Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 116 - 116 - Clashing Flames

A few minutes ago,

Tian Ai walked through the corridor of the campus burning in rage, searching for a certain someone. She did not know how he looked like but she knew.... knew that man has to die.

\'How dare he force Yue to work!! How dare!\' she gritted her teeth loudly. Along the way, a few students passed by in a group.

She caught one of them. "Where is Tsu Fai?"

They all looked at her worriedly. "Little miss, you wouldn\'t want to look for him. He is a feared power user, and he really liked pretty girls. Just turn back,"

Tian froze. "What did you say? He.... he abuses girls?"

"All the time. Just take this as a warning and leave the way you came from,"

She pulled the man down to her height and glared into his trembling eyes.. "tell me where he is NOW!!!"

"he....I just saw him take three of his cronies that way. Miss, please don\'t get involved, he is..."

Before he could even finish, Tian Ai already threw him away and ran towards that direction.

"Dangerous...." the young college student looked at her with a conflicted gaze. "I have never seen a woman glare like was bloodcurdling." that man trembled down to his boot.

The rest of the morning patrol group just pulled him and ran away before any trouble erupted. They had warned the girl, but if she knowingly ran into danger, they can\'t do anything about it.

"She is seeking her own demise...."

With a heavy heart, the three men patrolling the campus walked away from this spot.

She glanced back with a deep frown. She of course heard their whisper.

Tian Ai ignored their opinions and dashed there. Near the central circular building a four men stood in front of the entryway.

She swiftly hid in the corner and peered intently. Three humans looked like they were being ordered by a handsome and tall guy from the back.

They were collectively trying to capture an old man.

\'That guy...\' her eyes focused on the obvious leader of the group. \'He is Tsu Fai.\'

The man did not look to be trained, nor had any muscle mass on him. From the way he stood putting his weight on his right leg, she knew that this man was a complete amateur.

\'Why is he feared though?...\'

She watched with interest as the man shout orders at his cronies.

The three readily dashed to the old man, but as they got close, they paused.

Tian\'s eyes caught the steady and calm movement exhibited by that old beggar. Every single move of his mad e sure his body was completely balanced on that ground, making it harder for anyone to knock him over.

\'Those three won\'t stand a chance...\'

Just as she predicted, the old beggar batted the young men around like a pink ping ball. Two of them were knocked unconscious and the last one ran away in fear.

Only Tsu Fai and that old man were left.

She narrowed her eyes, gripping onto her gun. Both the men were distracted. This was her time to pull the trigger.

Without a sound, she took aim at the handsome man.

Like a tiger in the shadows, she watched the man coldly through her gun point. This man was the source of Yue\'s problems. He has given him mental stress and anguish. There was most likely a chance that Yue or many girls got sexually harassed as well.

Her grip on her gun\'s hilt tightened. \'I can\'t let him live. This kind of man needs to die!\'

She waited for that right moment.

The moment when the prey was fully distracted.

Tsu Fai suddenly erupted into flames, surprising her a bit. She watched as the flames form into a long whip like shape chasing after the old man.

The beggar who had control of this fight till now completely lost his stride. He ran around aimlessly, trying to dodge the long rope like flame that was after him.

Tian Ai frowned. \'What is this magic? Why is he able to control fire?\' she soon composed her shaken heart and took aim.

His time her eyes slightly went over to the old man.

Suddenly, his hair caught on fire and the old man pulled it off and tossed it to the ground.

Long black hair flowed out underneath that obvious wig. Sparklingly eyes glanced back at the fames as he ran away.

"Yue!" she swiftly took aim and shot at Tsu Fai. But all of her bullets seem to have melted into the surrounding flames. "Shit!"

The attack was getting closer and closer to Yue.

She ran.... "STOP!"

Tian watched helplessly as he was being engulfed in flames. \'! I can\'t lose him!!!\'

She ran in recklessly and hugged his slightly stiff body. \'I\'m here.... your sister is here... I won\'t let you get hurt anymore,\'

Her back caught on fire. Her blue denim completely burned black, exposing her tender skin. Soon the fire started to burn that as well.

"NO!!!" he screamed, tying to push her behind him.

"Stop... stay still," she gripped the back of his head and cradled him to her chest. "Stay still..."

"Tian...." he cried loudly. His cold tears simply evaporated once it touched her heated skin.

"shh... shh.." she gently patted his back. "I\'m here.... don\'t cry..."

"no... no!!!!" he looked up, sobbing loudly. "Let go please, you are hurting...."

"I\'m not," she said to console him, but to her surprise the pain was non-existent. \'Getting burned is not so bad after all,\' she thought, hugging I\'m tightly.

Soon the flames slowly reduced, leaving behind black smoke. Tsu Fai was still engulfed in his own flames.

Yue swiftly grabbed her tenderly. "Tian! Tian....That... that bastard!" he pulled her behind him and swiftly took out his gun. "die!!!"

He shot at him continuously.

Each of his bullet came close to him but Tsu Fai\'s flames still formed a shield like layer around him melting the bullets away.

Seeing this, Tsu Fai\'s angry expression swiftly changed into uninhibited glee.

"hahaha! I\'m impenetrable! You bitch! You can\'t kill me! No one can kill me!!! hahahahaha!!!!" Tsu Fai laughed aloud.

"Die!!!!" Yue charged at him with his knife in hand. But Tian pulled him back all of a sudden.

"It\'s my turn," she whispered ever so softly.

"No Tian.. you.. You\'re back. You need burn medicine and bandages... and..."

"Who needs that?" Tian removed her badly burned coat off exposing her pale white skin. Not a mark or blemish could be seen.

Tsu Fai\'s expression shifted a bit. "How did you not get burned... how?.."

"Don\'t know, but all I know is that I need to kill you," she smirked at him threateningly.

"It\'s because you have fire ability!!" Yue checked her back once again, making sure she was not hurt. "You can control fire Tian."


"Just hold out your hand and think about the nastiest memory. Rage and fear fuels the ability." He whispered.

"Both of you shut up," Tsu Fai shot out another whip made of flame. This one was much stronger and burned even brighter than before.

Zou Yue vigilantly stepped back. Someone suddenly grabbed his waist and pulled him behind. "Tian lets run, it\'s too dangerous and you haven\'t trained your powers....."

Tian held out her hand and whispered. "fire...."

Like a flamethrower, a huge amount of blue flames gushed out battling the whip.

The whole place heated up, with fiery embers flying around.

It was the battle of resistance. Their flames were on par with each other. Whoever\'s flame that goes out first will get hit by that dangerously heated attack. She will not be hurt much, but Yue, who was right behind her, will definitely be burned.

"Yue, stand back!!" Tian Ai shouted.

Yue dashed a few steps, watching the amazing battle. He had seen the ability user\'s battles before, but not in this grand scale. Never once had he seen such a powerful flame abilities clash each other.

The blue and the red flames danced around the sky, making it cloudy, dark and gloomy.

But a bright smiled marred Yue\'s face. 

He watched his sister happily. "She came back...she came back for me...." he chuckled softly, wiping his happy tear away.

His hands were stained black by the soot and makeup from his face.

"Shit, did she see me like this? gosh..."

"Yue go further behind!!!" she suddenly shouted.

Yue frowned slightly.

The fight seemed equal at first, but now it looked like Tsu Fai was winning a bit. His flames are overpowering the blue flames.

\'This can\'t do.. I have to do something.\' he picked up one of the bats the cronies let behind and silently crept behind the two.

While the man was distracted, he moved right behind him stealthily.

\'so this is his vulnerable spot....\' he watched coldly as Tsu Fai shoot out fire.

His sister\'s flame was getting pushed back each second. \'If this goes on, she might really get burned....\'

  Such a concentrated flame is really capable of burning another fire user.

"Hey you..." he patted his back.

The man\'s concentration broke a bit and his flames faltered.

Tian took this chance to throw an overpowering ball of flame his way.

Tsu Fai glanced at this in fear. "I... this can\'t hurt me..." he laughed with his eyes wide, expressed a small fear in them.

"It won\'t, but this will," Yue whacked him hard on his head.

The man dropped to the ground like an electrocuted mosquito.

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