Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 28 Rumors Intensified The Frenzy

The next morning Brian got up early and went to the bookstore as previously decided. He was excited to be able to finish the book; he so desperately desired.

But the reality was something else; as soon he got to the bookstore, he saw a long queue of people already standing in front of the entrance, waiting for their turn to get in. Yes, the situation was so dire, the shopkeeper had to led people inside in batches.

He was confused; he didn\'t remember anything huge coming out today. Even if that was the case, he hasn\'t seen such a scene before.

He curiously asked the person standing in the queue before him.

" Hey mate, what\'s with the long line? Is there book signing event going on? "

" You didn\'t know about the new fantasy book that came out? It\'s called " The Hobbit" and critics are praising it left and right everywhere. But the best part is that it is written by a protege of Sir Donald Rothchild, the legendary writer who swept the industry a few decades ago. Even the ruthless Rhys O\'Brian praised it yesterday. With such a background behind the book, people went into a frenzy to buy it. Hence the situation you see here."

Brian was shocked, but he could do nothing. He stood in line, praying his luck would be good today.


"A book full of adventure, heroism, song, and laughter, featuring landscapes that are quintessentially English - the Shire the Hobbits inhabit could easily be an England of yesteryear. But soon the Shire is left behind, and Bilbo, our reluctant hero, encounters Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, Eagles and Wizards as the party passes through Rivendell, The Misty Mountains, and Mirkwood on their way to the Lonely Mountain, to take back treasure stolen by the great dragon Smaug.

One of the most appealing aspects of The Hobbit is that we can all find our inner-Hobbit; the part of us that wants nothing by an easy and comfortable life. But there is still something inside all of us that perks up at the thought of adventure and a journey into the unknown, and I think this is why The Hobbit is such a good read. Definitely recommended!! "

- The Guardian (5/5)

"Thanks to pages filled with dwarves, elves, trolls, goblins, spiders, eagles, wizards, and, of course, hobbits, R.C. Abel\'s The Hobbit is almost certainly the adventure of a lifetime. Hobbits, in general, do not like adventure. Still, when Gandalf the wizard shows up for tea at the hairy-footed hobbit Bilbo Baggins\' house, along with thirteen dwarves, adventure is precisely what this hobbit gets.

Gandalf and the dwarves have come to hire him as a thief to reclaim some treasure. The treasure is guarded by Smaug the Magnificent, a hoarding fiery dragon, and the only way to get to the treasure is to travel "far over the misty mountains cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old." Bilbo much prefers the safety and comfort of his hobbit-hole, but he reluctantly agrees to go on this dangerous quest. His life is never the same again—especially once he finds a powerful and dangerous ring and encounters the ghastly Gollum.

Danger lurks at every twist and turn, as Bilbo and the dwarves are captured, almost cooked by trolls, and forced to fight deadly battles. Bilbo\'s journey through Middle-earth is one of the most unforgettable adventures that has ever taken place in a book. There are even maps of Middle-earth included, so you don\'t get lost in this wild world. Bilbo\'s bravery and loyalty, and knowing when to stand up to friends are outstanding. "So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings."

May you enjoy Abel\'s The Hobbit immensely, and may the hair never fall out of your toes! "

-Rhys O\'Brian from The Sun (5/5)

The hype all started yesterday, when Rhy discussed his speculation with his peers in the circle, which made them read the book themselves; seeing the quality of book, and unknown writer; they were also convinced about Rhy\'s speculation and left their own thoughts in different channels.

They were contracted to different news agencies to write articles and reviews which made the "rumor" spread like wildfire.

Even the news agency, the BBC covered the news.

" The Hobbit is the unforgettable story of Bilbo, a peace-loving hobbit, who embarks on a strange and magical adventure. A timeless classic. Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home; then one day the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services - as a burglar - on a dangerous expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the dragon. Bilbo Baggins will surely take his place among the ranks of the peak of fiction.

There is also news that the writer " R.C.Abel" is someone who works with Sir Donald Rothchild of Rothchild family. This is not confirmed, but the quality of the book speaks for itself."

All the bookstores were overwhelmed and sold out on the first day. They were skeptical about the potential of the book, and didn\'t have much stock,, but after seeing the reception; they quickly paced several orders. Now the strain was directly placed on the publishers. They were constantly getting calls for new orders and other calls asking about the writers identity.

Thomas directly awarded everyone a double bonus to encourage them. He knew the coming days would be riddled with overtime. But he was happy with the reception; He finally caught a big fish.

Now, he has to coordinate with other publishers abroad, translating for different languages, maintaining the supply chain, etc; the list was getting longer and longer. He had to call his wife to let her know that he would not be coming home tonight; Sigh.

On the other hand, Brian got his book; the shopkeeper was generous enough to save a copy for him. He went home happily with his gains.

The next day Samuel got the first day to sell statistics, which made him shocked to his core.

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