So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 1245 - My Story

Chapter 1245: My Story

That is to say, the person who had stolen the jade must have had a close relationship with Elder You’s people, but it was unknown why they wanted to break up the relationship between Yang Ming and Lan Ling.

This was also a matter that Yang Ming couldn’t understand. Is there a connection between Elder You and the mysterious boss who is always against me? Or, are these two people actually the same person?

The possibility of being connected was higher. The possibility of them being one person was relatively little. They may be a group, or they may be cooperating based on common interests. Yang Ming could only make such a speculation.

As for Yun Guangdou’s underlings assassinating Yang Ming with voodoo, Yang Ming thought it was Elder You. But after questioning Ma Xiaoyao, or Uncle Ma, the guard of Red Flag High School, Yang Ming learned that Yun Guangdou sent someone to assassinate him due to personal hatred. It had nothing to do with Elder You.

This was a bit dramatic.

However, Yang Ming believed that the real hatred between himself and Elder You came when he had seized Chen Afu and destroyed his so-called “Sinister Voodoo.” This made Elder You hate his guts. This was why Lan Ling sent Zhang Zhishen to protect Yang Ming.

Including when Zhang Bing was assaulted in the jewelry company, the facts showed that Yun Guangdou was the culprit after investigation. Yun Guangdou’s hatred with Yang Ming could be due to Sun Jie.

However, Yun Guangdou wasn’t really a worthwhile opponent for Yang Ming to make a move on his own, and he was far worse than Elder You and the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss.

However, this Yun Guangdou nearly killed Yang Ming when he got ruthless. If it weren’t for Ma Xiaoyao, and Uncle Ma saving him in time, Yang Ming would most likely be dead and reborn into his past life to pursue girls.

As for the fat and thin people, Hei Shu and Feng Dao, who he encountered at the airport and fought against in Hong Kong, until the appearance of Wu Ming and the conspiracy to destroy the brake system of Bao Sanli and Hou Zhenhan, etc., now it seemed these were nothing.

These people were all Wang Xiaoyan’s men, and now they had become Yang Ming’s men. These people targeted Yang Ming because he exposed them hiding weapons at the airport when he first got his special abilities. Therefore, he formed a hatred with them.

Never mind the little conflicts in between. The first time Yang Ming engaged the behind-the-scenes boss should be in Macau, and it was the time when Yang Ming met Wang Xiaoyan. However, the behind-the-scenes boss was actually targeting Wang Xiaoyan instead of Yang Ming, and then Yang Ming saved Wang Xiaoyan by coincidence. Only after that did Yang Ming learn of the existence of the behind-the-scenes boss after getting some clues.

Was it because Yang Ming interfered with the behind-the-scenes boss to assassinate Wang Xiaoyan that brought hatred to himself? However, Yang Ming did not feel that was it. He always thought that the behind-the-scenes boss seemed to be targeting himself!

Although the behind-the-scenes boss also sent a death warrior into Wang Xiaoyan’s villa, intending to kill Wang Xiaoyan, Yang Ming was also in Wang Xiaoyan’s villa. Yang Ming wasn’t sure whether the behind-the-scenes boss was against him or Wang Xiaoyan. Who was the primary and the secondary?

The conspiracy of the behind-the-scenes boss did not succeed, but it could be said that Yang Ming failed this time because he didn’t find any valuable information from the death warrior.

Yang Ming used all his techniques, but he couldn’t deal with the death warrior because she was a person without thoughts. She was indifferent no matter what Yang Ming did to her. In the end, he let her commit suicide in front of him without getting anything valuable.

Behind the death warrior, there was the shadow of the behind-the-scenes boss. Yang Ming wasn’t too sure, but his guess was pretty close. Yang Ming also considered this as the second official encounter with the behind-the-scenes boss.

The third time would be the jewelry exhibition. Previously, Yang Ming was still wondering why the jewelry association would hand over all their rights to Ming Yang Security. Now it seemed that the behind-the-scenes boss bribed the seniors of the association, then they performed the show of stealing jewelry in the night!

However, this also indirectly showed that the behind-the-scenes boss had a robust network and financial support! The jewelry he placed in the exhibition were all rare and valuable treasures. If they were stolen, it wouldn’t be strange for Yang Ming to lose money.

Yang Ming also obtained some very valuable clues from the captured black-shirted man. The clue was that after the black-shirted man stole the jewelry, he would go to Zheng Shaopeng in Macau. This was a crucial clue; it also indirectly proved that the black-shirted man and Zheng Shaopeng were allies, and they must work for the same behind-the-scenes boss.

The only valuable thing on his body was that mobile phone, but this mobile phone was encrypted. Yang Ming didn’t know if Zhou Jiajia had cracked it. It should not be cracked yet; if it were cracked, Zhou Jiajia would have contacted him in the first place.

This third encounter was obviously targeted at Yang Ming! The jewelry exhibition and Ming Yang Company had nothing to do with Wang Xiaoyan. The only person who would suffer a loss would only be Yang Ming himself.

This made Yang Ming somewhat puzzled. The behind-the-scenes boss planned such a big event just because I prevented him from assassinating Wang Xiaoyan in Macau.

Or was the behind-the-scenes boss originally targeting me?

But in any case, this behind-the-scenes boss was a very informed person! Not many people knew that Yang Ming was the behind-the-scenes boss of Ming Yang. If he weren’t someone who knew Yang Ming very well, he wouldn’t know.

The behind-the-scenes boss knew this which indirectly explained the problem. That was the behind-the-scenes boss should be watching him closely at every second.

Then, the fourth time made Yang Ming feel more confused. If this time, the betrayal of the Tian Family, the Sui Family, Liu Chan, and Qu Daming was supported and planned by the behind-the-scenes boss, then Yang Ming couldn’t understand it.

Did Sun Jie’s family hinder the behind-the-scenes boss? What was the benefit for the behind-the-scenes boss for helping Tian Long to take the position? Although Liu Chan and Qu Daming became the company’s corrupted staff, they were quickly discovered. Even if they were not found very quickly, it wouldn’t impact Yang Ming much to let them stay in the company and hollow out Ming Yang Entertainment.

Compared to the money in the hands of Yang Ming, these were just some small funds. Since the behind-the-scenes boss understood Yang Ming, he should be very clear that Yang Ming had a large deposit outside. The actions of Liu Chan and Qu Daming wouldn’t hurt Yang Ming much.

Even if Sui Yuejin hired people to kill Bao Sanli and Hou Zhenhan, it was just losing two assistants for Yang Ming. Yang Ming would be sad, but it absolutely couldn’t touch his foundation!

On the matters in Donghai, Yang Ming had a good relationship with Sun Jie, but what was the fundamental significance of Tian Long taking over the Sun Family?

Yeah …Yang Ming suddenly remembered Tian Long’s call… Tian Long asked to meet up! So, can this be a conspiracy of the behind-the-scenes boss?

Perhaps, the behind-the-scenes boss used the condition of helping Tian Long to take the position to have Tian Long use this kind of soft tactic and let me fall into Tian Long’s trap. Then Tian Long will hand me over to the behind-the-scenes boss after capturing me?

This reason seems reasonable, but can Tian Long capture with his power? If the behind-the-scenes boss can’t do anything to me, how can Tian Long capture me?

This made Yang Ming feel a little confused, but if there must be an explanation, it was also possible that Tian Long was going to set him up. After he met Yang Ming, he would use drugs to control Yang Ming.

Perhaps, the behind-the-scenes boss really has no way to deal with me. He just tries to support Tian Long, hoping that Tian Long will be able to deal with me? Now, there is only this explanation.

However, the behind-the-scenes boss would never have imagined that Tian Long’s son, Tian Donghua, was a very loyal friend who told Yang Ming of his father’s plot. In fact, even if he didn’t tell Yang Ming, Yang Ming wouldn’t fall for it easily.

After being framed by Wang Zhitao once, would Yang Ming simply eat and drink in an unfamiliar place? As for other possibilities, Tian Long was unlikely to succeed with Yang Ming’s vigilance.

Probably, the behind-the-scenes boss had to give it a shot.

After sorting out his thoughts, although Yang Ming was still a bit confused, Yang Ming still got a conclusion from it.

Elder You and the behind-the-scenes boss should be in a cooperative relationship. Elder You was targeting me. There should be no mistakes. Firstly, it was because I messed up his cultivation; secondly, it was because of my special relationship with Lan Ling.

However, the style of doing these things was obviously the behind-the-scenes boss’ style, not the style of Elder You. Therefore, Yang Ming couldn’t figure out how he offended the behind-the-scenes boss.

I didn’t seem to offend the other’s interests.

“Yang Ming, what are you thinking about?” Jing Xiaolu parked the car in front of the cinema and saw Yang Ming standing there in a daze. She felt a bit puzzled, so she called out to him.

Oh ?” Yang Ming came back from his thoughts and looked at Jing Xiaolu by him. He suddenly had a sense of security. There were no more disputes during the calm night. This made Yang Ming feel that it was very rare.

Yang Ming was still in a conflict to watch a movie with Jing Xiaolu, but after thinking he had to bother about the Sun Family and the Sun Family’s matter tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Yang Ming suddenly felt that he should appreciate the peaceful moment.

Bi Hai and Ge Xinyao also parked their vehicle. The security guard in the parking lot could hardly imagine that the people from the two vehicles were actually in the same group. One was a BMW X5 with a bad*ss car plate; the other was a broken minivan.

After the people in the two cars got off, they really walked together. They seemed to be very familiar with each other from their expressions.

Yang Ming and Bi Hai stood aside while Ge Xinyao took Jing Xiaolu to buy movie tickets. Ge Xinyao really got it right; the movie theater was really playing the Ice Age.

Jing Xiaolu wanted to pay the money, but Ge Xinyao paid before her. She could still afford such money. How would she let Jing Xiaolu pay?

“Just let me pay… It’s not easy for you and Brother Hai. I am working now!” Jing Xiaolu said awkwardly.

“Didn’t Sister Xinyao always treat previously?” Ge Xinyao smiled. “You should keep your little salary for your grandmother to see the doctor.”

Jing Xiaolu no longer insisted as Ge Xinyao said this. After buying the tickets, they called Yang Ming and Bi Hai, then they went into the cinema. Only after they got in did Yang Ming learn that Ge Xinyao bought a couple’s ticket; it was even the type with small booths. Obviously, Ge Xinyao misunderstood the relationship between Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu.

Yang Ming had no way around it. He couldn’t explain more in front of Ge Xinyao, and he couldn’t even change the ticket. He could only sit in the couple booth with Jing Xiaolu.

Fortunately, the space in this booth was very large, so the two people wouldn’t be squeezed together.

“Do you think Ge Xinyao and Bi Hai will keep misunderstanding?” Yang Ming glanced at Jing Xiaolu.

“She keeps misunderstanding; I can’t do anything about it!” Jing Xiaolu shrugged. “Are you going to explain to them now? Then, I will lose face…”

“Explain what?” Yang Ming said, “I won’t bother to explain it!”

Jing Xiaolu smiled.

“You seem to have something on your mind. What happened? Can you talk to me?” Jing Xiaolu also saw that Yang Ming was somewhat uneasy today. This wasn’t the usual Yang Ming.

After Yang Ming took a few calls, Jing Xiaolu felt that Yang Ming had something important. On the one hand, she was curious. On the other hand, Jing Xiaolu also wanted to share some of Yang Ming’s load. It was best if she could help him out with some ideas, so she could show Yang Ming a different side of her.

“Do you really want to hear?” Yang Ming turned his head and looked at Jing Xiaolu’s clear eyes that didn’t seem to be fake, so he asked.

En , I know I may not be able to help you, but if you say it, I can help you get some ideas.” Jing Xiaolu nodded very seriously.

“Actually, I have a lot of secrets, and what I usually do is also very dangerous.” Yang Ming sighed slightly. “Although I can protect myself, I still have no ability to protect the women around me…”

Having said that, Yang Ming smiled self-deprecatingly. “Am I very useless?”

“Not at all.” Jing Xiaolu did not understand why Yang Ming would suddenly say that. “I feel that being your woman is a very blessed thing. I’m telling the truth; I swear!”

Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu’s appearance, and he was helpless. He naturally knew that Jing Xiaolu was telling the truth, but Jing Xiaolu wasn’t really involved in Yang Ming’s world. When she really got involved, she would know the danger in it.

For example, Wang Kejin came to assassinate Yang Ming and his girlfriend. If it were one of Yang Ming’s other women instead of Wang Xiaoyan, who was an assassin too, she would probably be dead.

Therefore, Yang Ming was touched because of this. The reason why Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu talked about this was that of the things he thought of in the car before. Yang Ming was touched at the moment, and he had many questions in his heart. It was very uncomfortable to keep it in his heart, but he couldn’t find the right person to talk to.

At this time, when Yang Ming encountered difficulties, he would go to Sun Jie for consultation and advice, but now Sun Jie was under house arrest by Tian Long. Moreover, Sun Jie was a very strong woman; even if she were not under house arrest, Yang Ming also didn’t want to show his weakness in front of her.

In addition to Sun Jie and Wang Xiaoyan, there was still Su Ya, who was far away from him. Jing Xiaolu was most probably the person who knew the most about him.

“If I said that you would be in danger of being assassinated at any time by being with me, will you still be like this?” Yang Ming asked suddenly.

Ah ?” Jing Xiaolu was a little surprised, and her little hand couldn’t help but cover her mouth! Being assassinated? This was a problem that Jing Xiaolu never thought of. These things were far from the life of Jing Xiaolu. When Jing Xiaolu was suddenly asked by Yang Ming, Jing Xiaolu was suddenly astounded.

“You… are kidding, right…” Jing Xiaolu laughed. “Even if you don’t like me, there is no need to scare me…”

“I didn’t scare you; I’m telling the truth.” Yang Ming took a deep breath and said solemnly, “My opponent is far more ferocious than you think, and he always wants to kill me.”

The couple’s booth was very soundproof. When Yang Ming said these words, he also noticed the movements on both sides of the booth. Ge Xinyao and Bi Hai were having intimate moments with each other, so they naturally did not pay attention to the situation with Yang Ming and Jing Xiaolu.

The other side of the booth had no one, so Yang Ming only said so much to Jing Xiaolu. On the one hand, he wanted to find someone to talk to. On the other hand, he also wanted to let Jing Xiaolu understand that it was very dangerous to be with him.

Jing Xiaolu covered her mouth and widened her eyes. She looked at Yang Ming for a long time, shocked; she seemed to be digesting the news. After a long time, Jing Xiaolu said four words, “I am not afraid!”

At Jing Xiaolu’s answer, Yang Ming was really a little dumbfounded. He said so much, but he got Jing Xiaolu’s “I am not afraid” in return. However, Yang Ming was very touched by Jing Xiaolu’s dedication.

A girl could be so infatuated to the point that she didn’t treat this relationship as one with a purpose. Yang Ming initially thought that the reason why Jing Xiaolu wanted to be with him and even wanted to let him keep her as his mistress was completely due to the temptation of worshipping the strong and money.

After all, Yang Ming’s image of Jing Xiaolu was a girl who loved vanity. In fact, although Jing Xiaolu’s feelings for Yang Ming were a kind of love at first sight, it was purposeful initially. But now, Jing Xiaolu found that Yang Ming had another charm in his personality which attracted her so that she couldn’t help herself.

“Would you like to hear my story?” Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiaolu and sighed slightly. Regarding the clues that I have just sorted out, I indeed need someone to give advice to me. Undoubtedly, Jing Xiaolu is now the best choice!

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