The Last Primal

Chapter 553 - 553 - ‘Cruel’ Torture

Even for the younger generation that is still fresh in their ranks, he already thought of them as part of their large family, even if they haven\'t come from the same land like them. Although their first meeting was questionable at best, their intention wasn\'t evil, or harmful in any way. 

For a strange and grand event like this one, Captain Don and the rest of the Silver Howls just wanted to make sure that the kids that they were told to be joining them wouldn\'t be simply dead weights to carry around.

For a land that was barely explored as it so blatantly turned out, each and every person was essential to the group. Each and every member had to be useful, had to be pushing the same \'cart\' towards the same goal, and shouldn\'t just be a hindrance, lest it could cause the demise of others.

Luckily their stupid idea, their mistake of a plan didn\'t result in anything serious and in the end, did manage to serve its ultimate purpose. The two sides merged into one, and any last lingering doubts and concerns were washed away with the blood, sweat, and tears they shed yesterday.

Thinking about it, his expression soured, he turned his cold gaze towards the chained-up creature still attached to the wooden pole at the side of the camp.

These abominable, horrid monsters seemed to be more than just the fuel for the next several decades of nightmares for the group, but natives to this land. Creatures that thrived under these harsh climates, found shelter, substance to support their continued survival and maybe evolve even further. 

From this creature, these Archolves actions as some of the girls started calling them due to their close resemblance of arachnids and wolves, seemed to be intelligent, evolved to the point of being capable of feeling and showing signs of emotions. 

At the very least, this captive specimen has shown signs of hatred, disdain, contempt… and since morning, small signs of sadness. Most likely he was starting to feel the pain of hunger, his body was slowly turning weaker and weaker as he spent almost a day without any food source. 

This was actually going according to the Captain\'s plan. Since the creature was still treating them with silent treatment, he was denied any substance as a means of punishment.

Captain Don wasn\'t ignorant, he knew that creature had high intelligence and knew that he understood most of what he was told even if he didn\'t know their language. Still, as a means to further test Archolf\'s intelligence, the team began to take turns and speak to it, even if it was mostly to vent their pent-up frustrations, they spoke to it whenever they were back at the campsite.

Suddenly, the sizzling sounds of burning fat broke Don\'s trance and brought him back to the now. Rotating the stick in his hand, he rotated the small piece of meat he was currently cooking, or to be more precise, barbequing over the burning pyre, giving it a bit more color and allowing the seasoning he sprinkled over it to melt into the flesh just a bit more.

He watched with a sneer as the thin, white rope of smoke was picked up by the gentle breeze and carried over to the hungering captive. He wanted the creature to be able to almost taste, the juicy, tenderloin he was cooking, yet be unable to obtain the heavenly treasure.

As he noticed the creature\'s 8 bead-like eyes snap open as the smell entered his nostrils he almost chuckled with delight. The creature began to squirm, the urge to break off his shackles and take what his predatory mind and heart desired for himself drove him to the brink of insanity.

As the meat turned into a beautiful golden brown under the heavy seasoning, giving off the impression that it was ready, Captain Don picked up a wooden plate and placed the meat on it. 

Grabbing a fork and some knife he stood up and slowly walked over the creature, making sure that the sight of the stake would never be obstructed along his path, and that the creature could have a clear view of the flowing, escaping juices slowly gathering into a pool beneath the literal slice of heaven.

"Mmmmm…." He hummed with delight as he inhaled the mouthwatering fragrance. Focusing his gaze on his beautiful creation, he remarked, as if he was speaking to himself. "I am sure this will taste incredible… It\'s shame there\'s nobody here for me to share this with… It is just a bit too much for one person…" He sighed, shaking his head with a displeased, regretful frown.

"I guess, I should have made a smaller piece… Now I will have to throw away half of it…" 

He spoke loudly, giving ample theatrical display to each of his words. Though he never looked at the creature as he was slowly approaching him, he could feel the heavy gazes of his four pair\'s of eyes as if he was trying to pierce him to death. As they say, if a look could kill…

Arriving at his destination, Captain Don, took a stool and sat down, in front of the creature, just outside of the range of his shackles\' allowed movement. 

He placed the wooden plate on his lap, pierced the closest edge of the meat with the fork, and sliced off a bite-sized piece from it. 

Raising it in front of his face, he blew some air on it, making another regretful-sounding remark. 

"Ah, this is such a waste… This piece of meat should have been shared by at least someone else… Too bad there\'s no one to share it with…" He shook his head lightly, before slowly placing the meat into his mouth.

Slowly, visibly Don chewed on the piece of meat, taking his ample time to enjoy its juices and grounding it into a digestible format. 

By the time, he swallowed, guiding the grounded, chewed remnants down, he could long since feel the heavy gaze of the creature. He could sense the disturbance of the air around them, as the creature was slowly losing the last bits of his resistance… 

Captain Don, although kept on with the theatrics, he was grinning inwardly. Even without looking at the salivating, sad look of the creature, he was sure that his plan was working…

(AN: I may have been hungry as I was writing this chapter. :D)


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