A Demon's Journey

Chapter 25 - Suspicions Regarding Azaroth

Many individuals were losing hope as they were informed of this crucial information. After all, fighting against just one 5 Star Rank Beast and fighting against two 5 Star Rank beasts was entirely different.

If the two 5 Star Beasts assisted each other, then they would be nearly unstoppable here.

Brynn Gaynor clenched his fists, but there was hardly anything he could do at this point. He felt obliged to keep them updated about the situation.

If they wanted to give up, he couldn\'t stop them.

However, fortunately for Brynn Gaynor, a savior emerged among this group of people.

This savior was none other than Sophie Russel.

"Calm down, everyone. The situation isn\'t as bad as you all think it is." She tried to calm down the crowd with a gentle voice.

However, at this time, all people, especially the graduates from Palm Valley School, were panicking. They were hardly affected by her beauty or her voice. After all, they felt that their life was more precious and they shouldn\'t keep anything inside at this point.

"The situation isn\'t as bad as we all think it is? Are you going crazy?! This is like an absolutely worst-case scenario. Or what? Do you actually think your little arrays are going to hold on against two 5 Star Beasts?! What a naïve little girl you are!" The one who had spoken against her was none other than a senior graduate from the Palm Valley School.

As the Acadia School\'s graduates heard those words, all of them hatefully glared at the Palm Valley School graduate. None of them could tolerate those words spoken to their school beauty.

"What did you say, bastard?! How dare you say those words?! Do you believe me when I say that I will absolutely flatten you?!" A guy shouted quite loudly, and many other individuals joined him and supported him.

On the other side, the Palm Valley School Graduates also replied with curses of their own.

The intensity of this fight with curses was increasing with every second.

"STOP!" Brynn Gaynor suddenly yelled out in an angry voice. He flared up his aura as if to temporarily stun the crowd.

Just when the people were about to say something to Brynn Gaynor, they sensed another burst of aura, "Let\'s listen to what Miss Sophie has to say. I am sure she has her own reasons for speaking those words."

The one who had released that aura and spoken those words was Aiden, one of the only 4 Star Warriors in the camp.

The combined pressure from Brynn Gaynor and Aiden did manage to suppress many people.

Sophie turned her head towards Brynn Gaynor and then to Aiden before giving them a small smile of gratitude.

"As I was saying, this does not change much for us. That\'s because we also have a 5 Star Warrior with us." Sophie spoke with a confident tone.

"You can come here, Peter," Sophie called out for a guy named Peter.

A guy jumped down from a nearby tree and spoke to Sophie, "As you command, young miss."

Peter\'s presence surprised many individuals here. He had standard black hair and brown eyes with a beard covering half of his face. He appeared to be nearly 30-40 years of age.

"Who are you?" Someone from the Palm Valley School asked with an apprehensive look on his face.

"I am Peter, one of the Royal Guards under the command of Spencer Russel. I have been tasked to protect young miss here." His tone was entirely emotionless as he informed his identity and mission to that man from Palm Valley School.

"Y-You really are a 5 Star Warrior, sir?" The one who had spoken in such a stunned yet happy tone was none other than Brynn Gaynor.

This was undoubtedly the best surprise he could have received in this situation.

A disdainful smile appeared on the man as he stared at Brynn Gaynor, "What do you think?"

Suddenly, all the 4 Star Warriors sensed an intense pressure that forced them to the ground. This man named Peter specifically targeted them all since he wanted to give proof of his power.

Even though Brynn Gaynor was also glued to the ground, the smile on his face continued to get wider.

He was just too delighted at this information.

Moreover, Sophie suddenly spoke, "Alright, Peter, it\'s enough."

The pressure over 4 Star Warriors\' bodies instantly vanished, and they stood up on their feet. Some were staring at Peter with a scared look, while some had a respectful look in their eyes.

"Peter can handle one beast and force it away so it won\'t be able to assist the other one. And the array formation I am constructing will be able to deal with 3 Beasts at the 5 Star Level, not to mention a single one. So… The town lord can rest assured that we can definitely deal with this beast raid."

As Sophie finished speaking, all the people who had lost hope felt as if they had some excellent chances now. The only ones who had an ugly look on their faces were those who had tried to lower the morale earlier.

They looked embarrassed as if they wanted to find a hole and jump in it and hide.

Sophie couldn\'t be concerned about these people, though. She turned towards Brynn Gaynor and spoke to him, "Town Lord, I would like to meet Edwin. You mentioned that he is very injured."

Once Edwin was mentioned, the excitement in Brynn Gaynor\'s eyes faded, and it was replaced by a grim expression.

"Sir Edwin took a great risk and brought back some very crucial intel for us. If Miss Sophie has some way to heal Sir Edwin, I would truly be grateful to you." Brynn Gaynor requested Sophie.

Brynn Gaynor felt indebted to Azaroth. One reason was that he had given away five Tier 5 crystals while asking for some Tier 4 resources at best. And even the quantity of herbs he took wasn\'t that large.

The other was that he had taken such a significant risk for a village with almost nothing to do with him and had even gotten so heavily injured for them. He was feeling quite guilty right now.

He asked Sophie if she had some way to heal Azaroth since her father had sent a 5 Star Warrior along with her, so there was a strong chance that he had also sent a healer alongside her.

"I am also curious about meeting this guy who can go in the Inner Area of this Alpine Gerbil Woods and come out alive. Even I might not be able to do what he has accomplished." Peter spoke with a nonchalant tone. However, Brynn Gaynor\'s experience in judging people told him that this man was definitely interested.

"Yes, although the town lord has already mentioned how he escaped the Inner Area, I am still somewhat unconvinced," Myles spoke his mind as well.

"Alright. Let\'s all go." Brynn Gaynor led them to the infirmary.

The door creaked open, and one by one, four individuals walked inside.

The infirmary was like a small cabin with two beds. One was empty, while on the other laid Azaroth\'s body.

Sophie placed a hand over her mouth as she saw Azaroth\'s injuries.

"When Sir Edwin came here, all his ribs had nearly broken. There was a major fracture of his left arm while two minor fractures in the right arm. The muscles of his legs seemed to have been forced to use more power than they could handle, and they have torn off, bleeding profusely. Only his head has remained somewhat unharmed…"

Brynn Gaynor soon finished listing what problems Azaroth had.

Even Myles was taken back when he saw the state of Azaroth\'s body and his injuries.

It could be said that the only one who was calmly staring at Azaroth\'s injured body was Peter.

\'He could escape in such a condition?\'

This was the only question in Peter\'s mind. Unlike the others in the room, he held no pity whatsoever for Azaroth.

The only thing in his mind was a question. Was Azaroth lying or not?

He didn\'t really understand why such a question appeared in his head. The situation felt a bit fishy to him…

The first thing he found strange was that this guy went to the Inner Area of the forest due to some guess.

According to Peter, there was no point in putting your own life at risk for such a vague suspicion. In fact, the best decision at that point would have been to spread this information and basically ask Brynn Gaynor and other people to prepare more.

The only reason why Azaroth went into the Inner Area of the Alpine Gerbil Woods was that he needed something from there. But when Peter tried to imagine what it could be, he again came up with little to nothing.

Next… These injuries were also suspicious to Peter. It was as if Azaroth had only fought a single beast in that forest and somehow managed to escape the forest successfully after killing the beast.

However, according to what Peter imagined, if Azaroth\'s position was compromised… How could only one beast come after him? Why were there no injuries from the other beasts? Or was it possible that he took no injuries and managed to kill them?

Such a thing was supposed to be impossible in that state.

Even though Peter had a lot of suspicions, he didn\'t speak those aloud. He knew that it would only invite Sophie and Brynn Gaynor\'s ire right now.

He could only discuss them with her in private.

Meanwhile, Sophie continued to look at Azaroth\'s body and spoke, "I will request Miss Zaria to heal him."

"Thank you." Brynn Gaynor gratefully said.

"Also, it appears we need to put a lid on our questions. It would be quite stupid to force Edwin to wake up and answer our questions." Sophie spoke to Myles without even looking at him.


Soon enough, they all left the infirmary, leaving Azaroth alone in there.

After a few minutes, Azaroth opened his eyes and had a frown on his handsome face.

\'So they have some questions for me? I can more or less anticipate what that guy Myles wants to know, but what does this woman want to know from me? But still… How long do I need to pretend to be injured? Wasn\'t this town lord preparing for a beast raid? How can he not have a good healer in this camp?!\' Azaroth seemed somewhat frustrated right now.

\'Alright… Hopefully, they will do something to allow me to recover in the next 2 or so days.. And if not, I will need to reveal one of my trump cards. I can\'t be a sitting duck when the beasts attack!\'

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