This Way of Transmigration Is Definitely Wrong!

Chapter 13-14

It was not that he wanted to be kind or anything, he offered because the man standing in front of him was covered in injuries. Some of the wounds was so deep that one could see the bone while some of the wounds were still bleeding. Shui Ruoshan could smell a thick stench of blood just by taking a step closer (to YSY), causing him to not able to handle the sight.

Even though the concerned party doesn’t seem to care about his injuries, Shui Ruoshan felt it on his behalf. Because when he thought of himself who would frown the whole day from just getting an injection, then he looked at the man whose body was covered in wounds; large and small, just a look at Yin Suye make him felt painful.

At that moment, he could imagine how much pain Yin Suye has suffered and how it hurts!


Yin Suye took a few second glances at Shui Ruoshan, he(YSY) seemed to be puzzled why the other person showed a painful expression despite not injured at all.

"A heads-up first, I’m not very proficient in using Incantation so I can’t guarantee the effect."

What ’not very proficient’1SRS is laughing at his own words? He was simply nothing but a newbie ah!

Shui Ruoshan began to recall carefully of the introduction for Incantation in his novel.

As long as one possessed enough spiritual power and could understand Chinese characters, one could use Incantation without any restrictions and limit. You can defend, can attack, can heal, can assist...

Incantation could be said to be a very comprehensive ability.

However, judging from the fact that he became incredibly exhausted from just writing a four-stroke Chinese character (反) to reverse the master-servant contract, it means his spiritual powers were almost used up. On the other hand, that also means with his current spiritual powers, it is not a problem to write characters under 4 strokes.

But the same thing cannot be said to characters over 4 strokes. Even though Incantation was a powerful ’golden finger’ he purposely created for the protagonist, there must be flaws as well.

Otherwise, which such a big golden finger, the protagonist would be invincible and he could conquer the world just like that. Then this story would be concluded directly, and this author will not be able to earn money to feed himself through writing novels!

All in all, there must be a restriction/limit in using Incantation.

If the casting failed, the backlash would bite back at the Incantation master and caused the caster’s spiritual power to suffer damage too. The consequences would be very serious if one overestimated their capabilities and used Incantation more than what their spiritual power could support. Light damage would be damaging or ruining their spiritual space2Probably the space that stores one spiritual power, while the heavier damage would be becoming a vegetable or be dead straight away.

That’s why when he faced the wolves earlier, it wasn’t that he doesn’t want to use Incantation to save himself, but at that critical moment he couldn’t find any Chinese characters that could help him yet contained simple strokes at the same time.

Facing a pack of wolves that doesn’t speak logic, Shui Ruoshan couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment; that led him into a life crisis. In the end, he still relied on Yin Suye to save him.

The current clear-headed Shui Ruoshan will never admit that he actually forgot to react because he was frightened by the wolves. At most, he will only admit that he couldn’t find a suitable counterattack method. Later he must explain it properly to Yin Suye to clear his own good name.

Right now, he must brainstorm a bit to decide which Chinese character he could use to heal Yin Suye.


Cure, Treat , Therapy , Recover , Heal , Whole , Healthy , Restore , Return , Good ...

[Banana : Can you guys guess which one SRS will choose? ]

All these characters should have healing effect. There were a lot of words to choose from but even the simplest one required 6 strokes! He can’t find a synonym under the 4 strokes! This is the first time he realized that his literature level is so poor.

His knowledge is too narrow and his cultural knowledge is too low!

"Don’t be stubborn if you don’t have enough strength."

Yin Suye understood very well of the restrictions of Incantation. Looking at Shui Ruoshan’s condition at the moment, he immediately understood the reason and spoke out to prevent the man from a self-torment brainstorming.

"I can try!"

Upon hearing Yin Suye saying he don’t need for his help, Shui Ruoshan felt embarrassed instead. No matter how one sees it, part of Yin Suye’s wounds came from saving him just now so he can’t justify standing by the side not doing anything and used ’lack of ability’ as an excuse!

Actually he shouldn’t limit his choices to characters below 4 strokes, that would simply give him nothing to choose from. Though he felt exhausted after writing a character with 4 strokes, that doesn’t mean it was his limit. Perhaps he can take this opportunity to challenge characters with a bit more strokes.

Like Nike said, ’Just do it’. Shui Ruoshan browsed for the most suitable word in his mind, finally picking one with the least amount of strokes and also the simplest one to write. Then using his finger, he started writing in the air with utmost concentration...

When he reached the 4th stroke, Shui Ruoshan could feel that his spiritual power dropping and doesn’t have much left but it was not really empty yet, so he pushed forward to continue to the 5th stroke.

As he was writing the 6th stroke, Shui Ruoshan’s hand began to tremble and fine sweat started to gather at his forehead. This was a sign that his spiritual power is about to finish.

However, Shui Ruoshan’s action doesn’t show any sign of stopping. Clenching his teeth, he stretched his nerves taut and mobilized the last of his spiritual power to complete the last stroke.

"Whole! (合)"

After confirming that the Incantation has been successfully written, Shui Ruoshan doesn’t have any extra energy to see if it worked. With his last effort, he threw the Incantation towards Yin Suye. Then his eyes shut down, and fainted dead away....

Raw Word Count : 1564


#DidYouGuysManagedToGuessWhichCharacterSRSGonnaUse ?





Banana: Guys, please read this also. Translators totally appreciate comments but they don’t appreciate demanding comments like ’Please update’ or ’Update soon’ when they were really posting according to schedule and were not late at all.

These comments make us feel like we are lazy and that we only posted once every 3 months. Please don’t do that. I will delete it the next time I see someone posting similar comment in my translations.

On the other hand, please take note that I’ll be posting new chapter 2 times a week, every Tuesday and Friday.

这穿越方式绝逼不对!Chapter zero one four - Rebirth

The moment Shui Ruoshan fainted, Yin Suye who was leaning motionless against the wall instantly moved and supported the man. Although his injuries were not completely healed, majority of them recovered; it was easier for him to move now.

Looking down at the fainted little guy, all kinds of emotions flickered in Yin Suye’s heterochromia eyes...

Reaching out his hands, he touched the neck of the man in his arms. Fortunately, this person only fell into deep sleep from exhausting his spiritual power, and didn’t suffer any backlash from the Incantation. He will recover after he rested a bit more.

But after Yin Suye confirmed Shui Ruoshan’s health, he didn’t take back his hand which was on the man’s neck. Instead, he gently stroke back and forth. Seemed like by doing so, he could clearly feel the warm blood flowing slowly inside the blood vessels hidden under the skin. A bloody fierce light instantly emerged from Yin Suye’s eyes, and his body also emitted a faint dark aura...

He liked this position (of his hand) because just by exerting a bit more strength, he would be able to easily take away someone’s life. This kind of feeling, that one could hold a complete control of someone’s life was very addictive. He doesn’t want to let go, and not willing to let go either!

After a moment though, Yin Suye regained control of his emotions. The blood red light faded from his eyes, so did the black aura from his body. However, his gaze looking at Shui Ruoshan didn’t calm down and became more and more complicated instead. The emotions contained in his eyes were so strong that it was scary.

What he need to do, the most important thing that he need to do was to contemplate properly.

Actually he was not the original Yin Suye, but still Yin Suye; contradictory yet correct. Because he was reborn from the future, the Hell that doesn’t have any bright light in it. The original him has perished in the future.

He doesn’t understand why he would suddenly returned to the past after death; reborn back to the changing point of his fate. To be specific, it was that point where a disagreement erupted between ’him’ and Huang Beichen and they parted ways.

He reborn and came back from the future.

Although it was a pity that he didn’t manage to encounter the Huang Beichen who was relatively weak right now; strangling the danger in its cradle, but to be able to get one more chance to come back, he had the higher advantage already. This time, the him who has already mastered the skills of the next few decades, he won’t repeat the tragic mistakes from his past life.

Also because he was just reborn, he haven’t have the time to figure things out. That was why he didn’t instantly notice there was someone hiding inside a cave.

If Shui Ruoshan heard this name of Huang Beichen, he will surely tell you that Huang Beichen is the protagonist of this story and at the same time, the destined Son of this world.

Unfortunately, Yin Suye doesn’t know about this. He was still recalling his experiences from his past life. He remembered that he killed those people who framed him in the past. After angering Huang Beichen away, he met with the same pack of wolves which came out (from the forest) to feed. Only after a difficult battle, he managed to break open the barrier and found the treasures inside the cave.

There was absolutely no other people appearing in the middle of this scene.

As for this person Shui Ruoshan, no matter from his past life, current life or in the future, he has never heard of this name before.

This random person that he has never contacted before, who should not even appear in his life, why would he suddenly appear out of nowhere from the cave that he was about to get the treasures? Was it all a coincidence? Or conspiracy?

Because this person has too many mysteries and uncertainties, Yin Suye did not hesitate to release an unrelenting destruction upon Shui Ruoshan the first moment they met.

To him, Shui Ruoshan was a variable; he doesn’t know whether he’s a good one or bad one!

Raw Word Count : 1112


#ILoveToKnowWhatMLIsAlwaysThinking :3






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