s innate charisma was too much to be denied for long.

Since his family were practically living like royalty in these lands, it was time to give back and share his blessings to the rest of the world.

Now our good gamer has wanted to do something for his fellowmen and women on Earth.

"Perhaps i should think outside the box. If the people in my country won\'t allow me to serve them then I might as well look for alternative avenues around me."

With this in mind, our bored gamer did exactly as he planned.

* * *

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a whole new change was occurring.

"BANG!" A huge land mass was created from out of nowhere and it would not take long for it to be known as the 8th continent of the world.

It was in this place where our bored gamer would finally spend his time in creating the first utopian society that would last for eons without end.

"BOOM!" A thundering noise came from out of the blue and a gentle summon was heard in all ears of more than 7 billion people in the world. It contained only a simple message.

"A new continent has arisen in the world. Every free soul is welcomed to join in this new era of peace and prosperity. Just say the word yes and you will become one with us.

The Colter Continent awaits your arrival." Our bored gamer was not that creative in his message but he sent it all the same. The invitation was offered and that was all that mattered.

Now all he needed to do was nothing but wait.

* * *

In various places of the world where people were oppressed by their masters, a whole new exodus was happening in real time.

"YES!" A poor crying woman shouted in the darkness that embraced her. She was chained and treated into a life worse than animals. She was abducted, drugged and abused.

The three years she spent in the hands of her captors felt like an eternity of suffering for this luckless woman.

Luckily for her and for the rest like her, they will be soon delivered unto a paradise that they could never have imagined possible. A breath later, the woman disappeared from the place.

"THUD!" Only the heavy chains rattled on the ground to witness her release from bondage and injustice. More than this, an entire population of people vanished to unknown lands.

In the first day alone, the Colter Continent received 300 million people! Our bored gamer boasted a 900 million population in just the advent of the next day.

And the lost souls kept on coming in droves and legions.

"WOW! I can\'t believe that i\'m now living in this lavish home!"

"My family is finally living the dream in this continent!" Almost all people rejoiced in what welcomed them in place.

The scene was not different from any prospering city in the world. There were towering skyscrapers, malls, and shops that were not less than any luxurious brands in existence.

These amenities had every product available in the land and has come practically free from all of them to use and consume.

Free food, free medicine, free internet, free house and lot, everything was free! If this was not heaven here on earth then there was certainly no heaven anywhere else in this cosmos.

"This place that you created is not able to sustain itself, Clark. You\'re giving them everything they could ever want in life and without any cost at all. I believe that most of these people will just drink and party their life away. A complete waste of a short mortal life in the end."

Gu Wenren commented as she inspected the utopian handicraft of her husband.

"Maybe. Maybe not. That is their choice after all. Should they want to stagnate in their own flavor of happiness, so be it.

And should they strive for something more in this life, that will also remain open to them. I would think that my way is not that very much different from any normal society in this world."

Our bored gamer smiled and took pride in his work.

Although some select leaders were disgruntled with the way he did things especially when more than half of their population just disappeared from their territories but these leaders were smart after all.

They fumed and talked trash in their interviews but would never do anything big against someone like our very own protagonist.

One should know that creating a continent from out of nowhere was not anymore the work of anything human or the like.

No one would be a fool to go against someone who already had this kind of power in his arsenal. It would be tantamount to personal destruction if not more.

A thousand years passed by and true to its earlier destiny, Earth was ushered unto the era of space explorers.

If before they did it in ten thousand years, this time it only took them one thousand years to do the same result. It did not need saying that the magical temples had helped them immensely in their task.

But more than that, what was surprising was how most of this productivity in terms of science, technology and impressive innovations has come from the single most powerful nation in the world. Colter Nation!

They had the advantage of our bored gamer\'s backing and so this end was truly not that unexpected at all.

"It\'s time to start another quest in the books." Our bored gamer said and left for a new adventure thereafter.

"Partner..." Our bored gamer called for the Heavenly Treasure that laid dormant within his body and soul.

"..." The clay brick vibrated to let Clark know that it has heard his call loud and clear.

"So these 50 worlds that I need to conquer, can I just go anywhere and pick any one world that I want or..." Clark started but was easily enlightened by what the clay brick wanted him to do.

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