Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 72 - Heartbreaking, Not Forgetting Anyone

I put out the candle by Nushi\'s door as I closed it. Things were slowly starting to put themselves together, and even the whole Nixi thing was working out.

Still, these things were the easy ones to deal with. That was really only because I knew what Nixi\'s deal was and what was going on with her. ​​

Now I had to deal with the other misbegot girls and then things that came with them. And then there was the Demon Lord Dao, and he was for sure going to be a pain.

That made me think about the first time I had met Jilly and what the more minor demon had told her, but did that still apply? Jilly was no longer staying there, so why should she have to pay rent?

I walked up the stairs and turned to the girl\'s room that was already open, putting the thoughts of Jilly\'s rent to the back of my mind. I could talk to her in the morning after I got back from trying to rescue Jessabell.

"Master?" I heard Riez call from the room, and I rubbed my hand over my face and walked into the room.

“I am not your master, Riez! You girls are my friends, not my pets," I said as I walked into the room but then froze in shock.

The girls were sitting on the bed and completely naked, but I didn\'t want to look away. Yes, they were beautiful, but they were also very fragile, so I didn\'t want to make them think that I found them hard to look at.

"Why are you girls still not in bed?" I asked, looking them each in the eyes, and then they scrambled with the blankets to get under them.

That did not turn out as planned, and within seconds, the girls were tangled up. I should have known better and just helped them out, rather than try to rush them when I knew that they didn\'t have complete control of their movements.

I walked over and slowly helped the girls get untangled and then into the bed properly. After I was done, I looked down at them, but they didn\'t look that comfortable.

"You girls don\'t have to sleep in this form, you can change back, and it will probably be a lot easier for you to get to sleep," I said to the girls, but they all shook their heads no, but at different speeds.

"You can\'t turn into a dog," Bera said softly.

"If we sleep the other way, you can\'t hold us like Mary," Cera said, and then blushed, trying to look away from me, but I was in her line of sight no matter where she turned.

"If we don\'t get used to sleeping like this, then you are not going to want to use us," Riez said, and she stared into my eyes as she spoke.

I paused for a moment to think and didn\'t speak right away. I could have guessed that was the reason, but it was hard to wrap my head around the idea that all these girls wanted to sleep with me.

"I understand, but I still want you girls to be comfortable. When it comes time for you three to come to sleep in my bed, I will still cuddle with you all when you are in your other form. It helps me to sleep better if I know that you girls are comfortable," I said, but the girls didn\'t move, so I sighed.

I tried, but sometimes people just do what they liked, no matter what reasons were given. The girls had a one-track mind, and it seemed if they put their minds to it, that was what would be done.

I tucked the girls in and then gave them each a kiss, but everyone was different. I leaned over the girls and kissed Riez first, and it was a regular kiss, but we held it until the other two got restless, and I moved to the next one.

Bera\'s kiss was a lot faster, but she had the softest lips, and the kiss left me feeling cool and refreshed. Cera was already trying to put the hand on her side into my shorts, and I had to pull it away as I moved to her, and I got a pouty-looking face when I brought my face to her.

"Can\'t I kiss you down there?" Cera asked with a devilish grin, but I shook my head.

"Another night, and I will let you do that as much as you want," I said as I leaned in to give Cera a kiss, but both arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a fiery kiss that involved a lot of tongues.

When I was finally able to pull back from the girls, all three were blushing and panting. They were all looking up at me with hungry looks in their eyes, but I shook my head no.

It pained me to do it, and the sad looks I got were almost more than I could take, but then Riez spoke up.

"Thank you, and we can wait. You have already done so much for us, so we shouldn\'t be bothering you about this kind of thing, but we can\'t help it. It\'s always like this for us, every month, but for the first time, we get to choose," Riez told me, but her words were like a vise crushing my heart.

These girls had been through a lot, but I would make their lives better. This was part of the reason that I wanted to do this; to help these girls get away from hard places that were not good for them.

The other thing I should have been aware of; female dogs went into heat every month. While I liked the idea of getting to give the girls what they wanted, there was also the fact that I was only one person.

Hopefully, the other girls wouldn\'t have the same problems, but I had to hope they were more spaced apart if they did. If they weren\'t, I would have a hard time going any actual distance from the girls since they are not likely to be cars or the equivalent in this world.

"Tomorrow evening, when I come back, we\'ll play catch for a bit, and then after supper, you three can come up and sleep in my bed with me. How does that sound?" I asked the girls as they looked up and me with big smiles, and they all nodded their heads happily.

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