The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 482 Steering The Wheel (2)

Because of his world\'s destruction leading to the absence of his connection to the core of the Source Energy, he was put in a situation where he had to assimilate to a new Source Energy to maintain his Pathway\'s Progress.

Moreover, due to refusing their offer, the Divine World thought of killing him rather than letting him leave their world. Luckily for him, he successfully escaped that Divine World.

With his world destroyed and his Source Energy on the verge of fading away, he lost a place to return to. That\'s why to continue living, he traveled from world to world, assimilating their Source Energy before jumping to another world before his pursuers catch up to him.

Naturally, those worlds he passed by were also destroyed by the Divinity sent to catch him.

As to how he managed to lose them from his tail, settle to a world and prevent from being sniffed by that Divine World, it\'s a secret he\'s keeping to himself.

Perhaps by telling me those things and his story, he was hoping that I would join his cause. Most likely, he would ask me to go to that world he settled into and let my world be left its fate.

But never did he think that I wouldn\'t grab his helping hand and I would be the one responsible for my world\'s ruin.

If he\'s still out there when we reach that point of becoming a Divinity, he will be a likely ally.

However, that\'s only it. There\'s no way I would completely trust that guy when he was shrouded in utter mystery and he\'s only concerned about another Divinity.

In any case, that\'s still a long way to go and even leaving Earth won\'t happen soon.

First, I will have everyone who hasn\'t finished their Mortal Pathways yet complete it.

Naturally, that\'s including me.

Second, I need to get Irja to firmly step her foot on being a Rank 3 Transcendent. We needed that kind of elite for traveling outside the confines of a world and into the wide expanse of the Universe.

At the moment, she\'s at the 4th stage of the 2nd realm of her Transcendent Pathway and she\'s steadily progressing towards the fifth stage.

Due to the bonus stats that she was receiving from me and any other bonus stats she got from her Skills and Abilities, reaching the 5th Stage was enough to raise her UPL to 700.

For traveling into different World Zones, having an Elite of a Rank 3 Transcendent was enough to intimidate those who were capitalizing on targeting lone Space Vessels.

Right. I guess it\'s safe to say that Space Pirates are real and they exist somewhere in the more crowded World Zones.

Most of them were just motley crew that banded together for a common cause, to victimize and loot the weaker Transcendents or even Worlds for their personal gains.

As long as there\'s a Rank 3 Transcendent on board, those small-time pirates would have to think twice first if they would attack the said Space Vessel.

Naturally, their strength also scales with the World Zones, the higher they are in the Universe pyramid, the stronger they will be.

Either way, if we ever encountered one in the future. It would be their bad luck, not ours.


As soon as we emerged from the Portal I opened, the General from yesterday led the group of 20 high-ranking officials of the EDA to salute us.

Looking around, most of them were already middle-aged. Goes to show that they had years of experience in that Subordinate World but the best they reached was… Rank 5 Mortal or the 5th Realm of their Mortal Pathway.

Some of them were wearing military uniforms while some were in suits. Some were leading Headquarters like this while some were closely working near the government.

They represented the highest echelon in the EDA and they\'re the only ones who reached the 5th Realm of their Mortal Pathways. They\'re weak, of course. But at the moment, apart from the Heroes and the old fossils\' group, they\'re the strongest Earthlings.

After accepting that salute since it\'s a hassle to stop them again, I brought Yumiko and Jayna with me as we were led to a conference room they prepared.

As soon as we were all seated, with us at the head of the long table, General Yamada stood up and saluted once more before announcing the result of my order yesterday.

"Every government body is now under our control. As well as the various media that are disseminating information to the public. It isn\'t in the news but you can start giving your orders on which direction we are going to steer them."

"Great. For the first order of business… Get a hold of every military body and integrate them into the EDA. There\'s no point letting them make their own army. For now, we\'re unifying the world. After Earth successfully transitioned to the new era where everyone was familiar with Earth Energy… That\'s the time when you can create your own influences or even factions. We don\'t care. What\'s a world without conflict, right?"

Upon hearing my words, everyone could be seen gulping down their saliva.

It\'s human nature. They\'re not like those Heroes who were specially chosen because of their Heroic tendencies. For sure, at the current structure of the EDA, there\'s already a lot of factions emerging that are pursuing their own agenda.

They\'re just being careful at the moment because there\'s a lot of stronger entities that could crush them. Especially that sly old man.

But Humans will continue being humans with their inherent Seven Deadly Sins. Once the Earth stabilizes, it will just be the same as the other worlds where there\'s always a divide.

Because they\'re starting to become restless, I opened my Transcendent Aura and subjected these EDA Officers in it.

As soon as they felt it, all of them began sweating as the veins in their heads popped out in their attempt to resist it.

A few seconds later, I deactivated it and clapped once.

"If any of you were thinking of controlling a nation for your self-interest. Let that be the warning."

As their bodies became relieved by the pressure of my Transcendent Aura, each of them immediately muttered at their seats.

"No… We never thought of…"

"That\'s impossible…"

"We\'ve sworn before being sent to…"

Although their words were different from each other, it all meant one thing. That they\'re not thinking of doing what I said.

"I believe you won\'t yet so let\'s leave it at that. Let\'s move on. How are the captives?"

I waved my hand and all of them settled in their seats. And with that question, General Yamada straightened his back, coughed twice to clear the bad air in his throat before answering.

"They\'re properly contained. They were further bound by the Energy Chains to thoroughly block their Source Energy from erupting. They were also injected with a drug that would weaken their Physical Capabilities."

"I see. Well then, order someone to bring five of them here and is there someone among you who hasn\'t reached the threshold yet?"

It\'s time to make use of that Baptismal Chamber.

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