Fire Mage

Chapter 559 Brooks' World

Chapter 559: Brooks\' World

95A Dew Street, Underground District, Miracle City.

A Hackney carriage entered the Dew Street junction approximately twenty minutes later, drove through the lone street road, and soon stopped near a particular mansion.

After that, Charles jumped down from the driver\'s seat and turned his gaze towards the carriage\'s door.

At that moment, Jessie opened the wooden door from inside, stuck her head out, and asked.

"What happened, Mister? Did we reach our next destination?"

Meanwhile, Charles nodded his head and spoke.

"Yes, it\'s better to move cautiously from now on." He deliberated for a moment as he thought of something and added.

"Tell Oliver to come out and drive the carriage. Meanwhile, I\'ll walk from here on out."

While hearing this, Jessie nodded her head in agreement and opened the carriage door completely.

Then, Oliver stepped down from the carriage, approached Charles, and took the horses\' reins from him.

"Wait over there," Charles calmly instructed as he pointed his finger at the opposite road junction and started walking towards the mansion house that appeared more than 500 meters away.

"Yes, My Lord." Oliver bowed his head, hurriedly climbed up to the driver\'s seat, and started driving the carriage.

Soon, he drove past Charles, then the four-story mansion house, and moved further towards the end of the street road.

On the other hand, Charles casually took out a bowler\'s hat, put it over his head, and slipped his left hand into his pocket.

Then, he took out a silver pocket watch, flipped open the outer case, and checked the time.

"8.40 A.M. Hmm, Professor should have reached the Old Church and started deciphering the \'word.\' Let\'s see if he gets here on time." He said with a chuckle and soon arrived near the mansion\'s compound gate.

Then, he looked up at the four-story mansion and smiled.

Meanwhile, two guards guarding the entrance noticed his arrival and gripped their spears tighter.

"Who are you?" A brown-haired man gave him a sharp look and asked him coldly.

\'Winston Grey.\' He recalled the gatekeeper\'s name and decided not to waste any time.

The next instant, he cast the [Burning Thoughts] spell on the two gatekeepers, cast the [False Blink], and disappeared.

He reappeared inside the mansion\'s yard a second later and walked towards the four-story building\'s entrance door.

All this time, purple flames appeared in the gatekeepers\' [Dark Space] constantly and erased their present thoughts.

The two gatekeepers stood there silently and didn\'t even blink their eyes until Charles opened the entrance gate and walked into the building.

When they woke up from the strange memory loss state, they did not find anything odd and only thought they had been spacing out!

Meanwhile, Charles entered the grand hall and noticed that more than 50 Divine Order members were waiting for his arrival. Most of them held weapons in their hands, while others held magic items like staff, wands, etc.

They seemed to be prepared for the upcoming battle and looked at him with nervousness.

Charles also saw a black-robed mage among the group and raised his eyebrows.

He appeared to be around 60 to 70 years old, bald head with some white hairs on the sides and a wrinkled face.

He was none other than Brooks, the main member of the Destiny Conquerors!

\'Thankfully, Haiden and others haven\'t arrived yet.\' Muttering inwardly, Charles raised his hand and conjured a total of ten [Ember Needles] spells.

Then, he let them hover in the air and took out the [Blackened Heart] sword from his space ring.

He then locked his gaze on Brooks and cast [Burning Consciousness] first.

At that moment, Brooks noticed a foreign power entering his Inner World and widened his eyes in shock.

\'Mind Fire!\' He had heard of this flame from his master long ago and knew how dangerous it would turn into!

\'My master warned me to run away if I met such a person in the future. He even called them \'Nemesis of the Mind!" A grim look appeared on his face.

\'No good. I\'ve got to deal with this guy sooner.\'

"Attack!" He roared as he sensed the seriousness of the purple flame that appeared in his mind and got anxious inside.

He hurriedly summoned the three golden skeletons and let them move toward Charles incredibly fast.

Meanwhile, the other Divine Order members unsheathed their weapons and moved toward Charles.

On the other hand, Charles quietly controlled the [Ember Needles] and let them move in different directions.

Simultaneously, he took a step towards the left, evaded the [Flame Spear] that came from his left side, and casually deflected it towards the side with his blackened sword.

Then, he suddenly disappeared from where he was standing, reappeared in front of a faraway mage, and directly plunged his sword into the grey-robed mage\'s chest.

He disappeared from where he was standing, reappeared behind another mage, and stabbed his chest from behind.

Although blue notifications appeared in front of his eyes informing him of the extraction of wisdom power, he ignored them and continued to kill.

For the next ten seconds, his figure disappeared and reappeared like a ghost and killed all the mages first.

On the other hand, his ten [Ember Needles] also entered some Divine Order members\' bodies, turned them into chaos beings, and killed them.

But what shocked Brooks was that he couldn\'t even concentrate on the battle due to his Inner World being raided by a \'purple human\'!

He let the three Golden Skeletons take care of the fight and entered his Inner World with no other choice. Unlike other necromancers\' worlds, his world was filled with greenery. Although undead monsters, skeletons, and even zombies were roaming here and there, they appeared more like peacemakers.

Some zombies talked to one another like lifelong friends, and many showed human emotions. If someone looked into Brooks\' Inner World, they would find many houses, huts, and treehouses in the woods.

Rather than the power of death, what appeared in his Inner World was full of life.

It was not his fault, though. He was an honest peacekeeper during the Ancient Era, but the invasion of the Lawful Gods changed everything. Humans and other races like Derios, Dwarfs, and Vampires entered the Edhen World and started their massacre. They killed Brooks\' family and friends and even enslaved them. His nature magic was useless against those Divine Blessed humans.

Thankfully, his teacher gave him hope at that time and introduced a new path.

It was a path of necromancy. Brooks knew nothing much about necromancy during that time and always thought of it as evil sorcery. But when he heard from his teacher that he could use necromancy to rescue his family members\' and friends\' souls, he agreed to his request.

However, he did not abandon the power of nature and life. Instead, he fused the path of necromancy with nature and life and turned his soul into a personal domain.

By doing so, he skipped the process of turning himself into a pure Lich and remained human.

However, he suffered a severe backlash from UnderWorld and was left half-crippled. Unlike the true Lich, he could only borrow a limited amount of death power from the underworld and also lost the power of immortality.

After becoming a unique necromancer, he battled countless invaders and resisted them along with all of the other survivors.

At the same time, he also saved the captured souls of his family members and friends and turned them into undead beings. After that, he sent them to his unique soul domain and let them live there peacefully.

Indeed, the undead skeletons and zombies were not some random undead created through his imagination but his family and friends!

Brooks appeared in the sky a second later and stared at the purple human with a shocked face.

But before he could open his mouth, the purple Charles suddenly opened his arms wide and started casting [Fire Seed] and [Knowledge Seeker] spells.

"Don\'t you dare!" Brooks roared, creating a 40-meter long undead dragon out of thin air, and waved his hand.

Meanwhile, the undead dragon let out a roar, opened its mouth, and released a chaotic flame breath at the Purple Charles.

But Purple Charles raised his hand, shot out a dense purple flame ray, and destroyed the incoming flame without much difficulty.

Then, he made a mocking grin and uttered.

"Let\'s start."

Simultaneously, he started casting more spells and releasing them in all directions.

Purple flames shot out from the humanoid purple Charles and swept into every part of his mind, burning the trees, plants, and even the sand. Some rays flew towards the undead zombies and skeletons and started burning their bodies.

Thankfully, they weren\'t made of memories but from the bones of real skeletons. So, the damage to Brooks\' friends and family members was minimal.

Still, the purple flame enveloped their souls and started erasing some of their memories too.

At that moment, Brooks noticed that his entire Inner World was burning non-stop and turned pale.

What stunned him most was that some of his precious memories were being disappeared one by one.

Finally, without no other choice, Brooks created more undead beasts like dragons and wyverns and started confronting Purple Charles.

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