Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 73 The Storage Bracelet

With her reaper vision she quickly found it, it was a brown colored bracelet with one large blue square shaped gem that she could identify. There were marks and wordings carved into the gem that looked like runes to her. 

When she touched the gem, it sparked as if electricity was running through it. 

Try as much as he could, she could not find any way of accessing the storage space so she brought Maddox\'s soul out of the soul gourd. 

He appeared to be confused, one minute he was no longer here and now he was back. 

"Why am I still here?" he asked her.

"How do I open this thing and how do I stop anybody else from opening it after me?"

She dangled the bracelet in front of him. 

"Right, I did not give you any instructions. Place the blue gem in front of eyes, it will automatically open. I created it like a personal mecha, it can only be operated by a specific owner. It can only be operated by two people, me and you. Since I am dead, that leaves only your eyes as the way to open it."

She did as he instructed and then placed the bracelet around her arm. It connected to her mind like a computer and she could see something about DNA coding. Her entire body was scanned  from head to toe with weight and height being recorded. 

"Can I go away from this dastardly place already. I want to to move on to my next life already." 

"Right." she mumbled and sucked his soul into the soul gourd again. She could not wait until night to deliver his soul, at this level as long she fell asleep, she would travel to the underworld realm but she had to use a sleeping aid. 

Searching the forum, she found instant sleeping pills, all with different times. Some could put you to sleep for five minutes, ten minutes, one hour, all night , one week and even one year and more. 

Who needed to sleep for one whole year? she wondered.

She bought a twenty minute sleeping pill for one soul crystal. As she paid for it she grumbled over how expensive everything in the underworld realm was. 

She needed to set up her own shop in this realm, she just had no idea what to sell. 

She sat down in a corner and  swallowed the small brown pill after sniffing it about three times. Scarlet did not even know how she fell asleep, she just found herself in the underworld realm.

"That was quick." she mumbled. She looked around only to notice that the underworld realm was quite different to how it appeared in the night.  She could now see trees, whose species were unidentifiable to her. On those trees were sleeping birds which she also could also not identify. Below the trees were ponds of water with lively fish jumping around and a small stream of water whose beginning and end she could not see.

It was brighter, more colorful and the soul registrars were walking around and talking. These guys were so gloomy at night that she never imagined that they could smile. Scarlet had to rub her eyes and see if she was in the similar realm.

This place had all the makings of a paradise, little butterflies were flying around and landing on the flowers that were planted besides the ponds of water. 

Grim reapers were walking around with flowers, herbs and soul pets in their hands, chatting and laughing.  There was no single soul being delivered however. She could have sworn that she read somewhere that high level reapers could deliver souls at anytime. Where were they in that case?

  In her confusion, she turned to what was slightly familiar to her. She contacted the one who turned her into what she was. "Old deity, if you can hear me, I have a strong soul here that I am delivering but everything is so weird here. If you can hear me..."

She  had not yet finished her words when a sudden powerful swirling that was accompanied by a strong wind  in the place where she was standing appeared and the old deity stepped through it.

She would have thought that nothing more could shock her but today, everything she had seen had shocked her. 

"Scarlet, look at you," the old deity addressed her cheerfully as if she was his long lost daughter. He had come with that handsome face which he put on the last time she saw him. 

"Come here you," he forcibly pulled her in for a hug. "Being a grim reaper suits you dear. You even leveled up, you are at level two already and you have a hound of hell as your soul pet. I am so glad that I saw the potential in you, I have excellent vision."

The soul registrars, reapers and even the gate keepers around had mostly stopped what they were doing to stare at the sight before their eyes. 

Some of them who knew how pretentious the old deity was were feeling pity for her because she was about to scammed. He was already praising himself for her accomplishments.

Others were surprised to see the newbie grim reaper being so close with the all powerful deity of the underworld while others were shocked to hear that she had leveled up so quickly. 

The last group of shocked people were those who did not know that she had a hell hound as a pet.

"Old deity, you are squishing me." she complained. He was hugging her so tightly that her cheek that was pressed against his chest which felt as hard as iron was flat like a pancake. 

The old deity let go of her and he looked at her expectantly while she coughed as if he had been strangling her. 

"Where is it? Bring it out already." The old deity cared less about her coughing and more about the strong soul.

Bent over while holding her hands at her knees and wheezing like a patient with asthma, Scarlet extended her hand out. 

"Pay me first old man." 

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