Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 96 Why Can't The Children Behave?

"Don\'t mother me young lady, you spent the night out without giving us so much as a heads up. I don\'t care if you are married, if you are still living under my roof you must obediently follow the rules like a good child. You are my baby, if my baby sleeps out I must know." 

"Mother, I am not a baby." she answered. 

"No, you are still a baby." her mother insisted. 

She snorted and said, "Mother, prince Markay has been running around calling Carolyn baby, baby, everywhere. I think she officially owns the word baby now." 

Mega rubbed her stomach and winced which prompted Scarlet to raise her head and look at her mother worriedly. "Mother, what\'s wrong?" 

"It\'s all of you, I am being tortured by all my children. Adler and Beord are not married not to even talk about dating. Carolyn and Markay....that\'s another headache. Then there is you, I was so worried that you would do or so say something that would make Esong twist your neck. Last on the list is this little one that has been kicking up a storm since last night. I still have two months to go before giving birth but I am worried that I might have to induce in order for the two of us to come out of the pregnancy safely. Why can\'t all of you just behave?" Mega Su asked Scarlet and then she sighed. 

Scarlet decide to touch the belly and send some spiritual energy to the child in her mother\'s womb. Hopefully it would help the little one sleep and relax. "Beord is trying to date but women are sacred off by his size. Adler...older brother is a puzzle to me. Maybe we should try matching him up with someone. With all the new people moving here we will not fail to find one woman that he will like. And as for me and Carolyn we will deal with our love lives. Just concentrate on your health and that of this little one." 

Mega Su listened to her daughter\'s answers calmly and she felt even the little one in her womb settle down. The movements reduced and the burning reflex in her throat settled down. She felt as if she could breathe easier somehow. 

"I feel better all of a sudden." she said in a shocked voice. 

"See," Scarlet smiled, "Just relax and worry less. I have some mineral filled water which my teacher gave me. I am going to leave a bottle behind for you to drink, I think it will be good for both you and the child." 

It was ordinary water to which she had added one drop of purifying water. Most of it was going to be used in the fields where the fruits were to be planted but some of it she kept for the whole family to drink. 

The door opened and in came Dorian Su with a breakfast tray for his wife. He was pleasantly surprised to find his wife in the company of his daughter. 

   "Good morning Scarlet thank you for keeping your mother company."

"I brought the smile back on her face." Scarlet bragged. 

"Thank you." her father smiled. 

Scarlet pulled herself up so that she could leave and give her parents some privacy. But before leaving, she turned around and said, "Mother, you are so lucky that you have a husband that brings you breakfast in bed." she said cheekily and she laughed. 

She also took the plastic flowers out of the vase, replaced them with some white and blue ones that she had picked in the forest and kept in her space. To ensure that they would continue to bloom for a while she poured some of the crystal water in the vase before putting them in. She would find a way to fill this room with flowers of different colors to brighten it up. 

"Thank you daughter, I love them." she heard her mother shouting as she walked into the hallway. But then she found Elroy outside, so close to their room and making a gagging face. 

"What is wrong with you?" she asked him. 

"This is why our parents keep having children, our father acts like the most romantic man in the world. Don\'t be surprised if mother is pregnant again in three years." he answered. His face was scrunched up as if the idea or thought of romance between their parents was extremely abnormal. 

"She said it\'s their last one." Scarlet told Elroy. "I think she means it this time, besides if she had stopped giving birth after me because I made this face that you are making you would not be here." 

"And they had three more after me and she is expecting another one. Even if you made this face I would still be born." he shook his head, wagged his finger and assured her just how wrong she was. "Anyway I was looking for you because I am done with breakfast and I have nothing to do."

"Walk with me." she told him. "I am going to pay a visit to the barns, the pastures and then the new settlement." 

On the way to the barn she stopped walking suddenly and released ten cars from her storage space. "We mostly walk everywhere that I sometimes forget about these things." 

The cars were lined up in an orderly manner, all of them were of different sizes, designs and shapes with the exception of two white KIA vehicles. Among the cars were three large pickups of different models but the most eye catching one was the silver colored one which Elroy could not look away from.

"Can I have that one?" Elroy immediately asked. 

"Can you drive?" she asked him. Were driving permits a necessity in this world? She had been driving this whole time without thinking about all this. Once she perused through star net she discovered that flying lessons were the compulsory ones but driving lessons were optional. She was not sure how it worked on the other stars but driving classes were going to be a must here. 

"Sister I can drive a mini mecha, it\'s one of the very first things covered in all academies around the empire. I am an expert driver." he proudly answered. "I will show you right now." he run toward the vehicle as if it would be snatched away anytime soon. 

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