Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 303: Blacksmith

Chapter 303: Blacksmith

Remaining still within the throne room of hades, I narrowed my gaze towards Megaera, watching me like a hawk. I didn\'t have much against the woman, as I quite liked her. Her ruthlessness and her loyalty were marvelous.

"Why are you staring," Megaera asked darkly.

"Love maybe, " Mimir said, chuckling, "You are quite an attractive woman."

"Is that an invite?" Megaera questioned, tracing her fingers down her sword, "You know I have only dated those my blade entered."

"Oh, than I am puite lucky. "I stated, although I had lost any type of feeling for such things the day Lilith was taken. Teasing, however, still remained interesting.

"It seems you misunderstand." Megaera smiled, reaching the tip of her blade. "My blade needs to enter you!" she said, looking down at my lower half.

Widening my eyes, I clenched my ass, shaking my head, "You—never mind, let\'s just wait till melino? reaches." I hastily shouted, not daring to go any further.

Why the hell are every woman I meet so scary as of late? Shit, if Lilith wasn\'t in the picture, I may have turned Gay... Well, that\'s a stretch, but still, these bitches are insane.

"melino? should be here—"

"I\'m back!" The Goddess of Madness shouted out, holding a vibrant Soul flame within her palm." Huh? Where is papa? She asked, in search of her father.

"Resting, there was an incident. His majesty should be in his chambers by now! Please inform Nyx should you see her." Said Megaera, lowering her head in reverence.


"Your father will be fine, now is that Hyphestus?" I coldly asked. This was not Time for this drivel.

"I am. You must be Arsene Snow. Lord Hades told me I would be meeting you." Said the Soul Flame, slowly beginning to take form.

Hephaestus was... Wow, he was hideous. His eyes were both large and small, with a rectangular mouth with shark-like teeth. His nose was long and thick, with over seven large boils growing with hair. In contrast, the rest of his face was utterly deformed-looking like the underside of a boat.

"What? Suprise?" He asked in a tone that did not beckon a response.

"I am, "I replied, speaking the truth. "You are indeed one of the ugliest things I have ever seen."

"One of?" He repeated, scrunching his brow.

"Ever seen goblin shit? It\'s not a pretty sight." I jeered.

Slowly growing a smile, Hephaestus gave a deep chuckle, "I did not expect this! Tell me, boy, what is it you wish for me to reforge?"

Shooting Megaera a deep glance, I frowned, "Can you close the doors?"

"I am not—"

"This was not a request, more of a command. There is a reason I speak to hades the way I do and why we shared a bow." I sinisterly said, not backing down from her fury burning within her heart.


Pulling the Abyssal Dagger from the Ring of Bael, I did not hand it to Hephaestus but instead allowed him to look without touching it. Hades had my trust, and respect but the other gods did not, especially after playing that old game in my old world. I wonder if they made a sequel after four?

Dropping his jaw, a powerful intent began to overflow from Hephaestus. Trembling, he reached for the Abyssal Dagger shaking in dread. "Where did you get it? How... how is such a master please even possible?"

"Was a gift," I informed, twirling the dagger around my finger, "I am wondering if you can reforge it into a spearhead."

"Impossible!" Hephaestus shouted, shaking his head without shame, "I will not front Arsene. Even if I had the material, my flames are not strong enough to temper it."

"Let me rephrase. Assuming you had a powerful enough flame and enough material, could you make a spearhead out of this?"

Pondering for a moment, Hephaestus did not nod or shake his head. He was still, and I saw no point rushing.

"I will need help. Chronos, the Titan-God of Time. If he is involved, then I could." Hephaestus gravely said, "If you have the material and the flames, then I am sure I have the skills. While my power is not what it was within the Forgotten Era, my skills are for sure equal. I can give you my word I can reforge this Abyssal Dagger."

"Is it just Time Manipulation you need from Chronos? or is there some ability he has?" I inquired. The fewer people involved, the better, and I know nothing of the God of Time.

"Time Manipulation." Hephaestus stated, "I need him to be able to completely stop the flow of Time in moments of failure and accelerate it during other parts. I need someone who has full control of Time, and Chronos is the only one I can think of."

"He is a titan." Megaera coldly stated,

"Is he Locked up?"

"No, but it doesn\'t change the fact none of the Titans holds goodwill with the Gods," said Megaera

"If he cannot help, then we find someone else. I only have fifteen years left. If this weapon is not completed by then, my chances of survival drop fifty percent." Lowering my head for but a moment, I continued, "What is Chronos\'s relationship with the Titans?"

"Well, they are brother and sister, but I cannot say much on it. Not much was ever known about him. He was always secluded, even during the war. He remained isolated carrying out his work. Aside from his abilities with Time, no one knows much of him."

"Arsene, your here good!" The vibrance voice of Nyx echoed out, "Look who I brought!"

Peering towards the monstrous vortex of darkness materializing out of nowhere, two beings appeared. Nyx, of course, and a man I was not familiar with, but I knew all too well who he was.

"It seems you were successful." I lightly said, studying the disheveled appearance of the Former Celestrial King. "By the way, what happened to him? He looks a little pale."

"He met up with my teacher. It seems they knew each other!"

"Nyx, you heartless bitch. How could you bring me to see her!" Tang Feng shouted in tears, "Adrienne has not changed one bit."

"Sticks and Stones, " Nyx joyfully said, basking in joy, "It wasn\'t so bad, although it did come as a surprise you two knew each other. She drunk you under the table; who knew you were such a lightweight."

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