The Last Primal

Chapter 548 - 548 - Zeal

In the end, before they could come to a conclusion, their leader asked out with a slightly irritated tone. 

"[Reptilian] What is it? Out with it."

"[Reptilian] M-master… Please forgive this lowly servant for her presumptuous words, but…" "The guard on the right finally gathered enough courage to speak up his mind. "…Where are we going? What is the master\'s next plan? Also…"

"[Reptilian] …D-did… did the master… Master Zark… f-finish off the…" Stepping up, the second guard also chimed in, voicing the real concern they both had. Though they were fairly certain about what happened, they still hoped to hear it from him."

"[Reptilian] Master Zark?" Aiden mumbled, savoring the name that he was finally given to the previous owner he was now impersonating. Since he was yet to assimilate the lingering memories of the absorbed elder, he had no idea who he actually supposed to be, nor had any real plans. He was actually quite desperate to find a secluded shelter and take the rest of the day to slowly digest the gains and formulate some sort of plan of action finally.


(A.N.: \'Small\' note here just to clarify a few things. Normally when a Primal absorbs a creature he only takes some amount of its life essence (vitality if you will) for himself. In most cases, a single absorption would not yield the Primal with the form of the defeated, but instead, several more would be required. In the end, when finally the new form of the accumulated creatures would be created, the appearance would be generalized, by assimilating the dominant traits from the \'pool\'. In Aiden\'s case, due to some specific factors, this process was skipped this time, and he gained the form from a single attempt, thus his appearance completely matches the elderly skinks. If he were to absorb more of the same creatures and deliberately assimilate their life essences, his appearance WILL change, reaching a more perfected, \'higher\' state gradually. 

Anyway, sorry for the long-winded note, but I felt it was better to be proactive and explain it beforehand. :) )


"[Reptilian] You don\'t need to bother with that any more. "Aiden waved his hand dismissively at the question. "What you need to focus on, is to get me home without any other pests bothering… I am tired, I need to rest before anything." He said with a cold, fierce expression, though inwardly he was dreadful, hoping that his vague words would somehow, magically match the situation and the usual demeanor of the old man, whilst at the same time, he would also solve his current predicament.

The two guards nodded and jumped to attention at their master\'s words. 

"[Reptilian] Yes, Master! Do not worry, we will not allow any other of the Temple Forces to interrupt us! High Priest Zuruk\'s men would not bother you for the rest of the day, that we both swear!" They exclaimed with zeal glimmering in their determined gazes. 

Luckily they also gave a few extra important tidbits to Aiden, that he could then focus on during his research later. The name, \'High Priest Zuruk\' and the \'Temple Forces\' seemed to be important key notes to remember. 

"[Reptilian] Still… How did Commander Thurag learn of Master\'s plan? It shouldn\'t be possible, unless…" The guard on the left frowned as he lamented on the event that had just happened. His face contorted into an ugly, angry-looking scowl as a thought holding great implications birthed in his mind. He turned to his Master and with trembling lips, he forced the thought out in the open.

"[Reptilian] C-could it be… that we have a… a… spy in our ranks?"

Aiden didn\'t answer the question, nor could he in any meaningful way. He just looked thoughtfully at the guard, analyzing everything he could. 

\'So… This elder was some sort of Priest, that I already understood even before I could understand them. He and this High Priest Zuruk, who is probably some sort of spiritual person, or the leader of this settlement has some sort of disagreement between them.\' He pondered inwardly. \'I guess this old man is… WAS a rebel, and had already amassed a force secretly. On the outside, he still follows this Zuruk guy, but under the cover of the shadows, he is working to usurp the leading position from him. These \'Temple Guards\' and this \'Commander Thurag\' are probably his official force.\'

He nodded, accepting his own conjectures, though at the same time it seemed that he also agreed with the guard\'s theory.

Seeing their master nod at his conjecture, the guard was secretly elated, whilst also, at the same time angered that such a thing could happen with them. He began to beat his chest with his right fist as he exclaimed with newfound determination and vigor. 

"[Reptilian] Worry not Master! I promise to Master, that I…" Before he could continue his partner, the second guard also straightened his back and began to beat his own chest and join in the exclamation. 

"[Reptilian] No… WE promise that we will get to the end of this failure, and root out the spy and execute him to send a message to those bastards!" They finished their vow together.

Listening to their words, the draft of what could be later formulated into a proper plan began to outline in Aiden\'s mind. Thinking for a bit, he shook his head in response to their words.

"[Reptilian] No. Don\'t kill him, but instead throw him in shackles and leave him to me. I will deal with the matter, myself." He commanded, then changed the topic. "Anyway, that is for later. For now, bring me home, as I said, after all that happened today I need to rest and focus on our plans. We have wasted too much time here already. We do not want any other of the guards to catch wind of what happened here and pester us more." 

He ordered, turning his attention away from the two, and glancing at the rubble by the small shelter at the side. HE could still feel a faint life force from under the debris, meaning that the commander had somehow managed to survive. Though Aiden wasn\'t sure of the figure\'s state, he did not want to risk getting exposed and was eager to arrive at his new temporary abode and to go through the memories of the seemingly rebellious priest.


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