Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 199 To Sleep For Over One Hundred Years

"Alex, are those people by any chance in this storage bracelet?" she had a strong feeling that the bracelet AI would confirm her suspicions. There were at least six space ships in here. There were also mechas, crafted by Maddox, the original owner of the first manufacturing factory on the blue star before he isolated himself away and others started using it. He was the one that found a proper use of the garbage dump and old mechas which had been thrown away. Those pods had to be inside a mecha or a space ship.

"Yes master and the reason for the urgency is that all life sustaining pods come with a date and year of decay. The maximum a pod can keep someone alive is one hundred twenty three years so far. Beyond that, the air supply is cut off and the human suffocates to death in there. Others have automatic features which allow them to open and that is exactly what is going to happen in five seconds."

She stood up from her seat and panicked, what was he to say to them? 

"Should I send the pods out or let them suffocate?" Alex asked. 

"Out, send them out." she said loudly, she was a grim reaper not a killer. Maddox stated clearly that they were unconscious, not dead. But to sleep for over one hundred years!!! 

The pods appeared in the middle of the living room and Tion pulled his new energy gun out. 

"Holster your weapon." she ordered him.

It was easy to see why he was doing so with the new type of transparent pods which vividly exposed two women that were sleeping. To him, they were intruders who appeared out of nowhere. 

"Master, my former master prepared some items for his sister and niece should they ever regain consciousness. Should I send them out as well?" Alex asked. 

"Let\'s not jump the gun." she replied. "They are still unconscious, aren\'t they?" Was there a guarantee that she could succeed where Maddox had failed? "How have they been feeding?" She was rotating around the open pods and observing the two women. 

One was older and she had long blonde hair, she was a beauty at first glance from one side. Her jaw line was well defined, almost as if she had gone to a surgeon that chiseled it perfectly making her beauty even more eye catching. The only flaw on her was the ugly red burn mark which covered half of her face. It was almost she wore a mask, half pale and half red. It was unsettling, like a beauty had met a monster and they coexisted in one body.

 The younger woman had softer features, she was beautiful too but from her neck, her arm and all exposed parts of her body, she had similar burn marks to her mother. It was so obvious that she was missing a left leg for that part of her body was flat. Maddox had not specified their ages so Scarlet had no idea how old they were. 

"They have been feeding through that tube in their arms, their is an automatic feeder attached to the pod which is filled with a year\'s worth of nutrients that are injected directly into their veins." 

"Governor," Tion called her, "Please explain this situation."

"These are patients my teacher was treating and he left in my care and now if I don\'t do something it\'s possible that they could die because the life sustaining pods are naturally decaying. What do you suggest I do?"

Tion looked thoughtful as he questioned the validity of the explanation she gave without skipping a beat. "Maybe try putting them in a med bed." he suggested. 

"My teacher tried that many years ago and it did not work." she replied. 

"Science changes every year, the new healing fluid in the med beds is different from what was used last year." he added. 

Right, she thought!, the new med bed was much more efficient than the previous ones. However, in the back of her mind she had questions and doubts about why healing them was a necessity. What if they were hostile? What did she really know about them? 

"Alex is there any other mention about them in the journals?" 

"Just the master mentioning how sorry he was for failing to heal them and how much he loved them." 

"So why didn\'t he tell me about them?" she wondered. He could have mentioned them at any moment before she handed his soul over. Did he forget or did he give up on saving them after all he did say that they would die with him. 

She was filled with many doubts but at the end of the day, life was sacred and if she could save them, she would do so. Maybe they would be the ones to get the revenge for their grudges.

The oxygen in the life sustaining pod was running dangerously low and the situation was becoming urgent. "The med beds in the hospital are full." 

"There is one in the castle." Tion reminded her. 

"Let\'s go, help me push them." she told him. 

Tion used kinesis to lift the two pods and hurry off to the treatment room in her wing where the younger woman was placed first in the med bed. Hopefully, it would speed up and the mother too would be inside soon enough. It crossed Scarlet\'s mind then that perhaps, someone should invent a med bed that could be used by more than one person at the same time. 

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