Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 56 Unexpected

The whole group walks inside the office with Edith in the lead. Melanie was going through some documents and overlooked the identity of the person who walked in.

" Did you bring the coffee that I requested? Place it on the table. That Old hag is making me go through all this documents early in morning. She is clearly torturing me for that incident few months ago." Melanie blurted out something that should never be said.

Several popped on Edith\'s forehead, hearing Melanie blatantly disrespecting her in broad daylight.

" Is that so? I am glad to know. " Edith said with a chilling voice which made Melanie Studer. She slowly raised her head to find the Principal staring at her and abruptly stood on the spot.

" Principal, what are you doing here. I was just joking, ahahah. " Melanie tried to salvage the situation, but Edith remained expressionless.

" Right, right, Old hag? right." Edith said, fuming with anger, and began her long lecture about antiques, during which Melanie stood there with her head low, occasionally making a pitiful expression. She cursed her luck inwardly to find herself in this mess.

Other people prayed from the sideline; Mixalis went further and began making the cross sign to signal Melanie\'s unexpected demise at the hands of Edith. Only George found the ordeal fun and truly enjoyed every second of it. He struggled with controlling his laughter during certain parts.

After a few minutes of scolding, Edith focused on the matter.

" Sorry, you have to see that sometimes I wish she would not behave like a big child in front of others. " Edith said, focusing on the visitors.

Melanie also noticed and focused on others. She had already guessed the motive of the short visit but completely forgot about it after a few days. She noticed someone she recognized among the group but got upset seeing that he was enjoying her suffering.

" Well, well, look who decided to visit me after all these years. If it isn\'t George, my favorite student. Did you miss me? Come give your Teacher a hug. " Melanie said and walked toward George with small steps. Despite her petite frame, she looked imposing, and George studdered with a pale face.

" haha, Teacher, it is great to see you again. I was just joking. Don\'t mind me. Haha" George\'s nervous laughter worsened the situation; It showed that he was guilty of his crimes.

Melanie wrapped her arms around George and squeezed hard, making him squeal in pain. He struggled to no avail; It sounded like she was squeezing his life out. The torture continued for a few seconds before she released her grip with a satisfied expression.

Everyone was confused. How can such a small woman in her forties display such destructive force? Samuel vowed to never piss off his Teacher in the future. She is genuinely a tiny package with a lot of firepowers.

" Quit playing around. Let me introduce you, This is Samuel your new student. The woman who is laughing beside George is his wife, Amelia and this young man is Oscar, he will be accompaying Samuel. " Edith informed Melanie.

" Senior, how can you ignore and gloss over blatant violence in front of you? Sometimes I think you are the weird one. " Mixalis thought.

" Hmm, Hello, how did George manage to snag a beauty like you? he used be so chubby in the past. Guess there is hope for everyone and you, Samuel, hmm, are you human? " Melanie said bluntly.

" What are you saying Teacher? This is why I didn\'t want to come here. " George grumbled.

" Hello, I also wonder the same thing now and then. Maybe I just love money? " Amelia teased, making everyone laugh; only George stared daggers in protest.

" It is nice to meet you, Teacher. I will be in your care." Samuel ignored Melanie\'s comment and said with a slight bow which made her nod with satisfaction.

" Respectful and humble; we will get along fine. Now, I will explain what we will be doing here. " Melanie turned severe all of a sudden, but everyone paid attention.

" I will excuse myself. I have an important matter to attend. Take care of them Melanie. " Edith said and left along with Mixalis. George and Amelia thanked her for making time for them and promised to visit at a later date. We all sat down and began our discussion.

" Whether you\'re looking for a taste of something you\'ve always been interested in, or you are ready for a rigorous approach to prepare you for a career in the arts, RADA have flexible training options to suit your level and interest. As far as I am informed, It will be about acting role without much emphasis on certain stereotypes. Right? " Melanie said.

" Yes, we will try to get Samuel ready for variety of characters which will not have much screen time as he is starting out without any further experience." Amelia said.

" I can prepare for any role. I have some confidence. " Samuel proclaimed, which surprised everyone.

" Boy, Acting is not a joke. You have to work hard to achieve any shred of success. You will require more than your face to become an actor. " Melanie said with disdain. She hates people who look down on her craft more than anything. She thought Samuel was taking it lightly and wanted to put some sense into him.

" I know, and I am not mocking anything. I just know that I can do it." Samuel\'s eyes shined with unearthly light, which made his position clear in front of everyone.

The room went silent for a few seconds before loud laughter erupted, which echoed all around the room. Melanie\'s laughs are eerie and pleasant simultaneously, but they show her stance on the subject clearly.

" Good, good, but don\'t go crying back home when I will push you hard during sessions. " Melanie reminded, but Samuel nodded with confirmation.

The meeting lasted for the next hour, after which Melanie dismissed the group. They agreed to start the class tomorrow.

" Now, You can explore if you want but don\'t disturb any on going classes. Luna ,my assistant will accompany you. You can ask her for anything. See you tomorrow Samuel, Oscar, don\'t be late. " Melanie said and got to her work.

Luna guided us for a while, and we explored different facilities. It is peak hour, so no single student is present outside their classroom. Samuel familiarised himself with the Academy when something caught his attention. He is standing outside a school labeled as the Singing department, and a handful of students are listening to someone performing. Samuel found that the voice was awfully familiar, which made him take a long look at the person singing.

The person finished their performance and came down to join their classmate but locked eyes with Samuel, who was also moving toward the group. Samuel and the person are shocked to learn about each other\'s identity, but this person reacts faster and rams into Samuel.

Samuel reflexively caught the person in his arms and felt a tight hug. He muttered under his breath.

" Adele "

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